I want to come up with something to talk about. I probably should say I want to come up with something to blog about…

For some reason I have a fascination about learning how to build analytics around unstructured text.

Maybe just start doing voice to text. I’m not finding any good voice to text apps. 

A little thought a day, a little voice to text a day, and maybe a walk while I’m doing it too. My son threw most of his food on the ground today… 

Not most of his food but a good portion. Enough to make you think that the little dog is getting spoiled. 

So while walking the dog, he needs to stop a lot more than usual, it’s from all the food that he ate off of the ground. 

When I was blogging on dev3lop, I felt obliged to blog about technology, although when I blog openly about other topics, people seem to read that more than a technology solution.

The blog is trying to teach me to be a better human… Ahh boring!

But on develop, when someone is looking at a solution they jump to what they think is the answer. Then they usually leave the website.

The data was interesting to investigate. 

So, I have decided to build this website, where I will openly blog about whatever it is I am doing.

I think if I could be dedicated enough to blog here every day, use photos from traveling with my camera, and put some words on this website… Hmm…

Off topic time: Is it weird that I think it is aggravating that my dog needs pee on everything right now…

This is why he is getting out of shape.

Do you ever call your dogs fat? Are you ever that honest with your pup?

I noticed a plane going over… There seems to be some trails behind it. Have you heard of people talking about chem trails? It’s absolutely absurd. 

Not as absurd as this blog.

Last and not least, I think an ant just bit my arm.

Does every blog need to be a winner?