A Haunted House… in a Real Haunted House

‘Til Death Do Us Part
The Mortuary Haunted Mansion Invites You to
a Grand Feast & Dark Celebration.

NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Infamous Mortuary Haunted Mansion in New Orleans’ Cities of the Dead is recognized globally as one of the top haunted attractions in the world! The haunt is set within the walls of a three-story Victorian mansion circa 1872. It operated as a real funeral home for almost 100 years. “It’s not your typical haunted attraction,” commented Jeff Borne, Owner. Paranormal Investigators from around the world have verified that the mansion is actually haunted. When you add that to the high-end special effects, animatronics, theatrical sets and professional actors, our visitors get a world-class, haunted thrill ride ranked as one of the best in the country.

This Halloween, your presence is requested for YOUR Blood Wedding at The Mortuary Haunted Mansion… We Insist!  This year, The Mortuary’s theme is “Blood Wedding” where the mansion will host a unique setting where visitors/victims will be the guests for a scream filled vampire wedding. In addition, the public is invited to enter to win their own private “Blood Wedding Ceremony” at The Mortuary. “Master of Ceremonies” or Minister will be provided. Real wedding optional. Vampire Makeup & Costumes provided by The Mortuary for the winning couple complete with wedding photos. No purchase necessary.

The winning couple will be chosen on Oct 9th, 2023. Their private ceremony, along with 20 of their guests, will be held on the iconic date of Friday the 13th of October this Halloween season. You can get all of the details and enter to win at Entry’s into the contest will be asked to Direct Message a short 1 minute or less video to The Mortuary’s Facebook or Instagram page to upload it, telling us why they want to win and why we should choose them. The more captivating and original the video, the more likely they could be a finalist!

The Mortuary hosts private catered events such as tours, parties, and onsite movie filming/wraps.

Visit for more information on the contest, dates, times and tickets.

To explore The Mortuary, follow us at:

Ben Hulin 985-502-5874 / [email protected]
Direct 504-483-2350 /  [email protected]

THE MORTUARY 4800 Canal Street New Orleans, LA 70119
OFFICE: Eerie Ventures LLC 150 New Camellia Blvd. Covington, LA 70433

SOURCE Eerie Ventures dba. The MORTUARY

Sind wir in einer „Reiseblase” gefangen? Reisegewohnheiten in globaler Umfrage aufgedeckt

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Sind wir in einer „Reiseblase” gefangen? Reisegewohnheiten in globaler Umfrage aufgedeckt Deutschland – Deutsch USA – English Middle East – English India – English

  • Eine internationale YouGov-Umfrage unter mehr als 17.500 Personen aus 15 Ländern hat ergeben, dass fast zwei Drittel der Menschen weltweit vorrangig an Orte reisen, an denen ihre Freunde und Familienangehörige bereits waren, was den Übertourismus an bestimmten Orten anheizt und andere Reiseziele weitgehend unentdeckt lässt. 
  • 66% der Touristen sind der Meinung, dass es wichtig ist, an einen Ort zu reisen, der ihnen vertraut ist, und knapp die Hälfte der Befragten fühlt sich unwohl, an Orte zu reisen, von denen sie wenig wissen. 
  • Von denjenigen, die zu neuen Reisezielen reisen, sind jedoch 83% der Meinung, dass sie mit einer veränderten oder erweiterten Perspektive zurückkehren. 

RIAD, Saudi-Arabien, 27. September 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Laut einer heute veröffentlichten internationalen YouGov-Umfrage sind internationale Touristen weniger geneigt, unbekannte Reiseziele zu erkunden, sondern ziehen es vor, an Orte zu reisen, die ihnen besser bekannt sind.

Die YouGov-Umfrage unter mehr 17.500 Personen, die von der Saudi Tourism Authority (Saudische Tourismusbehörde) in Auftrag gegeben und vor dem diesjährigen Welttourismustag in Riad veröffentlicht wurde, wurde in 15 Ländern in Asien, Afrika, Amerika, Europa und dem Nahen Osten durchgeführt. Auch wenn die Ergebnisse von Land zu Land unterschiedlich ausfallen, zeigt die Studie, dass 66% der Touristen am liebsten in Länder reisen, die ihnen vertraut sind, während 67% dazu neigen, zu Zielen zu reisen, die sie schon einmal besucht haben oder von denen sie über ihr Netzwerk, wie Familie und Freunde, gehört haben.

