Intro to web development with Brian Holt, and a fresh start

Intro to web development with Brian Holt, and a fresh start

I’ve been studying VR a lot lately, and all I can think about is learning web development from Brian. I could take this time off but I really want to dig deeper in my understanding of things I don’t know about and that’s a lot of things.

There’s an open source github project built by Brian Holt, and in this intro, Brian reviews “Introduction to Web Development” course agenda. Here he offers this link, I enjoy learning from others, and blogging about what I learn as a form of learning.

Keep watching you will see there’s passion here. I’m glad to be taking this course from Brian Holt. If you look here at his twitter, you can already see there’s a wealth of knowledge to learn from Brian and Brian alone. My best mate told me this is the direction to start based on the direction I want to go.

Ideally the next few days/months/forever I will be focused on learning full stack engineering and digging more into two open source projects I’m working on with my mates. One is a web application that does task scheduling, we call it… here you can read about it on Yahoo Finance. In beta we have a visualization product and data hub, next is a python web app that was built by a mentor. I don’t know if I can name this mentor right now, I’ll ask later today.

The python web app, imo, feels like (extract transform load, also called data warehousing i some instances) in 2030 based on the first demo I got. Eager to dig into this one in the public light too.

Back to Brian Holt…

“I love to teach. It’s a challenging task that forces you to peel back all the knowledge you’ve gained.”
– Brian Holt

If I was to read this without this course being recommended, I may reconsider, I don’t like learning from teachers, or trainers. I prefer learning from people who are deep in their professional career and imho – much older than me or someone close to same age. It’s not to say they don’t know tech in younger generations, I’m merely saying if internet was already existing when you were born, then you’re behind the older people I’m talking about and always will be and there’s no way around that because that’s how time and experiences work. I view experiences are greater than time, and Brian has a lot of time, experiences, and I’ll be first to say something is bad, but this isn’t bad. I hope you open this book with me. Brian is really beyond a trainer and has been crushing in this realm long enough that it’s important to get this one under thy belt immediately and tell others too. It’s better to do these in a group.

He’s open, transparent, and explains why he’s doing this because it’s all open source. You can’t beat open source and honesty, with some incentive to make it good, you have yourself a solid course. (which is recommended by my best friend, who I view to be the best full stack engineer in texas, maybe he isn’t, but imho he is and that’s why I hire him first when I’m in need of a full stack engineer, in process of hiring him I’ve learned that there’s a depth to him that goes beyond being a wizard, more on him later)

I was really pumped up after reading more and hearing him talk, finding his twitter. Gave him a shout out, to which he replied…

Damn i need a shirt of this one. That would be rad. i’ll do it when i complete the course.yee.

Brian suggests, “You should be able to skip lessons you know. However the review can be helpful.” For me, I want to build a foundation of skills and anything I can do to learn from the vocabulary of someone like Brian, is a good opportunity.

If you want to start this course with me, please be sure to get a twitter, add me and add a post with @itylergarrett to tell me you’re starting this bootcamp zero to hero lets kick some ass in the full stack engineering realm of the world kind of thing this sentence could have ended sooner.

I will follow you and help you on this journey. 214-971-9869, we got this mate, and you now have my personal cellphone number for whenever you get lost. We can chat there, and figure out a time to zoom. If this is uncomfortable, imagine how I feel right now lol.

That’s the goal with a lot of this writing for me personally is to keep moving it more towards live generation of content, and also live generation of learning content while I’m learning. More to come on this topic.

Thanks for reading, best, T.

I’m technical but I don’t know all things tech.

I’m technical but I don’t know all things tech.

Being the most technical person in the room is a cool thing and saying the word algorithm, equally cool.

Knowing a lot about technology is usually a .01% outlier situation and you earn a lot of money if you’re diligent.

What I’m saying is it’s often that people learning technology are outliers themself or will become one in the future. An outlier like someone who may know a lot about technology or expected to know a lot about tech.

Imagine the population VS the amount of people who know web development or could buy a website, host the website, deploy wordpress, and blog.

I have a feeling there’s not even a blip on the bell shape curve having our data.

Speaking of data, I just mentioned some and would feel weird if I didn’t paste the information below in this blog too.

Population 7,917,781,716… compared to most I’m extremely technical and so are you because the amount of users on this website are extremely small.

You have access to a device that connects online, and you figure out how to get here. This makes you rather genius level compared to most people.

