Preisgekrönte, KI-gesteuerte AMR-Lösung erweitert die europäische Präsenz, verdoppelt die Lagerproduktivität und senkt die Betriebskosten
WILMINGTON, Massachusetts, 3. Oktober 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Locus Robotics, Marktführer für autonome mobile Roboter (AMR) für Fulfillment-Lagerhäuser, gab heute bekannt, dass seine preisgekrönte AMR-Lagerautomatisierungslösung jetzt für Kunden in Italien und Polen verfügbar ist. Die intelligenten Roboter von Locus nutzen innovative Technologie und künstliche Intelligenz, um die Produktivität zu optimieren, die Kosten zu senken und die Ergonomie und Qualität der Arbeitsplätze für die Mitarbeiter zu verbessern.
„Wir sind begeistert, Locus transformative Lösungen zur Lagerautomatisierung nach Italien und Polen zu bringen, während wir unsere europäische Präsenz weiter ausbauen”, sagte Rick Faulk, CEO von Locus Robotics. „Unsere KI-gestützten Robotik-Lösungen ermöglichen es den Kunden in diesen Ländern, die Produktivität, Effizienz und Genauigkeit in ihren Einrichtungen zu optimieren, den Output um das 2-3fache zu steigern und gleichzeitig die Arbeitskosten um 50 % oder mehr zu senken. Angesichts des wachsenden Drucks auf die Lieferketten ermöglichen unsere intelligenten Roboter den Unternehmen eine kosteneffiziente Skalierung, um wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Wir ermöglichen die Zukunft intelligenter Lagerhäuser.”
Die innovativen AMRs von Locus Robotics sind so konzipiert, dass sie mit menschlichen Mitarbeitern zusammenarbeiten und sich leicht nach oben und unten skalieren lassen, um schwankende Auftragsvolumina während der Spitzen- und Standardsaison zu erfüllen. Unser flexibles Robotics-as-a-Service-Abonnementmodell bietet Kunden eine vollständig verwaltete Lösung, die Bots, Upgrades, Wartung und Support umfasst. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit menschlichen Mitarbeitern steigert Locus die Produktivität und Effizienz der Auftragsabwicklung. Unsere preisgekrönte Technologie, Algorithmen und Echtzeit-Analysen optimieren Lagerlayouts, reduzieren die Reisezeiten und erhöhen die Genauigkeit – was eine schnellere Verarbeitung und reduzierte Kosten ermöglicht.
Locus ist derzeit an mehr als 65 Standorten in Europa im Einsatz und bedient Dutzende von Kunden aus den Bereichen Einzelhandel, E-Commerce, Gesundheitswesen, Fertigung und Logistik. Locus hat im August seine 2 Milliarden Picks weltweit überschritten, nur 11 Monate nach Erreichen des branchenweit ersten Meilensteins von 1 Milliarden Picks im Jahr 2022!
„LocusBots haben unseren europäischen Kunden in den Bereichen Einzelhandel, E-Commerce, Gesundheitswesen und Logistik bereits dabei geholfen, die Produktivität und Effizienz deutlich zu verbessern”, sagte Denis Niezgoda, Vice President, EMEA bei Locus Robotics. „Unsere leistungsstarke und flexible AMR-Technologie ermöglicht es einer Vielzahl von Unternehmen, die aktuelle Nachfrage zu befriedigen, nahtlos für zukünftiges Wachstum zu skalieren und innerhalb ihrer Branche wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben.”
Die KI- und datenwissenschaftlich gestützte Plattform für Lagerautomatisierung LocusOne ermöglicht die reibungslose Orchestrierung mehrerer Roboter in verschiedenen Größen auf Unternehmensebene innerhalb einer einzigen koordinierten Plattform. Sie ermöglicht die Echtzeit-Optimierung von Aufgaben, die innerhalb der vier Wände und über mehrere Ebenen in Lagerumgebungen erledigt werden müssen. LocusOne optimiert die Aufgabenzuweisung, Routenplanung und Ressourcennutzung und liefert Geschäftseinblicke in Echtzeit in den Lagerbetrieb.
