Average weekly trading volume of approximately 376,052 shares
Fund’s adviser has more than 40 years of small- and micro-cap investment experience
NAV (%)
MKT (%)
Year to Date*
*Not Annualized
Important Performance and Expense Information
All performance information reflects past performance, is presented on a total return basis, net of the Fund’s investment advisory fee, and reflects the reinvestment of distributions. Past performance is no guarantee of future results Current performance may be higher or lower than performance quoted. Returns as of the recent month-end may be obtained at www.royceinvest.com. The market price of the Fund’s shares will fluctuate, so that shares may be worth more or less than their original cost when sold.
The Fund normally invests in micro-cap companies, which may involve considerably more risk than investing in larger-cap companies. The Fund’s broadly diversified portfolio does not ensure a profit or guarantee against loss.
Average Market Cap1
Weighted Average P/E2
Weighted Average P/B2
Net Assets
1Geometric Average: This weighted calculation uses each portfolio holding’s market cap in a way designed to not skew the effect of very large or small holdings; instead, it aims to better identify the portfolio’s center, which Royce believes offers a more accurate measure of average market cap than a simple mean or median.
2Harmonic Average: This weighted calculation evaluates a portfolio as if it were a single stock and measures it overall. It compares the total market value of the portfolio to the portfolio’s share in the earnings of its underlying stocks.
The Price-Earnings, or P/E, ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s share price by its trailing 12-month earnings-per-share (EPS). The Fund’s P/E ratio calculation excludes companies with zero or negative earnings (25% of portfolio holdings as of 08/31/23). The Price-to-Book, or P/B, Ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s share price by its book value per share.
The Price-to-Book, or P/B, Ratio is calculated by dividing a company’s share price by its book value per share.
Portfolio Composition
PAR Technology
EVI Industries
Mesa Laboratories
Major Drilling Group International
Information Technology
Health Care
Consumer Discretionary
Recent Developments Royce Micro-Cap Trust, Inc. is a closed-end diversified investment company whose shares of Common Stock (RMT) are listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange. The Fund’s investment goal is long-term capital growth, which it seeks by investing primarily in equity securities of companies that, at the time of investment, have market capitalization of $1 billion or less.
Daily net asset values (NAVs) for Royce Micro-Cap Trust, Inc. are now available on our website and online through most ticker symbol lookup services and on broker terminals under the symbol XOTCX. For more information, please call The Royce Funds at (800) 221-4268 or visit our website at www.royceinvest.com
An investor in Royce Micro-Cap Trust should consider the Fund’s investment goals, risks, fees, and expenses carefully before investing.
Important Disclosure Information Closed-End Funds are registered investment companies whose shares of common stock may trade at a discount to their net asset value. Shares of each Fund’s common stock are also subject to the market risks of investing in the underlying portfolio securities held by the Fund. Royce Fund Services, LLC. (“RFS”) is a member of FINRA and has filed this material with FINRA on behalf of each Fund. RFS does not serve as a distributor or as an underwriter to the closed-end funds.
Trella’s new Marketscape CRM for HME and Infusion provides one source of truth for organizations looking to accelerate sales activity, enhance productivity, and achieve their business goals.
ATLANTA, Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Trella Health, the leader in HME and Infusion growth and productivity solutions, announces the release of its new integrated Marketscape CRM for HME and Infusion organizations. Trella customers will gain a unified user experience that brings together strategy, planning, sales execution, and performance insights. The new platform provides direct navigation between the market insights solution and CRM for complete account activity visibility and a more efficient workflow.
“At Trella, we are dedicated to understanding our customers’ unique needs in the HME and Infusion markets, and we are constantly innovating our solutions to provide them with the tools they need for success. We’re thrilled to introduce our new integrated CRM solution to the HME and Infusions markets, allowing organizations a path to achieve increased productivity, streamlined workflows, and better outcomes. With Marketscape CRM, we’re not just helping our customers navigate the market; we’re helping them create their own path to success.” – Rebecca Molesworth, VP of Product, Trella Health
Trella Health is dedicated to providing customers with solutions that best fit their business needs. The team has collaborated closely with a select group of HME and Infusion customers to gain valuable insights into operational workflows, challenges, and specific requirements that they have for Marketscape CRM. Guided by this feedback, Marketscape CRM will feature advanced reporting, improved usability, and a seamless flow of assignments between CRM and Trella’s Marketscape Insights for a streamlined workflow.