Births today 119,489
Deaths today 50,164
Births this year 887,084
Deaths this year 372,419

As we pass through life in this boolean trajectory of living or dead, we are granted the luxury of options to live many paths. Options they say are leading to less and less satisfaction. I’ve learned the ability to have a choice is always a let down because no matter what you do it will never live up to the expectations when you first assumed it was the right choice. Having a thousand toothpastes to pick from is actually a negative thing for our brains, and having the illusion of choices is another fascinating thing we can get into later. (like big business involvement in politics, and the illusion that we are picking a candidate, thankful bernie sanders woke my eyes to the problem, we will save that for another blog, and try to keep the woke stuff offline for now)

Dead or alive, during one state of this boolean transaction is whether you grasp technology or not.

You can tell your kids to stop playing with the technology and later watch them become a career IT professional because they ignored your dumb wisdom.

I’m not saying screen time is healthy, but what I’m saying is there will come a time that your child can handle screen time and it not destroy everything you’ve worked hard to help them with… like taking a breath, meditating, and communicating without a tantrum. Study shows there’s some specific ages that should be considered before giving a child blue light, screen time, etc. and I’m lucky my wife was able to do this research and help our child escape this paradigm we both faced due to there being not a lot of studies/information to explain the negative side effects of screen time.

Parenting tip… your kid could be a huge introvert and they feel better after gaming.

Your child is trying to gain energy. Introverts recharge when they are alone. Just because they are surrounded by other gamers doesn’t mean they are socializing positive or negative, it just means they are completely alone and have an option to shut everyone up. These floating objects are not just people, they are technology, and they are given features to live in this sea of humans, abstractly alone or in a tiny squad.

If your kid is happier when they game, let them game, and let them learn to communicate with other humans.

Let them escape, let them game, let them get into technology.

One day, your kid will be the smartest person in the building, in a square mile, or in the state. Give them the chance of getting there in a fashion that progresses them positively.

Before I go deep on gaming and advice, let me say…

I feel online gaming, is a joke right now, and all the big companies are streaming your children voices so they can get smarter at making better games and essentially earn more money off your children. They want them on the machine longer, using their apps, devices, etc.

They don’t stream this information to find toxic people, killers, rapists, murders, and rather they just trying to sell the data to marketing firms and shit like that. Go ahead and try to find the team responsible for adopting AI/ML in voice communication technology across Oculus Quest 2 applications to ensure we are finding toxic users. Notice you will find zero roles available.

I know from empirical observations having question people who work at these companies directly. The executives, people who are not executives, and many layers of this political structure I’ve talked to them directly. Gaming is really toxic from end to end. Each of them know there’s a lot of toxicity there too.

Toxicity lives in gaming, and natively easy to walk around.

However kids who can figure out how to escape the toxic people are finding themselves in virtual friendships with technology experts like myself. The world itself is rather toxic when you stop trying to make everything sound pretty, cute and nice. Gaming was an experiment, which is now hardened technology, voice and AI/ML are just now being improvised for these solutions, and it’s becoming a profession over the past decade in every country around the world. Just be aware there’s not a lot of parental control happening.

Also, if your kids stay up at all nights trying to get after this gaming system, be sure they are exercising during the day because staying up until 7am gaming in your closet to avoid getting in trouble is extremely unhealthy and your kids will start to go crazy.

Sure, screens are cool and many devices are fun.

However wait until it’s an appropriate time. Cramming VR in your 4 or 5 year olds face because you’re a lazy fuck who saw it on sell at costco VS getting them something for their imagination that may require you parenting VS 35 year olds like myself parenting your children online while I enjoy some gaming time.

As you crush through life, from age X to Y, we become computer adverse or computer smart. We get computers to work for us or we become the end users of the things that are created for you.

Device usage is an interesting thought. Let’s talk about it.

Being the most technical person in the room isn’t always the best. It means you’re not going to be told you’re wrong very much. People will agree with you because you’re that person. However are you really that person for all things technology?

I am really good on computers, mobile and even figuring out a remote on a TV… Don’t ask me to do that. I’m not sure the UX compared to iphone1 and would rather google it than figure it out. In computer world, I’m good at figuring it out and have done it so much that it’s second nature to debug. A tv remote, buzz off the shit keeps changing.

Same with devices.

I’m a solution architect, I write kick ass SQL, and I have a degree in database tech. I design and build tableau dashboards. It’s rare people who design also develop in the products they are designing for but that’s just a competitor outlier that I use to be successful with my business compared to competitors. It’s really a business strategy to bring people into the fold that already have a lot of design experience or “obvious willingness to learn better design practices” and clearly has an eye for being a good designer. Design in a dashboard is not just the shade, also you design the solution and architect with your words, wireframes, code, etc. and this is the tip of the spear.

But I’m not a front end developer who just picked up nodejs on a weekend break. No, I studied sql, the end to end need for acid compliant solutions, and the why, why, how for information systems. You can check Tyler Garrett’s Education on his Linkedin account.