Die Locus-Lösung hat mehr als 27 Branchenauszeichnungen gewonnen, darunter den begehrten IFOY-Award. Globale Unternehmen aus Branchen wie Einzelhandel, E-Commerce, Logistik und 3PL haben mit Locus mehr als 2 Milliarden Einheiten weltweit mit einer Genauigkeit von 99,99 % kommissioniert. Locus AMRs können problemlos in bestehenden Lagern und an neuen Standorten eingesetzt werden, ohne dass die Infrastruktur verändert oder Arbeitsabläufe unterbrochen werden müssen. Die Locus-Lösung liefert eine messbare Rendite (ROI) in nur wenigen Monaten statt in Jahren.
Die im Unternehmensmaßstab bewährte Lösung ermöglicht es Betreibern von 3PL-, Einzelhandels-, Gesundheits- und Produktionsbetrieben, in nur wenigen Minuten nahtlos Roboter hinzuzufügen, um die Kapazität zu erhöhen oder das Wachstum in jedem Betrieb zu bewältigen, die Produktivität in ihren Betrieben zu optimieren, Kosten zu senken und in der sich schnell entwickelnden Fulfillment- und E-Commerce-Landschaft wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben. Dies stärkt die Position des Unternehmens als führender Robotik-Anbieter für die Lager- und Logistikbranche.
Lagerbetreiber, die mehr über die Locus-Lösung erfahren möchten, wenden sich bitte an Francesco Ferrari in Italien ([email protected]) oder Marcin Gwozdz in Polen ([email protected]).
Über Locus Robotics
Locus Robotics ist die weltweit führende Lösung für die Lagerautomatisierung auf Unternehmensebene. Sie umfasst leistungsstarke und intelligente, KI-gesteuerte autonome mobile Roboter (AMR), die mit menschlichen Mitarbeitern zusammenarbeiten, um die Produktbewegung und Produktivität um das Zwei- bis Dreifache zu steigern. Locus Robotics unterstützt mehr als 120 der weltweit führenden Marken und wird an mehr als 270 Standorten auf der ganzen Welt eingesetzt. Es ermöglicht Einzelhändlern, 3PLs und Speziallagern, die immer komplexeren und anspruchsvolleren Anforderungen der heutigen Lieferumgebungen effizient zu erfüllen und zu übertreffen.
Das Unternehmen war drei Jahre in Folge Teil der Inc. 5000 und wurde mit mehr als 27 Branchen- und Technologiepreisen ausgezeichnet. Die Locus-Lösung steigert die Produktivität bei der Auftragsabwicklung erheblich, senkt die Betriebskosten und verbessert die Qualität, Sicherheit und Ergonomie der Arbeitsplätze für die Mitarbeiter. Um mehr zu erfahren, besuchen Sie:
CHARLESTON, S.C., Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Palmetto Publishing and Thomas Minieri are proud to offer the latest work from Thomas Minieri, Lemonade Maker, hitting bookstores everywhere on September 12, 2023.
Lemonade Maker: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming the Impossible is now available everywhere books are sold! Life gives entrepreneurs an extra dose of lemons. Fight back with Lemonade Maker strategies and turn your biggest challenges into your greatest successes.
Behind the curtain of romance surrounding entrepreneurship lies the reality and challenges that come with owning a business. Lacking capital, connections, or access to deals can cause many to give up before they start. Others get their business up and running only to find themselves on a revenue and growth plateau. Issues with staff cultivation, marketing, sales, company culture, and leadership plague even the best entrepreneurs.
In his new book Lemonade Maker®, entrepreneur and author Thomas Minieri reveals the 101 proven strategies he used to start his own business with just $30, overcome a myriad of problems and challenges, and grow that business to over twelve million dollars revenue within ten years. And he accomplished this without startup capital, without funding or investors, and without taking on any debt.
“Whether the seemingly insurmountable problems you face are due to circumstances outside of your control or are simply part of the challenge of owning your own business, learning how to prosper when facing the impossible is a key skill to becoming a successful entrepreneur.”
—Thomas Minieri
Lemonade Maker is the Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming the Impossible™ and features 101 proven Lemonology® strategies for success, which are presented throughout the book as the author’s inspiring journey from broke artist to owning a multi-million-dollar company unfolds. Lemonade Maker is the new must-read book for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and aspiring entrepreneurs. It will leave its readers feeling empowered and inspired, and equipped to tackle any challenge the world of entrepreneurship throws their way. Lemonade Maker will:
show you how to conquer internal struggles, such as fear of failure, self-doubt, or lack of proper business education that hold you back from reaching your true potential;
challenge you to disrupt the status quo, break free from worn paths of accepted success, and forever set your company apart from the crowd;
demonstrate how the most impactful innovations come from the continuous incremental improvement of your own existing systems;
prepare you to survive and thrive in times of chaos and crisis when life rattles you to your core and brings you to the edge of disaster;
and teach you how to build a remarkable company by not just solving problems, but by looking at problems for what they truly are—an opportunity to create something amazing!