Marketscape CRM will also lay the foundation for future EHR integration improvements. With CRM now integrated into Trella’s Marketscape platform, the Trella team will be able to innovate more efficiently to support HME and Infusion organizations in achieving their business objectives.
“We have a lot to keep track of, including strategic partnership opportunities, folding in payer relations, and most importantly, ensuring we are targeting high-value offices correctly. We really needed a centralized platform for our Liaisons to review, gather, and manage referral and partner information effectively. Although we considered four or five different vendors, Trella stood out as the best platform. Trella’s Marketscape CRM and Marketscape Insights has helped transform our work, saving us valuable time. We are excited about the ongoing benefits of our partnership.” – Jeff White, Director of Business Development, Infusion Associates
Trella Health’s CRM integrates with more than 30 leading Electronic Health Records (EHRs), providing sales and marketing teams access to referral stage tracking and success measurements. With the additional integration of Marketscape Insights into the CRM, users can experience a seamless workflow, from targeting exercises to preparing for conversations with referral partners.
Trella Health is thrilled to provide HME and Infusion organizations with a singular source of truth, and we remain committed to continuous innovation to best serve our customers.
About Trella Health
Trella Health’s unmatched market intelligence and purpose-built CRM allow post-acute providers, HME, and Infusion organizations to drive more effective performance and growth. Trella’s solutions allow post-acute, HME, and infusion organizations to identify the highest-potential referral targets, evaluate new market opportunities, and monitor performance metrics. Paired with CRM and EHR integrations, business development teams can better manage referral relationships to advance their organizations with certainty by improving their sales and marketing strategy.
For more information on Trella Health and its HME and Infusion growth solutions, visit www.trellahealth.com, call 678-813-1590, or follow Trella on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
ПЕКИН, 3 октября 2023 г. /PRNewswire/ — Темпы развития торговли между Китаем и Сальвадором существенно возросли с момента подписания меморандума о взаимопонимании (МоВ) по сотрудничеству в рамках инициативы «Один пояс и один путь» (BRI) в 2018 г.
Китай также увеличил долю участия в инфраструктурных проектах Сальвадора.
Такие проекты, как строительство национальной библиотеки и порта Ла-Либертад, не только позволили создать новые рабочие места для местных жителей, но и привели к значительному росту экономики региона, улучшив условия жизни людей.
По данным Главного таможенного управления КНР, объем торговли между двумя странами достиг 1,892 млрд долларов США в 2022 г., при этом годовой прирост составил 9,6 %.
«За последние пять лет отношения с Китаем в рамках BRI были невероятно продуктивными», — сказала China Media Group Адриана Мира, заместитель министра иностранных дел Сальвадора, добавив, что это великолепная возможность для сближения с другими странами, принимающими участие в BRI.
Инициатива BRI, предложенная президентом Китая Си Цзиньпинем в 2013 г. и ставшая одной из самых обсуждаемых тем в сфере международного сотрудничества, призвана предложить новый путь совместного развития и всеобщего процветания благодаря сотрудничеству. За 10 лет своего развития в рамках данной инициативы удалось достичь намного большего, чем просто налаживания связей.
Во время визита в Казахстан в сентябре 2013 г. господин Си выступил с речью о высокой значимости данного проекта в долгосрочной перспективе в Назарбаев Университете.
В своей речи к аудитории господин Си вернулся на 2100 лет назад, когда китайские посланцы были отправлены в Центральную Азию с миссией мира и дружбы, и они открыли Великий шелковый путь, по которому впоследствии китайские шелк, чай и фарфор доставлялись в другие части света, а в обмен на это в Китай привозили пряности, меха, фрукты и драгоценные камни.
Он не стал взывать к ностальгическим чувствам, а решил черпать вдохновение из торговых маршрутов древнего Великого шелкового пути, предложив идею создания «экономического пояса вдоль Шелкового пути».
Месяц спустя в Индонезии Си Цзиньпин предложил построить «Морской шелковый путь 21-го века», который, наряду с предложением «Экономического пояса», в конце концов превратился в инициативу «Один пояс и один путь» (BRI).
Эта инициатива способствует обеспечению большей открытости и более всеобъемлющего роста. Господин Си полагает, что большая открытость страны укрепляет ее и делает ее богаче.
Стремясь предоставлять финансовую поддержку для реализации проектов BRI, в 2014 году Китай объявил об учреждении фонда Великого шелкового пути с объемом инвестиций 40 млрд долларов США.