The fact that I’ve got this information systems degree often means “i’m somehow responsible for knowing everything in technology” like how to record tv shows…

I can’t record a TV show or figure out where it’s stored, and if my life depended on it, I’d ask the person with the gun if I can google. The UX on recording a show has changed so much and because I never gave a damn when my mom handed me the remote and made the request, I found that not knowing this tech was important to lower the amount of work needed to do something I felt was virtually unnecessary given I’m downloading whatever shows I want via torrents at the time. I swear, I don’t touch this shite now, I don’t need to download a virus, and also I can afford to be more than a pirate.

Amazed woman in pirate costume and pendant with decorative skull holding vintage glass and bottle of booze

Maybe it’s me going mental ya? (probably)

Maybe it’s a mental condition you generate as you progress in technology (probably).

Often people assume you know something or probably good at knowing something, and then they go and say a few set of words, or phrases, that generate a need to learn 6months of technology in 6hrs. So much for a short email.

Having an information systems degree means I can figure out anything in technology and understand why a lot of this technology is necessary. I learned to code, networking, front and back, but that doesn’t mean that’s my specialty.

I’m uncomfortable having to tell people that I don’t know something that I use each day, but I do this to set expectations with people who will likely never use the code (recruiters).

Modern opened laptop on desk near cup

For example, I’m working on a client engagement right now, I’m using nodejs, gcp, and other things. There is also SQL inside of the solution. The SQL itself lives on a user friend, easy to adopt, … let me just say google drive. We update sql here, this ensures we don’t break the nodejs. (because of this last sentence, someone skimming my resume may think I only understand gcp, nodejs, and maybe it’s the right amount of keywords to bump me into next interview, wtf.)

I’m using this nodejs each day, but it doesn’t mean I’d take a job that’s responsible for utilizing nodejs. That would not be of any benefit to them. They would assume I’d be a master and I’d have to reset expectations and tell them “I’ve never met a master, however if you’re willing to teach me your environment, I’d like to try and become a master”… Or something along those lines.

So the point I’m trying to make is… sure I’m technical, but I don’t know all of the techs. I am interested in learning more about web development, as I’m eager to take a bigger engineer role in our application and imo is in a good place to scale passively. However I don’t want to pretend that I don’t want a kick ass gatsby website. I want to continue to blow this “tableau consulting” world out of the water, and I want to continue to progress my skills in a productive way.

Before last year ended I asked all the top smarties I could get into a zoom, DM, email, and discussed about learning and found one particular bootcamp style + free web development offering by Brian Holt. I’ll be taking this course and reviewing it over the next few days, months, who knows. During that time I’ll also be documenting what I learn and sharing it here.

Have a good day all. Some final thoughts for today.

Knowledge in 2022 is power and the currency is data or your skills to generate alternative currency. Web2 is going fast, appears to be about to burst in most cases, climate change is insanely bad and web3 is funded by web2.

(used pexels for images yo)

Social Media Algorithms and Social Media Algorithm Algorithms

Social Media Algorithms and Social Media Algorithm Algorithms

Okay, I’m open and writing again. Hey, it’s me Tyler Garrett and I own this little website. I’m eager to write more and often I write a lot about algorithms, and how they make me feel. Well in todays blog, here’s some info on twitter. Don’t fret this chatter is only 587 words.

For many years I felt social media was a good sounding board

Social media is a good sound board, however as it grows and expands past 100, and you follow back more than a few Pokemon…

It’s impossible to keep track on a good day.

It’s a good sounding board, from time to time it’s really helpful. But algorithms change, companies change their monetizing plan, and this offers a layer of solutions that are opinionated.

Social media is a good sounding board, but you know me cup half full while writing, Sure it’s a good sound board, HOWEVER the more I study algorithms and see them changed continually, I’m starting to doubt the need for this layer of validation all together.

Algorithm, Algorithms, al·go·rithm

Oxford Dictonary defines algorithm as a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

plural nounalgorithms

Wikie defines algorithm like, in mathematics and computer science, an algorithm (/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (About this soundlisten)) is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation.[1] Algorithms are used as specifications for performing calculationsdata processingautomated reasoningautomated decision-making and other tasks. In contrast, a heuristic is an approach to problem solving that may not be fully specified or may not guarantee correct or optimal results, especially in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or optimal result.[2]

Algorithms on twitter are complicated

Algorithms on twitter are rather complicated if you’re not pumping the bot action and hyper engaging with a lot of humans. You have to do a bit of studying to learn what people are after on twitter.

(After a bit of research) The algorithms expect “short and to the point” content, QUOTES work best, and videos are not that great on Twitter. So I tested it. Based on my research quotes win. All I did was google how to get more traffic on twitter or some variation of the phrase. They say text is best, images help, images with links are good too. However what really stood out was “quotes” are the best. Then I thought, “this is something I’d like, and it’s not saying I’m liking what that person said”… It was a stealthy way of gaining impressions, and if impressions are what you’re after then it’s important to know how to increase these things if you’re after this from a digital marketing perspective.