“Life gives entrepreneurs an extra dose of lemons. Fight back with Lemonade Maker strategies and turn your biggest challenges into your greatest successes!”
—Thomas Minieri
Lemonade Maker: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming the Impossible is available now, everywhere books are sold! Secure your copy today. It’ll be the best business decision you’ve made this year.
Thomas Minieri is an American entrepreneur and author. He is a long-standing member of the Young Entrepreneur Council, a Forbes contributing author, and has been featured in Business 2 Community, Inc, Mashable, Readwrite, and BuiltIn. He is the author of Lemonade Maker: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Overcoming the Impossible and is the founder of Lemonade University, an online educational platform for entrepreneurs.
NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Four Walls, the Irish American whiskey brand founded by Glenn Howerton, Rob McElhenney, and Charlie Day, is headed for bars everywhere and is now available to order online at
Four Walls is a tribute to the four walls the gang calls home, the bar, and was initially sold as a limited edition release, raising money for the bartending community. “We wanted to create a brand celebrating the four walls that have held our good times in and kept our troubles out,” is how Glenn Howerton describes the gang’s initial inspiration.
Charlie Day, Glenn Howerton and Rob McElhenney’s Four Walls Whiskey is coming to a bar near you. Shop now at
Following the success of the limited drop, Glenn, Rob, and Charlie began exploring ways to make a new version of Irish American whiskey, distilled as much for Saturday night as Tuesday afternoon. The unique style of whiskey they envisioned would become a go-to in the type of rooms they cherish, where friends could raise a glass together and not be concerned about whatever is happening outside of that moment.
“After our higher-end releases, it was important for us to make a whiskey priced that all of our fans could try and that bartenders would want to use in everyday drinks,” adds Charlie Day. The 80-proof Irish American Whiskey blend is smooth enough for shots and is blended with an award-winning American Rye to hold up in cocktails – a true utility whiskey.
Watch ‘Origin Story’ to see how the gang came up with Four Walls on YouTube.
“The three of us have come up with some of our best ideas and had some of our most memorable nights out together in unassuming rooms where great bartenders made us feel like a million bucks when we probably didn’t have a hundred between us,” said Rob McElhenney, “That is the power of a great bar – when your favorite people are there, your favorite bartender is working, and a great song is playing. Nothing can beat that good time, and that’s what Four Walls is all about.”
As part of Howerton, McElhenney, and Day’s upcoming live podcast tour, Philadelphia was able to have a first taste of Four Walls at the gang’s recent performance at The Mann Center. The tour hits New York City’s Radio City Music Hall on October 12th and 13th, where Four Walls will also be poured.
Just as the limited release donated proceeds to the bartending community, fans can shop the new Four Walls merchandise shop, where 100% of the proceeds of select items will benefit Tales of the Cocktail Foundation®, a non-profit that works to Educate, Advance, and Support the global cocktail community.
About Rob, Charlie & Glenn Rob McElhenney, Charlie Day, and Glenn Howerton have always had a knack for crafting fine things together. Like a fine whiskey, their collective work has only gotten richer and intensified its distinct flavor through the years. As writers, producers, and actors, they’ve collaborated on a number of projects, and as friends, they’ve collaborated on a number of great nights out. Four Walls Irish American Whiskey is their way of sharing some of those good times.
About Tales of the Cocktail Foundation Tales of the Cocktail Foundation (TOTCF) is a non-profit organization that works to Educate, Advance, and Support the global cocktail community. Founded in 2002, the organization has become the world’s leader in spirits education and a dynamic platform dedicated to addressing the challenges of today’s hospitality industry. TOTCF offers a spectrum of programs designed to enrich individuals and organizations, including the annual Tales of the Cocktail conference, which welcomes guests to Tales’ home city of New Orleans with nearly 400 unique, curated events. To learn more, visit
Radar offers a cost-effective, developer-friendly alternative to GeoComply.
NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Radar, recognized as the industry leader in geofencing, proudly unveils its fraud detection and geo-compliance solution.
Radar already powers geolocation for leading brands like DICK’s Sporting Goods, T-Mobile, Panera, and Zillow, processing over 100 billion API calls per year from over 100 million devices.