Bei den Ergebnissen gibt es einige globale Unterschiede: 90% der Touristen aus Ländern des Nahen Osten sehen die Vertrautheit mit dem Reiseziel als Schlüsselfaktor für ihre Reiseentscheidungen an, während britische (62%), französische (75%), chinesische (68%) und japanische (74%) Touristen sich wohler fühlen, wenn sie an Orte reisen, über die sie weniger wissen.

Für Reiseziele mit einem sich entwickelnden Tourismussektor und geringerer Kaufkraft für internationale Werbemaßnahmen bedeutet dies, dass sie nicht in der Lage sein werden, den Bekanntheitsgrad zu steigern, der für die Menschen bei der Wahl ihres Reiseziels zweifellos ein wichtiger Faktor ist. Für die reiferen Reiseziele hingegen besteht die Herausforderung darin, Touristen von den Hotspots weg und in ihre weniger bekannten Regionen zu locken.

Im Einklang mit früheren Studien, die ergaben, dass 80% der Touristen nur 10% der weltweiten Reiseziele besuchen[1], unterstreichen die eindeutigen Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage nicht nur die Vorliebe der Touristen für vertraute Reiseziele, sondern machen auch deutlich, dass weltweit mehr nachhaltige Tourismuspraktiken erforderlich sind.

Fahd Hamidaddin, Chief Executive Officer und Vorstandsmitglied der Saudi Tourism Authority, sagte: „Die Ergebnisse dieser internationalen Umfrage geben uns einen großartigen Einblick in die Trends und Gewohnheiten von Touristen aus aller Welt und zeigen, wie wichtig ihnen ein Gefühl der Vertrautheit bei der Wahl ihrer Reiseziele ist.”

„Vertrautheit bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass Reiseziele ihre Authentizität einbüßen müssen, denn die Studie belegt auch, dass der Besuch neuer Orte unsere Wertschätzung für unterschiedliche Kulturen vertieft und das gegenseitige Verständnis fördert. Wenn wir reisen, sind wir Agenten des Guten – wir exportieren unsere eigenen Kulturen und kehren mit neuen Entdeckungen, neuen Ideen und neuen Perspektiven nach Hause zurück.”

„Ich hoffe, dass wir mehr Menschen dazu inspirieren können, sich für weniger vertraute Reiseziele zu entscheiden, indem wir aufzeigen, dass Reisen die Kraft hat, Perspektiven zu erweitern. Ich freue mich darauf, die Ergebnisse dieser Umfrage diese Woche auf dem Welttourismustag in Riad mit meinen Kollegen zu erörtern, um herauszufinden, wie wir gemeinsam weiterhin alle Ecken der Welt einladend und für alle zugänglich machen können.”

Die Ergebnisse untermauern die jüngsten Berichte aus Ländern wie Kroatien und Frankreich, die Maßnahmen ergriffen haben, um die großen Touristenströme in ihren beliebtesten Reisezielen besser zu kontrollieren. Die kroatische Stadt Dubrovnik hat eine „Respect the City”-Kampagne ins Leben gerufen, um den Tourismus zu steuern und seine Auswirkungen zu minimieren, während die französische Tourismusministerin Olivia Gregoire erklärte, Frankreich müsse den Zustrom während der Hochsaison besser steuern, da dieser „die Umwelt, die Lebensqualität der Einheimischen und die Erfahrungen der Besucher” gefährde.

Von den Touristen, die sich an neue Reiseziele gewagt haben, berichten 83%, dass die Erfahrung ihre Perspektive verändert oder erweitert hat, was ein überzeugender Beweis für die tiefgreifende Wirkung des Tourismus bei der Verbindung von Menschen und der Förderung des gegenseitigen Verständnisses ist.

Die von der Saudi Tourism Authority in Auftrag gegebene weltweite Umfrage wurde im Vorfeld des diesjährigen Welttourismustages (Word Tourism Day – WTD) durchgeführt, der vom 27sten bis 28sten September in Riad stattfinden wird. Der WTD 2023 wird Tourismusminister, Branchenführer und -experten aus aller Welt unter dem Motto „Tourismus und grüne Investitionen” zusammenbringen. In einer Reihe von spannenden Sitzungen, Podiumsdiskussionen und Workshops werden die Teilnehmer die wesentliche Rolle des Tourismus und der globalen Zusammenarbeit bei der Förderung des Wohlstands, dem Schutz der Kulturen, der Erhaltung der Umwelt und der Förderung einer harmonischeren und stärker vernetzten Welt untersuchen.