Quotes… it was interesting because I always made assumptions about how this all works. But as Adelle says, I really sat in my feelings for awhile about how I was feeling about this feel. Then I tested that quote stuff.

Notice this post compared to my other twitter posts.

For me, getting a lot of impressions with someone else’s words isn’t exactly me adding any value to social media…

Social media validation in my mind is a good testing ground for ideas.

  • However what if you don’t consider the algorithm of placing your content in front of people?
  • What if you only post content and never engage on other peoples content?

The algorithm starts to consider your content not quality because you’re not engaging others.

Algorithms consider your content bad if you don’t keep people online and using their app.

Sure, we can tell you what to post, the stats, etc, but what about the other stuff?

Sometimes you may notice your post may POP off. And you may wonder wtf why!?

That’s often due to “the things that work” are not working for you and the algorithms placing it for you doesn’t give a shit.

EXAMPLE on twitter, you don’t want to share a meal you just ate, however you may share that this is the first time you’ve ever done this and burned your hand like a jackass. That’s funny, funny stuff pops off.

People who like your stuff, they don’t want to be known for liking shitty shit or things that could be considered shitty shit. Your shit may not be shitty shit, however the algorithms think you may not be worth the hassle to place you in front of people if you never reply to others, never talk to others, or never chat with your mates on DM.

Chatting with people on DM sends a flare, so does liking peoples shit on twitter. I used to bot this, however it felt greedy, my posts would go mad crazy, and all my good mates on twitter started talking shit about my account.

Unrecognizable man in winter outerwear standing in ice surface of cave

I thought it was interesting, but they didn’t understand how I could say something, and it pops off, and they say something similar and more right, and nothing happens.

This is something to be considered when writing about shit on the internet. The algorithm is aiming to keep you online, and if I’m engaging with your shit, then I’m likely someone you want to see more often too. This is an interesting thing that you can do with pip keyboard python, I’ll share that script in the future here.

Anyways, I was hoping to type more however this isn’t about always making a kick ass long 3k word blog like yesterday. The blog yesterday was about LinkedIn swapping headers and how this could be a negative when people are trying to find comfort in covid. Which really is an interesting thing because a few years before that I was also talking about measles. I should really stop typing about vaccines and get back to the algorithm bs.


Comforting headline by New York Times; “Studies show omicron easier on lung”

Comforting headline by New York Times; “Studies show omicron easier on lung”

Consider the things you do not read, the things you do not care about, and the things you skim and let it sit in your brain for 10 seconds. Close your eyes. Meditate on this topic. At the end, will you remember these objectively?

Okay, pause. Allow me to assume incorrectly.

In my opinion, the authors did not have an intention to cause harm, nor did LinkedIn’s news unstructured text, but it did and here I am.

IMO, readership is important, a quick header that could increase a death of someone should be considered as a negative.

This article header got me thinking…

Are we not considering the negative impacts of unstructured text? I’m not here to blame the authors. They are doing their job so they can make money and feed themselves. Rather, I’m suggesting we look at LinkedIn algorithms, teams, and whom ever allows headlines to happen.

The word easier, generated a lot of ‘feelings’ inside of me. You can’t find the word easier in the phd projects, or the NYT article. So, is this what they meant to do?

I will question things from time to time in this article, we all should question unstructured text, or maybe you rather be a sheep.

What is New York Times after?

Money, ad revenue.

But what about the authors?

For me, a tech person, I have to study before I move forward. I always study the generators of educational content before I consider it something that should be relevant to other people too. Just like you should challenge the people who are seeking to teach you new information. The people teaching you new information, who are they? Are they teachers assistances who are good at teaching this lesson, or do they have real life experiences dealing with this realm of technology? The last thing I need is a “low experienced” but “good teacher” teaching me about “real world” technology. Last thing I need is their vocabulary based logic, that is merely based on scholarly debate, and has nothing to do with the real world outside of college.

The author of the NYT article has no database experience, no data science experience, and the entire study is a massive bunch of information that would require a many gurus to decipher and come up with a headline like “easier”…

I’m sure they try to paint this in their research but if you have ever read a research paper before, you know it takes a lot of depth.

Also, based on this article, they only had help with one guru, and not a team of gurus.

This doesn’t mean this guru was unable to ask other gurus. What it means is I found information and it states one resource helped with the article.

Based on my time in government and enterprise organizations one guru and phd or masters is not as good as two gurus with similar studies under their belt.

