The Tyler Garrett Times
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Why it’s easier to catch a cold, the flu or COVID in the winter
Senior Writer, Molecular Biology January 11, 2023 at 9:00 am In winter, cases of colds, flu and COVID-19 often peak. Low temperatures and humidity are partly to blame. invincible_bulldog/iStock/Getty Images Plus When bitter winds blew and temperatures dropped, my...

Rare earth mining may be key to our renewable energy future. But at what cost?
Mountain Pass (shown), in southeastern California, remains the United States’ only mine for rare earth elements, the building blocks of magnets used in smartphones, wind turbines and electric vehicles. TMY350/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) By Carolyn Gramling...

The James Webb telescope found ‘Green Pea’ galaxies in the early universe
The James Webb Space Telescope’s first image captured three “Green Pea” galaxies in the early universe (circled in green). The galaxies’ light has been stretched by the expansion of the universe, making them appear red. NASA, ESA, CSA and STScI By Lisa Grossman 16...

HDL ‘good’ cholesterol isn’t always good for heart health
The amount of cholesterol that HDL particles carry, commonly reported on blood tests, doesn’t appear to be the most important detail when it comes to heart health. GIPhotoStock/Getty Images By Aimee Cunningham 15 hours ago “Good” and “bad” cholesterol: These...

Brain scans suggest the pandemic prematurely aged teens’ brains
Changes wrought by the pandemic during the last few years may have affected the development of adolescent brains. Justin Paget/Digital Vision/Getty By Freda Kreier January 3, 2023 at 7:00 am Living through the COVID-19 pandemic may have matured teens’ brains beyond...
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