В 2015 году опубликовал документ «Видение и действия» по «Экономическому поясу Шелкового пути» и «Морскому Шелковому пути 21-го века», чтобы ускорить внедрение BRI и обеспечить более тесное объединение стран Азии, Европы и Африки для взаимовыгодного сотрудничества.
Азиатский банк инфраструктурных инвестиций (AIIB), многосторонняя финансовая организация, основанная 57 странами по инициативе Китая, был официально открыт в январе 2016 г.
Число членов этого банка, цель которого состоит в развитии социально-экономического прогресса, возросла с 57 членов-учредителей до 109 официальных членов. Кроме того, портфель банка включает 202 проекта на общую сумму 38,8 млрд долларов США в 33 странах.
В 2016 г. Программа ООН по развитию и Китайская Народная Республика подписали Меморандум о взаимопонимании по сотрудничеству в рамках BRI.
Это первый меморандум о взаимопонимании, подписанный между правительством Китая и международной организацией о развитии данной инициативы. Привлечение международной организации является новым и новаторским этапом развития BRI.
В мае 2017 г. в Пекине был успешно проведен первый Форум по международному сотрудничеству в рамках инициативы «Один пояс и один путь». Это мероприятие посетило более 1600 представителей более чем 140 стран мира и более 80 международных организаций, включая глав государств и правительств 29 стран.
По итогам форума был составлен список документов, включающий 76 пунктов, состоящий из более чем 270 конкретных результатов, что позволило достичь международного консенсуса в отношении совместного строительства BRI.
Второй Форум по международному сотрудничеству в рамках инициативы «Один пояс и один путь» также состоялся в Пекине в 2019 году. Эту встречу посетило более 6000 иностранных гостей из 150 стран мира и 92 международных организаций, включая 37 иностранных лидеров, Генерального секретаря ООН и управляющего директора Международного валютного фонда.
Стороны, принявшие участие в форуме, пришли к важному консенсусу по высококачественному совместному строительству BRI и организации глобального партнерства в области связи. Таким образом, по итогам форума был получен ряд результатов по практическому сотрудничеству. Соответственно, совместное строительство BRI перешло на новый этап.
Согласно основополагающему документу, опубликованному Информационным бюро Государственного совета КНР, будучи ярким примером строительства мирового сообщества общего будущего, инициатива BRI стала глобальной платформой всеобщего благоденствия и сотрудничества, предложенной Китаем всему миру.
Китай стремится к открытому, экологичному, чистому взаимодействию высокого уровня для обеспечения устойчивого развития и улучшения жизни людей, и развивает высококачественное сотрудничество в рамках инициативы «Один пояс и один путь».
Участники инициативы сообща формируют «жесткие связи», «мягкие связи» и «связи между людьми», создавая важную платформу, которая обеспечивает широкое участие, создает международный консенсус и позволяет объединять усилия всех сторон.
La solution AMR primée et alimentée par l’IA permet d’étendre l’empreinte européenne, de doubler la productivité des entrepôts et de réduire les coûts d’exploitation
WILMINGTON, Massachusetts, 3 octobre 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Locus Robotics, le leader du marché des robots mobiles autonomes (AMR) destinés aux entrepôts d’exécution, a annoncé aujourd’hui que sa solution d’automatisation des entrepôts par AMR primée est désormais disponible pour les clients en Italie et en Pologne. Les robots intelligents de Locus tirent parti de la technologie innovante et de l’intelligence artificielle pour optimiser la productivité, réduire les coûts et améliorer l’ergonomie et la qualité du lieu de travail pour les travailleurs.
« Nous sommes ravis d’apporter les solutions d’automatisation d’entrepôt transformatrices de Locus en Italie et en Pologne alors que nous continuons à étendre notre empreinte européenne, a déclaré Rick Faulk, directeur général de Locus Robotics. Nos solutions robotiques alimentées par l’IA permettent aux clients de ces pays d’optimiser la productivité, l’efficacité et la précision de leurs installations, en multipliant la production par 2 à 3 tout en réduisant les coûts de main-d’œuvre de 50 % ou plus. À mesure que la pression s’accroît sur les chaînes d’approvisionnement, nos robots intelligents permettent aux entreprises de s’adapter et de rester compétitives. Nous renforçons l’avenir des entrepôts intelligents. »
Les AMR innovants de Locus Robotics sont conçus pour travailler en collaboration avec des humains et peuvent facilement évoluer pour s’adapter aux fluctuations des volumes de commandes pendant la haute saison ou pendant la saison normale. Notre modèle d’abonnement robotics-as-a-service flexible fournit aux clients une solution entièrement gérée couvrant les bots, les mises à niveau, la maintenance et l’assistance. En collaborant avec les travailleurs humains, Locus améliore la productivité et l’efficacité de l’exécution des commandes. Notre technologie primée ainsi que nos algorithmes et nos analyses en temps réel optimisent l’agencement des entrepôts, réduisent les temps de déplacement et améliorent la précision, permettant ainsi un traitement plus rapide et une réduction des coûts.