So why rush? Does this mean the LinkedIn team rushed and wrote this is easier? Was this algorithm based?

After learning from these PHD papers, nothing easy. Especially these studies. However the sentiment I gain is light hearted.

Giving the guru a couple of days to help write the article is a big ask. I know these deadlines are not realistic to generating high quality solutions. I view all articles as a solution to a problem, thus here we are writing the long article with 3099 words.

What was their initial intention? Did LinkedIn unintentionally change their objective?

The authors, based on my research, work towards writing value-add content, especially the guru on the team. However, has their guru ever been asked to consume a study and help the article within one day of being published? This would require a magician level wizard, and based on my research, they found the perfect person to study the documents. However, was this enough time for them to consume the information?

With most authors of content, there should be a focus, a reason, and overall an objective to generate traffic or at least a few thoughtful conversations. So, I ask myself…

  1. What is their focus?
  2. Is it focused on an increase in traffic?
  3. Should we look at it as if it could cause harm?
  4. Will this cause harm?
  5. Could an authors focus generate harm?

The end users who don’t have the ability to understand the PHD project behind this articles body, or click through to understand more, will be impacted. I’m talking about the casual viewer. The people who don’t have a guru well versed in digging into research documentation. The people who won’t click the article. The top of the pyramid, top of the funnel, and those who have the seed planted that this covid19 stuff is getting better.

What if they take their mask off? Or tell someone who should be wearing a mask, that this is getting easier. They don’t need to click deeper, they got the header.

News headlines are a seed. The seed is planted, right or wrong. Positive, negative, doesn’t matter anymore. The fact that seeds can be planted from a headline edit, can generate emotions, is enough to make my head shake.

Background about me; I personally can not understand the PHD looking projects that are associated to this article, and I tried for many minutes, maybe hours. I have a decade of almost 200 client engagements under my belt, from fortune 2 to fortune whatever. Never pulled up a single PHD paper while working these projects, unless I was researching or implementing machine learning, artificial intelligence, or unstructured text algorithms (which processes text like this….)

Here’s a 14min read about the basics of sentiment analysis I wrote awhile ago, built for a puppy interested in learning about unstructured text analysis from a remedial perspective. I’m not linking so that you read the 14min read, I wouldn’t wish that on any of my tech friends, however I’m not writing to my tech friends/family. I’m writing to everyone else who reads my article.

My goal of explaining about myself, is to encourage “new readers” to continue readership below, not to encourage readers to waste their time learning about sentiment analysis, ugh that could be an incredibly boring 14mins of your life.. However if you want a rabbit hole, or a career, now you understand my writing. Thanks for sticking with it. I study the readers, and often my readers are new users and not returning users. Thanks for baring with my analytical view of my website.

If you’re curious how much time I gave these PHD papers, let me compare myself to the average human.

Technically speaking; I gave myself more time than an average end user who reads a website. I also spent the time to build this content.

How long do users stay on your website? Less than 15 seconds. That’s the average time spent on a website. And that’s how long you have to capture someone’s attention on your website. 

Also, after studying 80k users on 1 of my websites,, I found the average readership is about 1minute exactly. So the fact that I gave this more than 1 minute, makes me a large outlier.

New York Times article may explain this well enough to keep your mask on, however if we consider the pyramid of traffic, the seeds planted at the top level, and the people who can understand the PHD project behind the scenes is likely <.01% of those who are quickly seeing this comforting news headline. I know because I’m looking for a comforting covid19 headline.

To me, there should be enough information above to make you uncomfortable, and if this isn’t uncomfortable logic, I find you to be an interesting human, which is why I blog about content, to help elaborate what I find interesting, uncomfortable, and with hopes that you respond and help me become a better person.

Phd research setting the tone…

This phd project, and many others, are the source of info.

The above phd project link is 6months+ old, yet it’s the first link they share.

What are the chances people only open this link?

Imposter syndrome sets in, and there’s a high chance none of these links will make sense nor will you click on them.

  1. “December 26, 2021”
  2. “December 30, 2021”
  3. “December 26, 2021”

Dec. 31, 2021 NYT released an article…?

The only aspect of the article that helps me feel better and comforted is the fact that someone with a lot of “college education” helped the article move forward. This shows they really care about consuming the content.

She is, Azeen Ghorayshi, an influential writer and scholarly journalist, her name appears on the article. Without her, I believe the entire article would have not have made any logical sense. Thanks to Azeen for making all of this possible and giving me the opportunity to study the puzzle has been very inspiring. I recommend everyone learn about Azeen and her important writings. Nothing is easy about what Azeen can do with this information.

