The Tyler Garrett Times
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These shape-shifting devices melt and re-form thanks to magnetic fields
This Lego-like figurine escaped from prison Terminator 2 –style thanks to a new composite of gallium and magnetic particles, which liquefies in the presence of a changing magnetic field and moves under the guidance of a permanent magnet. Q. Wang et al / Matter 2023...

These chemists cracked the code to long-lasting Roman concrete
Built from concrete around 126 A.D., the Pantheon in Rome still stands, including its soaring dome (shown). Stephen Knowles Photography/Moment/Getty Images Plus By Carolyn Gramling January 17, 2023 at 9:00 am MIT chemist Admir Masic really hoped his experiment...

These adorable Australian spike-balls beat the heat with snot bubbles
Echidnas, spiky egg-laying mammals that live across Australia, blow snot bubbles to keep cool, a new study finds. Nuytsia@Tas/Flickr ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) By Elise Cutts January 17, 2023 at 7:01 pm Animals cover themselves in all kinds of unsavory fluids to keep cool....

These microbes are the first known to be able to eat only viruses
Halteria ciliates (three shown) each ate around 10,000 to 1 million viruses daily in laboratory experiments. In the wild, that number could skyrocket to up to around 1 quadrillion, scientists estimate. Scenics & Science/Alamy Stock Photo By Erin Garcia de Jesús...

Want a ‘Shrinky Dinks’ approach to nano-sized devices? Try hydrogels
These Chinese zodiac animals etched in hydrogels come in many materials, including gold (goat), titanium dioxide (snake) and luminescent nanoparticles (rabbit). The images on the bottom are each a few dozen micrometers wide. The images at the top started that big and...
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