Locus est actuellement déployé sur plus de 65 sites en Europe, au service de dizaines de clients du commerce de détail, du e-commerce, de la santé, de la fabrication et de la logistique. En août, Locus a dépassé la barre des 2 milliards de prélèvements à l’échelle mondiale, 11 mois seulement après avoir passé la barre du milliard de prélèvements pour la première fois dans l’industrie en 2022.
« LocusBots a déjà aidé nos clients européens du commerce de détail, du e-commerce, de la santé et de la logistique à améliorer considérablement leur productivité et leur efficacité, a déclaré Denis Niezgoda, vice-président de la région EMEA chez Locus Robotics. Notre technologie AMR puissante et flexible permet à un large éventail d’entreprises de répondre facilement à la demande existante, de s’adapter en toute transparence à la croissance future et de rester compétitives au sein de leurs industries. »
La plateforme d’exécution d’automatisation d’entrepôt LocusOne alimentée par l’IA et la science des données permet l’orchestration fluide de plusieurs facteurs de forme robotiques à l’échelle de l’entreprise au sein d’une plateforme coordonnée unique. Elle fournit une optimisation en temps réel des tâches à effectuer au sein de l’entrepôt et à plusieurs niveaux dans les environnements d’entreposage. LocusOne optimise la répartition des tâches, la planification des itinéraires et l’utilisation des ressources, tout en fournissant des informations commerciales en temps réel sur les opérations de l’entrepôt.
La solution Locus a remporté plus de 27 prix de l’industrie, dont le très convoité prix IFOY. Les entreprises mondiales des secteurs tels que le commerce de détail, le e-commerce, la logistique et la 3PL ont utilisé Locus pour prélever plus de 2 milliards d’unités dans le monde avec une précision de 99,99 %. Les AMR Locus se déploient facilement dans les entrepôts existants et sur les nouveaux sites sans modifier l’infrastructure ni perturber les flux de travail. La solution Locus offre un retour sur investissement (ROI) mesurable en seulement quelques mois plutôt que quelques années.
Éprouvés à l’échelle de l’entreprise, les opérateurs de la 3PL, du commerce de détail, des soins de santé et de la fabrication aux prises avec des problèmes de main-d’œuvre peuvent intégrer des robots de manière transparente pour augmenter leur capacité ou répondre à la croissance de n’importe quelle activité en quelques minutes afin d’optimiser la productivité de leurs opérations, de réduire les coûts et de rester compétitifs dans le paysage en évolution rapide de l’exécution des commandes et du e-commerce. Une précision qui renforce la position de l’entreprise en tant que premier fournisseur de robotique pour l’industrie des entrepôts et de la logistique.
Les exploitants d’entrepôts qui souhaitent en savoir plus sur la solution Locus sont invités à contacter Francesco Ferrari en Italie ([email protected]) ou Marcin Gwozdz en Pologne ([email protected]).
À propos de Locus Robotics
Locus Robotics est le leader mondial des solutions d’automatisation des entrepôts basées sur l’IA qui changent la donne à l’échelle des entreprises. Sa plateforme intègre des robots mobiles autonomes (AMR) puissants et intelligents qui travaillent harmonieusement avec les travailleurs humains pour améliorer considérablement le mouvement de produit et la productivité, en les doublant voire en les triplant. Locus Robotics, qui dessert plus de 120 marques parmi les plus grandes au monde et est déployée dans plus de 270 sites mondialement, permet aux détaillants, aux sociétés de logistique tierce et aux entrepôts spécialisés de satisfaire et de surpasser efficacement les exigences de plus en plus complexes et élevées des environnements d’exécution d’aujourd’hui.