I feel there’s a desire to ‘want comfort’ in covid19, and the way I judge the headline is a negative. This doesn’t mean I view Azeen’s work as a negative, she’s a magician and I’m lucky I didn’t have to pay to learn about her studies. However studying more about Azeen did not make this article more comfortable, and my focus is rather focused on this headline by Linkedin.

With this said, we should not take comfort in covid19, nor should we have articles with headliners that could potentially lead to death. I will dive in below.

If you’re like me, most of the junk you skim past will more than likely be related to “politics and scammy looking bullshit.”

Maybe you’re safe and secure, you click on everything you see, and not dealing with a barrage of content thrown in you information funnels, hats off to you.

Think of a text that says “hello”… What’s the readership of a small message VS a bunch of paragraphs and charts by researchers who are known for researching, not offering understandable data stories to people skimming titles.

Politics and bullshit really get under peoples skin based on my observations, especially me, and often it’s a place I both avoid, and waste a lot of time in the rabbit hole.

The most money I’ve ever lost in a specific time in my life is a time where I was too woke to do anything but try to make a wave online. This eventually taught me about SEO and how little people care about my political views. However, what if it’s a political view, mixed with corporate big tech and unstructured text usage? Okay, that’s right up my alley.

It’s difficult to know if opinions on trends or news are real, given the studies of fake accounts

It’s difficult to know if opinions on trends or news are real, given the studies of fake accounts used to steer online convos, and the obvious BOTNETS being used to build fake accounts, which are boosting online arguments to improve the readership, find & destroy people who disagree with you, and generate a swell of people spending time arguing VS doing something important. I’m not saying arguing is not important, what I’m saying is arguing with a robot is not important.

People arguing are going to focus on this content, they will link to these websites more than people who enjoy the content. People like myself make apps to track “usage” and this is the algorithm trying to find what works best for the users. This trend is for me, and others who care about this strange popular topics.

Hand Touching Glass

Microsoft owns Linkedin… What is their incentive to be the Covid19 sentiment news company?

Microsoft is known for advertising and they have found a way to let it happen on a professional network. Thus politics and non work related content is often found here.

Microsoft bought LinkedIn, you may not know that the biggest computer company in the world owns the biggest professional network in the world, however let this be a good reminder of what’s possible if you have the money.;

Now, move your brain to a world of people using Linkedin and really caring about the headlines, Microsoft’s website, do I need to mention this website is heavily utilized? That’s why microsoft owns LinkedIn.

Microsoft, owner of other news media outlets…

You didn’t know? Okay, open that one application you used to download a different browser… That’s right, check out internet explorer and tell me what “value” you can find in their news content? Chances are you won’t be able to find anything of value and it’s a lot of what we just discussed, politics and scammy looking bullshit.

The bullshit I see trending on Linkedin is never ending, and often it’s political. However why is Linked, a professional network, tapping into news? Well, news sells, and news outlets will buy a chance to be promoted on your website, Thus we have a solid stream of content flowing that can be paid for or trend based.

From a data perspective, I hypothesis a linkedin trend like “studies show omicorn easier on lungs” will increase the amount of covid19 cases across all variants.

Calling it ‘easier’ will not make it this easier, maybe easier on your tummy. It’s trends like this where I wonder if the #linkedin team could re-consider the unstructured text they are offering as a solution.

Here’s my thoughts; my tummy hurts when I query the github for covid19 data.

Also, this entire header really got me thinking…. How easy has #covid19 been for you? If you’re not making money off of covid19, chances are it impacted you negatively in some way shape or form. And if you’re reading this you’re not a billionaire, and chances are you’re a lot like me, passionate about something and trying to make a living. Okay, now that we are related…

Maybe you can answer me this, I wonder if linkedin understands promoting this exact text “studies show omicorn easier on lungs” will increase the amount of people who get covid.

Consider those who will not read this information…

Impressions reading this will be much higher than people willing to click through (smaller percent will understand the phd project).

What if this header increases the chances of someone not wearing a mask and getting covid19?

Cases and Deaths are significant in covid19… nothing easy about studying the data.

As we know the correlation between cases and deaths relevant.

I have a feeling most reading this far have studied Covid19 CASE VS DEATHS information, and I’ve even seen people go much deeper than me and dig through hospital data too (beds, ICU occupancy).

The reason lasted the past few years is because I one get request for covid19 data from john hopkins university data, I did it because no one at the time was offering the ‘data app’ to pull the data. This “show and tell” covid19 flex was getting under my skin, everyone trying to hide remedial ETL processing because IMHO, required daily manual intervention.

A case, may turn into a death, the logic is clear.

This data is also, so relevant, the data is being calculated per day, across most organizations around the world. Not easy to do.

I’ll leave you with this quote, “If we have data, let’s look at the data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” This is a famous quote by Jim Barksdale, the former CEO of Netscape.