Radar now detects location spoofing, including GPS spoofing, proxy and VPN usage, device tampering, screen sharing, and more. Radar’s powerful dashboard provides reporting, troubleshooting, and back office capabilities.
Radar’s industry-leading Geofencing Platform has long supported highly accurate and reliable geofencing, country and state detection, place visit detection, and Bluetooth beacon detection.
With this release, Radar now offers a cost-effective and developer-friendly geolocation solution for the gaming industry, and a much-needed alternative to GeoComply.
The Need for Geo-Compliance Alternatives
Online gambling is exploding in the United States, with fierce competition from market leaders like FanDuel, DraftKings, and others. Competitive markets are good for consumers and stimulate innovation. However, nearly all online gambling operators rely on a single geolocation vendor: GeoComply.
Nick Patrick, Radar co-founder and CEO, said, “From dozens of conversations with tier 1 operators, vendors, compliance experts, and regulators over the past year, one thing is clear: The market needs viable alternative geolocation solutions. Radar, the geofencing industry leader, is here to meet that need.”
Fraud Detection Capabilities
Radar’s Geofencing Platform has long supported highly accurate and reliable geofencing, country and state detection, Bluetooth beacon detection, and place visit detection. With its new fraud detection capabilities, Radar can also detect location spoofing, VPN and proxy usage, device tampering, screen sharing, and more.
These capabilities are supported across iOS, Android, web, and desktop. Radar’s SDKs are developer-friendly and can be integrated with just a few lines of code. Radar’s SDKs have also passed an audit by Gaming Labs International (GLI).
Radar’s dashboard provides comprehensive back office capabilities, including tools for reporting, alerting, and debugging.
Beyond geo-compliance use cases, Radar’s Geofencing Platform and Maps Platform can power other use cases like location-based messaging, on-premise app experiences, address validation, and more.
Ken Wang, co-founder of leading fantasy sports app Sleeper, said, “We’re really happy we chose Radar as our geofencing provider at Sleeper. The integration with the rest of our tech stack was a breeze, well-documented and easy to follow.”
Geo-Compliance Solution
Radar’s solution is significantly more cost-effective than alternatives, with pricing based on monthly tracked users instead of location pings.
Radar is licensed as a gaming vendor in Colorado, Arizona, and West Virginia. The company plans to be licensed in all remaining US states in 2024 and is accelerating its licensing timeline given the immense demand from operators.
Radar is already working with customers like Sleeper, Everi, and 1/ST, and plans to launch with its first sportsbook customers in the coming months.
Visit Radar at G2E
Radar will be at the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) in Las Vegas this year. Attendees can visit Radar at booth #5427 or attend a talk from Nick Patrick, Radar co-founder and CEO, on October 10.
About Radar
Radar ( is the all-in-one location platform. Companies like Sleeper, DICK’s Sporting Goods, Panera, T-Mobile, and Zillow use Radar’s geofencing SDKs and maps APIs to power location-based experiences across hundreds of millions of devices worldwide. To learn more about Radar’s offerings, visit
SINGAPORE, Oct. 3, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Travel-tech innovator utu continues to revolutionise tax-free shopping with the launch of the enhanced utu Membership Program. Since its operation in 2016, utu has transformed how travellers worldwide experience VAT refunds and now operates in more than 50 countries.
utu Unveils New and Improved utu Miles Membership Program: Redefining Tax-Free Shopping with Up To 40% VAT Refund Boost
utu unlocks a world of possibilities by enabling travellers to boost their VAT refunds by up to 40% using the utu Tax Free Card. utu has partnered with 13 prestigious airlines and world-renowned global hotel groups, offering customers the freedom to convert their VAT refunds into rewards with their preferred partners in the form of air miles.
But the highlight of the new utu Membership Program lies in its restructured membership tiers. The previously named Elite, Voyager, Explorer, and Traveler membership tiers have been renamed to Platinum, Gold, Silver and Classic. The Classic Tier offers a 25% increase on tax refunds, awarded in the form of air miles. Silver boasts an additional 30%, Gold offers 35%, and Platinum delivers an impressive 40% increase. Becoming a Premium Member is effortless, with two straightforward paths to elevate one’s status: accumulate VAT refunds or opt for a subscription-based plan: Silver at $60, Gold at $120, and Platinum at $180. The subscription is valid for two years.
utu has also introduced a ‘Status Match’ initiative, offering their customers a chance to have their membership status matched with their airline partners, bypassing qualification or subscription fees. Subscribers need to accept invitations sent by the participating airline partners to automatically match their airline loyalty programs’ membership to utu’s membership tiers.