Ayant figuré trois années de suite dans le classement de l’Inc. 5000, en plus de remporter plus de 27 prix sectoriels et technologiques, la solution de Locus augmente considérablement la productivité du traitement des commandes, réduit les coûts opérationnels et rend les lieux de travail plus agréables, plus sûrs et plus ergonomiques pour les travailleurs. Pour en savoir plus, consultez locusrobotics.com
One Grand Prize Winner to Receive Student Loan Pay Out of up to $50,000
SHERMAN OAKS, Calif., Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The more than 44 million Americans carrying upwards of $1.7 trillion of student debt will be feeling added stress as student loan payments resume this October. To relieve some of the pressure, Jarrow Formulas®, a leading dietary supplement brand helping consumers feel the power of good chemistry, has launched the MagMind® Student Loan Pay Off Sweepstakes Ɨ.
Running from September 29 – December 8, 2023, the MagMind Student Loan Pay Off Sweepstakes will award one grand prize winner a student loan pay off of up to $50,000 and four first prize winners a student loan pay off of up to $2,500Ɨ.
“Studies have shown that the average student loan can take upwards of 20 years to pay off, a significant burden on students and graduates that can cause stress and be an added distraction to their already busy lives,” said Rick Stuhr, Chief Commercial Officer for Jarrow Formulas. “In honor of our MagMind magnesium line products that aid with mental alertness, focus, attention, and balancing stress levels, we wanted to launch a sweepstake that would relieve some of that pressure.”
Alongside the sweepstakes, Jarrow Formulas is introducing an expansion of its popular, science-backed MagMind product, creating a Mental Wellness platform. The new line now includes MagMind Stress Resistance and MagMind Productivity, which feature a clinically studied form of magnesium, Magtein®, along with other adaptogens to support focus, attention, and brain health, as well as help balance stress levels, reduce occasional fatigue, and more.*
All MagMind products are available in capsule form and are non-GMO, vegan, and gluten free:
MagMind Brain Health – A clinically-backed Magnesium supplement trusted by consumers for more than 10 years to support healthy brain function, cognition, and better mood.*
Includes Magtein®, which has been shown to readily cross the blood-brain barrier in preclinical studies and support brain health and memory in healthy adults, along with increased REM sleep.*
NEW MagMind Stress Resistance – Designed to support the body’s resistance to stressors and occasional fatigue.*
Formulated with three clinically studied ingredients: Magtein® magnesium l-threonate, Rhodiolife®Rhodiola rosea, and l-theanine to support a better mood, relaxation, and promote the body’s resistance to occasional stress and reduces mental fatigue.*
NEW MagMind Productivity – Designed to support cognition, mental energy, and productivity.*
Formulated with Magtein® and EnXtra®, a clinically studied Thai Ginger herb, and is designed start working within one hour and can sustain mental alertness for up to five hours.*
“At Jarrow Formulas, we are committed to science and helping people feel the power of good chemistry,” added Stuhr. “Our MagMind product is a clinically backed, effective magnesium supplement trusted by consumers for more than 10 years. The new MagMind Stress Resistance and MagMind Productivity innovations come at a time when consumers are feeling tension from a wide variety of angles in their lives and are seeking trusted, effective products to support their mental wellness needs.”
To feel the power of superior science and smarter formulas, consumers can find more information and where to buy all three MagMind products at www.Jarrow.com and at natural food retailers nationwide. To learn more about Jarrow Formulas, please visit www.Jarrow.com and follow along on Instagram and Facebook. To enter the MagMind Student Loan Pay Off Sweepstakes, visit www.MagMindStudentLoans.com.
About Jarrow Formulas, Inc. Jarrow Formulas was founded in 1977 in Los Angeles with the goal to promote good health with high-quality and effective dietary supplement formulations. Jarrow Formulas offers a wide range of scientifically-supported supplements including products that support digestive health, mental wellness, energy, heart health, and immune health. For more information, visit www.Jarrow.com.
ƗNO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Open to legal residents of the 50 U.S., D.C., and U.S. territories who are at least 18 years old and the age of majority in his/her jurisdiction of residence, as of date of entry. Void where prohibited. Entrants must have outstanding U.S. federal or state or bank/institution student loan debt as of 9/28/23 to enter. Funds sent directly to loan provider. Begins 10:00 AM ET on 9/29/23; ends 11:59:59 PM ET on 12/8/23. Odds of winning depend on number of eligible entries received. For Official Rules, visit www.MagMindStudentLoans.com. Sponsor: Jarrow Formulas, Inc.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
For more information, contact: Agency H5 for Jarrow [email protected] 1 (312) 217-0373
The world’s first and only pre-owned luxury handbags and accessories e-commerce based franchise opportunity is looking to increase their presence nationwide, opening two new locations in Q4 of 2023
WESTON, Fla., Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Season 2 Consign, the leading authenticated pre-owned luxury handbag and accessories company, is seeking to strengthen its presence through franchising. The innovative brand stands as the world’s first and only franchise opportunity of its kind, featuring a centralized e-commerce system and pioneering the modernization of luxury shopping online. Amid market growth in the luxury resale industry, Season 2 Consign has opened 4 locations in their first year of franchising and is set to launch two new locations in Orlando and Tampa this fall.