IMO, if we call it a study, and say it’s easier, it could mean we are looking to generate covid19 comfort, I know I’m looking for comfort, however I’m the double vaccinated mask wearing champ too…

So is it possible, our desire for comfort has slowly started inching through headlines.

Covid19 variants, that may not be hard on lungs, continue to ravage families around the world. However, I could be wrong, I haven’t updated my get request for covid19 data. Maybe someone responding to me has updated the data today. I try to avoid weekend updates, those are the most depressing based on my statistical view of the covid19 data…

A study that shows hospitals are more likely to have deaths on weekends than weekdays. Is that because good doctors are playing golf and it’s too overwhelming on weekends? This is a study, and not a comfortable one at that…

My opinion, these phd papers and covid19 are not easy, what is easy is wearing a mask.

Final notes, and my opinion on businesses getting involved in politics.

Allow me to be incorrect…. Right wing or left wing, we both know it’s connected to the same bird, and both parties get paid by businesses to help the businesses generate laws that increase the business revenue today and tomorrow. They use websites to stream their content, they have a budget, and sometimes these websites change the title…

Microsoft/LinkedIn should not be talking about politically fueled sicknesses, it should focus on being a professional network. I understand I said we are here to talk solutions in blogs, and their blog may be a solution, however, LinkedIn’s subtle rename is mistake from my humble perspective…

Both democratic, and republican… Both parties use fear, big stream media, and have generated a system that has each other worried about left wing or right wing, and not thinking about the bird; healthcare, homelessness, climate change, the divide between wealth of the top 2% and the others, or how we will move forward with world peace.

If I’m wrong, comment below, and please tell me more about citizens united. Also, why media companies consolidated to 6 companies who own 90% of media across the globe, then tell me why this illusion of choice is helpful for the 99%. Feel free to tell me I’m coming unglued. I could use the transparency. Covid19 has me all kinds of mentally blocked.

I could be wrong about covid19 and unstructured text, or my analysis of said text, and if I’m wrong, please comment below, and add me on to help me have a better understanding of the things I’m not explaining accurately. I will update my blog or delete my blog one day… So, if you can persuade me with facts and data, it would be much appreciated world.

echo “Good bye.”

Did you notice in the beginning I did not title this correctly, the headline is clickbait, and did you remember what I asked you to do? Maybe there’s a seed planted?

(–resources–, photos via pexels, search virus)

Tech Hype in Cloud Databases and SQL Products

Tech Hype in Cloud Databases and SQL Products

The hype about “tech” that costs money each time you use the tech is an interesting race people are excited about.

However who are the people? Are they biased? Have any of them gained an #informationsystems degree? Or maybe they were a sales rep for an #analytics company? Do they know 1nf, 2nf, 3nf? Do they understand relational theory?

Like, have they installed mysql on their local computer and lost the root password? Do they understand how to aggregate #data? Or do they pitch 100k tech because they can’t write #SQL….

For me, personally speaking, I don’t get caught up in all the hype by strangers who can only change values in a SQL query, text editors. If they act like anything but an artist.

I may rank for tableau consulting services, however it doesn’t mean I’m calling myself a master of tableau or seeking to gain marks on my bed post that says I can use a software.

I see a lot of people hyping cloud databases and SQL products…

I see a lot of people hyping cloud databases and SQL products, these people have no production data solutions or experiences, and the only people who like the content on LinkedIn work at the company… lol

This is false excitement, a balloon of hope that will be iced as soon as the business hires someone with experience writing basic SQL.

I think most engineers using cloud tech are not into the hype because a lot of cloud tech is becoming tedious to use and most people who use them in a technical space do not enjoy using the products unless they get $$ incentives. The people most excited about cloud #databases don’t know SQL. If they knew sql, they wouldn’t need cloud databases in 99% of the use cases being thrown at the company.

I do not understand the hype, I understand the SQL which means I have never needed to suggest cloud databases or sql products that offer buzzlightyear speeds.

Rather, I understand the reason for databases, it took awhile to understand hype is hype, solutions are solutions, and sales people suck at SQL, which doesn’t mean they can’t post exciting pictures about practically nothing, maybe an animal running fast, wow thrilling, and at tag some company too. Wowzers.

I’m bored by linkedin content, and maybe I am the only person bored of this tech hype on linkedin by thought leaders who can’t write any SQL? Or maybe my linkedin #algorithm like feeding me junk posts?

How much money could be saved on cloud databases if you learned #SQL?

I’m not jumping into the #clouddatabase hype because I didn’t go to college to make #dataanalytics anything but small and what business requirements require.

I’ve seen countless businesses in the past 10 years who have bought into insane cloud database tech because the person selling it can’t write a lick of SQL.