Informationen zur Saudi Tourism Authority

Die im Juni 2020 gegründete Saudi Tourism Authority (STA) ist für die weltweite Vermarktung der saudischen Tourismusdestinationen und die Entwicklung des Angebots der Destinationen durch Programme, Pakete und geschäftliche Unterstützung verantwortlich. Zu ihren Aufgaben gehören die Entwicklung der einzigartigen Vorzüge und Reiseziele des Landes, die Ausrichtung von und Teilnahme an Branchenveranstaltungen sowie die Förderung der saudischen Tourismusmarke im In- und Ausland. Die STA unterhält weltweit 16 Repräsentanzen in 38 Ländern.

Informationen zu UNWTO 

Die Welttourismusorganisation (UNWTO) ist die Sonderorganisation der Vereinten Nationen zur Förderung des Tourismus als Mittel für eine gleichberechtigte, integrative und nachhaltige Entwicklung. In Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Mitgliedstaaten, internationalen Organisationen und dem Privatsektor fördert die UNWTO sicheres und reibungsloses Reisen für alle. Die UNWTO setzt sich auch dafür ein, dass der Tourismus zur Grundlage von Vertrauen und internationaler Zusammenarbeit wird und eine zentrale Säule für Wachstum und Chancen darstellt. Als Teil des breiteren UN-Systems steht die UNWTO an vorderster Front der globalen Bemühungen um die Verwirklichung der Agenda 2030 für nachhaltige Entwicklung, unter anderem durch ihre Fähigkeit, menschenwürdige Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen, Gleichberechtigung zu fördern und das natürliche und kulturelle Erbe zu erhalten.

Foto –

1. Murmuration Research

SOURCE Saudi Tourism Authority

GOLFSUITES City Club Unveils Groundbreaking Collaboration with Industry Titans Kevin Harrington and David Leadbetter

Exclusive Pre-Opening Memberships Available

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla., Sept. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — GolfSuites, Inc. announced today the launch of its first GOLFSUITES City Club venue, being developed in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida, situated in one of Tampa Bay’s busiest commercial and residential sectors, and planned for opening mid-2024. The company’s new City Club concept is an upper-scale, partially membership-based version of indoor golf simulator lounge, offering finer dining, superior simulator technology, with 8 separate simulator lounges and up to 300+ indoor and outdoor seats for dining and beverage offerings.

GolfSuites is based in Brandon, Florida, and currently operates three traditional golf driving range entertainment facilities in Tulsa, Lubbock, and Baton Rouge, and has just broken ground on its fourth driving range facility near Auburn University. The company also owns land in Madison (suburban Jackson, MS) where it provisionally plans to build a more casual indoor golf simulator venue. Over time, the company business plan is to proliferate three distinct venues –

  • GolfSuites – outdoor driving range entertainment facilities.
  • GolfSuites City Club – upper scale partially membership-based indoor golf simulator lounges offering higher end dining planned for urban centers around the US.
  • GolfSuites Lounge – a more casual indoor golf simulator lounge concept planned for suburban areas around the US.

The GolfSuites President / COO is Scott McCurry, who came to GolfSuites in 2019 after more than 24 years of experience in this sector, first with Macaroni Grill and then with TopGolf, where he helped oversee their growth from 7 to 38 outdoor driving range facilities nationwide. McCurry oversees operations of all three venues.

GolfSuites is pleased to announce that Kevin Harrington, an original Investor Shark on the hit TV series “Shark Tank” and Infomercial Inventor, has joined the company as Board Director and will be the “Brand Ambassador” for the GolfSuites City Club brand nationwide. Harrington’s involvement in this new brand is widespread as he is advising the company on marketing, financial, and several other aspects of this new concept.

Harrington has introduced the company to David Leadbetter, world renowned professional golf instructor, having coached 23 players to major tournament wins and 7 World Number 1’s. Leadbetter will be advising on golf instruction, simulator design, and equipment offerings. Leadbetter is working with the company in development of its Morning Pro offering, wherein members and guests can arrive in the early hours for various levels of coaching and training.

This initial GolfSuites City Club is situated in an approximate 17,000 square foot building on an approximate half acre of land at 123 4th Street South in downtown St. Petersburg. GolfSuites has leased the building with options for up to 20 years of occupancy.

The transaction was managed by Christine Walker of Realty One Group Sunshine in St. Petersburg.

The architect and design team is the Robert P. Resch, III, Architect firm from Clearwater, Florida. Planned opening is Summer 2024.

Food and beverage offerings are planned to be indoor and outdoor all day long. Simulator hours will range from 6 AM until 11 AM for golf practice and instruction under the company’s Morning Pro offering, then noon to mid-afternoon for lunch, and then 4 or 5 PM until as late as 2 AM for dinner and after hours.