Mr Sanjay Chinchwade, Chief Commercial Officer of utu Miles and Partnerships, commented, “utu represents a world of possibilities for travellers, where obtaining higher VAT refunds is not just a digitised process but a re-engineered value chain designed entirely for their benefit.”
utu is also gearing up for upcoming new partnerships with several international airlines. On 4th October, utu will also host a grand launch event with airline partner Royal Orchid Plus (Thai Airways), inviting members to explore the future of tax-free shopping.
utu continues to lead the transformation of tax-free shopping into an experience that delivers on the promise of innovation, transparency, and enhanced value for travellers. Join utu on this remarkable journey as it revolutionises the tax-free shopping sector.
utu (pronounced “you-too”) is transforming tax-free shopping worldwide by empowering travellers with the freedom to obtain a higher VAT refund by going beyond digitising refunds to re-engineer the tax-free shopping value chain to benefit travellers. The utu management team has deep domain knowledge in tax-free shopping developed over 25 years of refunding VAT and GST worldwide. By bringing the worlds of refunds and rewards together, utu unlocks new value in rewards from retailers, airlines, hotels, and others. Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Singapore, utu’s products can be used in over 50 countries.
LOS ANGELES, 3 de outubro de 2023 /PRNewswire/– O filme “PARAÍSO” do Prasanna Vithanage é um empreendimento inovador, marcando a primeira colaboração entre Madras Talkies de Mani Ratnam e a indústria cinematográfica malaiala.
NEWTON CINEMA, in partnership with Mani Ratnam’s MADRAS TALKIES, presents the World Premiere of ‘PARADISE’, Kim Jiseok Award Nominee.
“PARAÍSO” retrata o cenário do Sri Lanka em 2022 durante sua crise financeira, em que o aumento da inflação leva à escassez de alimentos, medicamentos e combustível, resultando em blecautes e agitação pública. Esta narrativa leva os espectadores a uma montanha russa de amor, engano e crime. Com base nesse cenário, PARAÍSO conta a história de um produtor de TV e sua esposa, uma vlogger, que chegam à região montanhosa do Sri Lanka para comemorar seu quinto aniversário de casamento. No entanto, quando as coisas dão uma reviravolta inesperada, os conflitos se aprofundam, revelando fissuras em seu relacionamento.
O Diretor Vithanage comenta: “Diante da crise, a verdadeira natureza de um indivíduo surge. Meu objetivo é explorar as realidades da vida, seus efeitos sobre os relacionamentos e destacar as disparidades em raça, status, justiça e gênero. Por meio das lutas dos personagens com conflitos sociais e pessoais, uma verdade mais profunda sobre a natureza humana é revelada”.
“O ‘PARAÍSO’ é uma experiência cinematográfica acelerada e emocionante que irá entreter e surpreender”, entusiasmou-se Anto Chittilappilly, Produtor do Cinema Newton e CEO.
O produtor de Madras Talkies Siva Ananth comenta: “O ‘PARAÍSO’ está cheio de percepções sutis e florescimento cinematográfico sutil de um diretor cinematográfico. Ele é repleto de apresentações notáveis de um elenco e equipe de primeira linha. Estamos muito satisfeitos em apresentar este filme sob nossa bandeira”.
O filme é estrelado por Roshan Mathew, Darshana Rajendran, Shyam Fernando e Mahendra Perera, com Rajeev Ravi como cinematógrafo, Sreekar Prasad como editor, Tapas Nayak como designer de som e “K” como diretor de música.
Roshan Mathew compartilhou “o Diretor Vithanage, propôs ‘Vamos mergulhar juntos na psique humana’. Esta exploração é o que ele promoveu durante toda a filmagem. Acredito que meu personagem, Kesav, incorpora elementos da natureza humana que residem em todos”.
Darshana Rajendran, que retratou Amritha, disse: “Eu reconheci minha personagem como cativantemente complexa. Suas fortes convicções muitas vezes permanecem não ditas, revelando-se mais em momentos solitários do que em sua comunicação verbal. Aceitei isso como uma oportunidade única de liderar o público durante a profunda transformação da Amritha”.
A Estreia Mundial de ‘PARAÍSO’ está marcada para 7 de outubro de 2023 no Busan International Film Festival na Coreia do Sul.