Same for analytics apps and suggestions for #ETL projects, it’s been a rough decade, a busy one, and I believe it’s mostly due to the fact that most people are not willing to learn basic #database tech or information system technology.

What I see is… They will make some edits to sql, use a few apps, and call themselves experts or worse, thought leaders.

Problems; data sizes are increasing and those “solutions” are becoming a burden. Proof of concept, DEMO tech, is good for sales, not good for consulting or production. This is why a lot of consultancies burn out if no one has any understanding of database tech. I know from experience.*

I understand a lot of people think we need to query a LAKE… or whatever you want to call it today.

HOWEVER, Why purchase #cloud database solutions if you’re still learning what a database is designed to do for you?

If you haven’t defined 1nf, 2nf, and worked through the reasoning for a database, your solutions will continue to be inefficient technical debts that require nonstop project work.

Question for you; Do you really need to query a trillion records?

My 2cents; 99% of the time you will not need more than a few hundred thousand rows, and this is in the worst case scenario.

Do you need trillions, or is the business only looking at quarterly results? Is anyone asking these questions? Or is relational theory common sense around people who don’t know the differences between star schema and a relational flow diagram.

Why store trillions of records over and over, back ups on back ups on environments, on DR, and backups on backups… Why store trillions of records when 100 will do?

A lot of my success is built on the fact that I’m willing to suggest what’s available maybe better if we analyze the problem again.

Did the developers make a bad app that collects unnecessary data that requires hard SQL? Is it CRAZY all the time, your #SQL? Likely we can focus here VS the analytics apps and making charts that require complex SQL to maintain.

Often times solutions can get off the rails because 1 person, who never wrote SQL, suggests an app 5 years ago.

However in 10 years, what will that app and the #solutions cost you from a support perspective? Is cloud data really necessary or did you get excited and purchased that big sku?

A lot of these questions will be asked about your environments, solutions, #apps, and I won’t be the only person questioning the solutions.

Or read more about me rambling for no reason about functional results because I guess I’ve been inspired to write a little bit lately.

Functional Results in Information Systems and A Story


A long time ago I made coffee…

A long time ago I made coffee…

In a galaxy far away, a long time ago, I made coffee for my boss and left early to buy lunch for everyone.

I was working on oil and natural gas rigs, we are doing horizontal drilling with MWD tools.

My manager told me on day 1, “you make coffee in the morning or you don’t work here.”

Later I learned I was buying him food every morning and taking care of that expense too.

So, what do I do?

I make coffee in the morning.

So here I am, puffy faced, making coffee, using someone else’s coffee machine.

The coffee machine had a certain kind of “filter requirement” as the minimum requirement.

Hey end users “You need X filter, for that Y machine, anything else isn’t sufficient.”

So, I used the only filters available to me.

  1. Someone else’s coffee filters.
  2. Someone else’s coffee machine
  3. Someone else’s coffee grinds
  4. To make someone else a coffee.

We worked the grave yard shift… you just need coffee to start your day. Imagine sleeping with the sun blaring down on your trailer, during the summer, in Oklahoma. You have to tape towels over the windows to avoid the sun waking you up at the wrong time. You better hope no one above you in the chain of command is a smoker because then you have to cover the AC vents. It gets hot af.

So i made some coffee…

I hit the GO button, turned around, and walked out of the trailer.

Trailers are rented and left at rigs around the world, it’s affordable, easy to move, and works for an office and living space.

You need a place to live by the office because this is a grueling job.

Paid decent too.

12 hour shifts. We had the 6pm to 6am shift.

Making coffee like a boss.

When you make coffee, make coffee like a boss.

This guy called me, “tyler turn around the coffee is everywhere.”

Me, 10 minutes from a 40minute trip to the nearest town.

“Turn around?”


What happened?

“I dunno, I guess you made the coffee and now it’s on the ground.”

“Okay on my way back.”

I probably said 30 curse words on the side of the roads before I turned around.

I thought “could you not clean it up?” “Don’t you realize this is going to take another XYZ math problem to do.”

I kept this to myself until today.

A moral to my coffee story?

The moral to the story, always be sure the water is able to drain out the bottom of the coffee machine.

Don’t pull a Tyler and make a mess. Don’t turn around, wait there. Look at it. Take some time to enjoy the sights. Oh look at the mess on the ground, maybe I will clean that mess, but be sure you keep your eyes on the machine. It overflows and that sucks because then you need to clean that shit up.


Tyler G, Tableau consulting dude.

Previous blogs.

The Software PR Pandemic

Using Tableau to Visualize a Patch Bay

Download tableau workbook without using the tableau api

How to smooth lines in tableau desktop

Learning about arrays in python

How to automate twitter and build a brand

Build a better superstore kpi dashboard

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