Preliminary membership inquiries may be made to:
⦁    Megan Storm – Membership Director – ⦁    [email protected]
A membership office will be located near the site, where prospective members may meet with Ms. Storm and view the simulator technology.

⦁    Gerald Ellenburg – GolfSuites Chairman / CEO – ⦁    [email protected] 813.621.5000

Theo Prodromitis, 8139069910, [email protected]

SOURCE GolfSuites

Evofem Announces Padagis Will Not Seek FDA Approval to Market a Generic Version of Phexxi® Until Evofem’s Phexxi Patents Expire

— Padagis Determined They Will Not Challenge the Phexxi Patents — 

 — Evofem Has Phexxi Patent Protection Through 2033 — 

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Evofem Biosciences, Inc., (OTCQB: EVFM) today announced that Padagis Israel Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (Padagis) has withdrawn the Paragraph IV certification in its previously-submitted Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) for a generic version of Phexxi® (lactic acid, citric acid and potassium bitartrate) and has instead converted to a Paragraph III certification. With this pivot to Paragraph III certification, rather than challenging the Phexxi patents and seeking approval of the ANDA prior to expiration of any of those patents, Padagis is instead now asking the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to wait until after all the Phexxi patents expire before issuing final approval of the ANDA. The latest-expiring Phexxi patents do not expire until 2033.

Padagis previously submitted its ANDA in April 2023 requesting permission to manufacture and market a generic version of Phexxi. That ANDA contained a Paragraph IV certification, in response to which Evofem initiated patent infringement litigation against Padagis. As a result of its conversion to a Paragraph III certification, Padagis is effectively no longer challenging the Phexxi Patents; accordingly, the parties have submitted a stipulation to dismiss the case.

Phexxi is currently protected by four patents, each of which are listed in the FDA’s publication Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations, commonly known as the ‘Orange Book.’ All four patents would need to expire or be deemed invalid or not infringed before a generic version of Phexxi could be marketed.

About Evofem Biosciences, Inc.
Evofem Biosciences, Inc., is commercializing innovative products to address unmet needs in women’s sexual and reproductive health. The Company’s first FDA-approved product, Phexxi, is a hormone-free, on-demand prescription contraceptive vaginal gel. It comes in a box of 12 pre-filled applicators and is applied 0-60 minutes before each act of sex. Learn more at and

Phexxi® is a registered trademark of Evofem Biosciences, Inc.

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes “forward-looking statements,” within the meaning of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements provided by Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 including, without limitation, statements related to patent expiration dates, FDA approval of a generic version of Phexxi®, and marketing of a generic version of Phexxi. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which are current only as of the date of this press release. Each of these forward-looking statements involves risks and uncertainties. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements are disclosed in the Company’s SEC filings, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021, filed with the SEC on March 10, 2022, its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2023 filed with the SEC on August 14, 2023 and any subsequent filings. All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by such factors. The Company does not undertake any duty to update any forward-looking statement except as required by law.

Investor Contact
Amy Raskopf
Evofem Biosciences, Inc.
(917) 673-5775

SOURCE Evofem Biosciences, Inc.

Family Care Center Expands Access to Mental Health Care with Pflugerville Clinic

Access to mental health services increases with more Austin clinics planned

PFLUGERVILLE, Texas , Sept. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Family Care Center, one of the nation’s premier mental health care providers, is expanding with a new state-of-the-art facility in Pflugerville and making mental health care more accessible to central Texas communities.

This expansion represents a significant milestone in the company’s ongoing commitment to promoting mental well-being and enhancing the provision of mental health services to the greater Austin community. Following a first clinic in Round Rock, Family Care Center’s Pflugerville clinic is the second location to open in the area. The company will commemorate this growth by hosting a ribbon cutting with the Austin Area Chamber of Commerce on Sept. 26.

Texas is ranked 41st by Mental Health America’s 2022 ranking of children’s mental health in the United States and only slightly improved for the adult ranking at 33rd. This ranking methodology considers both the prevalence of mental illness and the accessibility of care—a stark reminder of the state’s challenges. On top of this, Austin’s rapid growth has created an increased gap between mental health needs and services available. 

“Family Care Center is responding to the needs of residents in the Austin area,” said Dr. Charles Weber, founder and Chief Medical Officer for Family Care Center. “We are committed to providing convenient access to evidence-based mental health care and enhancing the community’s overall well-being in and around Travis County.”