Founded in 2020, Season 2 Consign is a 100% female-owned non-traditional retailer, offering high-quality, authentic luxury handbags and accessories to clients worldwide. Maintaining showrooms nationwide, the brand provides a centralized marketplace to consign and sell luxury handbags from renowned brands such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Fendi, and many more, placing an emphasis on sustainability and accessibility in the luxury space. Sisters and co-founders Erika Tapia Schrieber and Monica Tapia-Mularski bring over 15 years of expertise in the luxury handbag resale industry. Recognizing a significant gap in the market, the sisters created a modern and streamlined consignment model that offers an elevated aesthetic and exceptional customer service.
“The luxury side of fashion has always been looked at as exclusive and generally inaccessible for the vast majority,” said Monica. “Our goal with Season 2 Consign is to open the doors to more individuals looking for alternatives to purchasing high-value products without barriers. We strive for authenticity, and to build genuine human connections with our clients to provide the highest quality of service.”
The luxury resale industry has been experiencing remarkable growth in recent years, and is expected to reach a market size of 52 billion US dollars by 2026, with a forecasted compound annual growth rate of 9.6 percent. In this flourishing market, Season 2 Consign has pioneered the digital space and emerged as a trusted name. Franchising since late 2022, the brand has seen incredible demand for their services, and is now set to launch their 5th location in less than a year. This rapid growth and success can be attributed in part to their commitment to provide an unparalleled experience that combines expertise, authenticity, and convenience. By offering local offices and showrooms, the company enables customers to have face-to-face interactions with seasoned professionals, guaranteeing a pleasant experience.
As part of their mission to foster trust and integrity for both consigners and customers, Season 2 Consign leverages a tech-driven approach with customized customer experience to deliver a modern selling experience unlike any other. The company’s website is designed to provide a seamless online platform where customers can explore the current inventory, schedule appointments, and track the status of their consigned items. As part of their commitment to innovation, Season 2 Consign is the first resale company to integrate Live Shopping technology on their website, allowing customers to engage in real-time shopping experiences and discover the latest luxury handbags from the comfort of their homes. The brand has also invested in AI technology to authenticate and price luxury items, eliminating the need for franchisees to possess in-depth knowledge of authentication and resale pricing, and guaranteeing their customers can trust in their products.
“At Season 2 Consign, we have developed a truly incredible system to ensure the best processes possible for both our franchisees and customers,” said Erika. “We have made it our commitment to stay on the cutting edge of technology, and see how we can apply it to our business model to encourage growth and success.”
In addition to the new locations opening in Orlando and Tampa, the brand aims to open 100 locations over a 5-year period in select markets. Season 2 Consign is actively seeking franchise partners who are hardworking, sales-oriented, and possess backgrounds in fashion or business and a passion for interacting with their customers on social media. Together with their centralized e-commerce system, Season 2 Consign offers a unique franchise model that enables franchisees to market their exciting products without the burden of traditional retail store costs, allowing them to reach and engage with thousands of potential customers in real-time and eliminating the need to rely on foot traffic. Offering an easy-to-follow and scalable business model, franchisees will benefit from substantial growth and profitability potential, accessing training and resources to expedite business growth with minimal risk and allowing great work-life balance. The initial investment to open a Season 2 Consign is $178,284 – $274,034, with start-up costs varying based on location.
About Season 2 Consign Season 2 Consign is a leading authenticated pre-owned luxury handbag company with locations in South Florida, Las Vegas, Central New Jersey and The Rockies, Colorado, and the world’s first and only franchise opportunity of its kind. With a strong focus on personalized service, technology-driven solutions, and a highly digital platform, Season 2 Consign provides an unparalleled selling and buying experience for luxury handbag enthusiasts and those looking for sustainable fashion options. With a centralized e-commerce system, AI authentication technology, and Live Shopping options, the brand is pioneering the modernization of luxury resale shopping online. Their team of experts ensure that every item is thoroughly authenticated and valued, allowing customers to confidently sell and shop for preowned luxury goods.