While following a “one size doesn’t fit all” philosophy, Family Care Center provides integrated mental health services for all ages, including counseling for individuals, couples and families, child play therapy, medication management, telehealth and low-cost options.

They also provide transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment—an FDA-approved, non-medication-based approach for conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD and more. This advanced treatment is a highly effective option for patients who haven’t responded to antidepressants or other treatments.

Family Care Center’s proximity to the needs of Veterans, active-duty military service members, military families and first responders in the area is no accident. “My previous military experience allows me to have a deep understanding of the mental health needs of not only those on duty and who have served but also those who support them at home and the great American population,” said Pflugerville Clinic Director Dr. Alexander Kaplan. “We strive to provide a thoughtful and robust mental health care experience across the population as we serve those in Travis County and neighboring communities.”

Additional clinics in Central Austin and Cedar Park opened shortly after Pflugerville, and they will have grand opening celebrations later this year.

To learn more about Family Care Center’s comprehensive mental health services or to schedule an appointment at the Pflugerville clinic, please visit or call 512-320-5785.

About Family Care Center

Family Care Center is one of the nation’s leading providers of mental health services and is dedicated to making a positive impact on the well-being of local communities. Their top-rated, multi-specialty clinicians provide comprehensive, evidence-based care that yields lasting positive results for patients of all ages. In addition to individual, couples and family therapy, as well as psychiatric services, Family Care Center leads in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), an innovative treatment for depression and more. Family Care Center is one of the fastest-growing providers of mental health in the United States. With nearly 25 outpatient locations across Colorado, Tennessee and Texas, they continue to expand nationally in collaboration with Revelstoke Capital Partners.

SOURCE Family Care Center

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Robosoft Technologies Completes Acquisition of Cartesian Consulting Analytics Practice USA – English USA – English

SAN FRANCISCO and MUMBAI, India, Sept. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Robosoft Technologies Private Limited with its affiliate Robosoft Technologies Inc., today announced the acquisition of the analytics consulting practice of Cartesian Consulting Pvt. Ltd., with headquarters in Mumbai, India and also its affiliate company, Cartesian DataSciences LLC, located in Dallas, Texas.

Cartesian Consulting was founded in 2009 by Sandeep Mittal and has done analytics projects for more than 100 clients located in 16 countries around the world. Cartesian DataSciences was launched in 2017 by its Americas Director, Jim Griffin, who will be coming onboard to Robosoft Technologies Inc as Sales Director for the global analytics practice. Griffin is also a faculty member at the University of Texas, McCombs School of Business, graduate analytics program.

With this acquisition, Cartesian Consulting Pvt. Ltd. will focus on development and marketing efforts for SOLUS AI, a SaaS solution which acts as a System of Intelligence for Hyper Personalization. The pivot to a SaaS product business from an Analytics Consulting business is something that Cartesian had undertaken over the last 3 years. SOLUS AI has been in market and has seen fantastic acceptance with over 60 implementations as of date.

Robosoft Technologies Inc Chairman and CEO, Ravi Bommireddipalli, remarked: “Many of the technologies we have created already have embedded analytics and insight as part of their design, but the Cartesian acquisition helps to position us for our goal of break-out growth in the area of analytics.”

Cartesian Consulting CEO Sandeep Mittal stated: “Our pivot to SOLUS also meant we had to focus our management and engineering efforts full time in support of the product, so we were looking for a company to which we could entrust our rich analytics practice, our legacy. We found in Robosoft an ideal choice and are thrilled to place this valuable business in such good hands.”

Sandeep Mittal also announced that he will remain active in an advisory role for Robosoft.

Headquartered in San Francisco, California, Robosoft Technologies, Inc. is the North American affiliate of Robosoft Technologies Pvt. Ltd., which is headquartered in Udupi, India. Robosoft Technologies is a digital-led business transformation partner for enterprises. Robosoft offers end-to-end solutions in Digital Consulting, Customer Experience Design, Platform Engineering & IT Modernization, Data Science and Analytics, Enterprise Applications Implementation and Cybersecurity. Their expertise includes Design Strategy, UI/UX services, Consumer & Enterprise Application Development, Application Modernization and Testing-as-a-Service to name a few. Robosoft is certified ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001:2013.

Headquartered in Tokyo, Japan, TechnoPro is the parent company of Robosoft. TechnoPro is a global leader in digital technology, employing more than 20,000 engineers and researchers, who serve a client base of over 2,000 customers.

Media contact:

Lakshmipathy Bhat
[email protected]


SOURCE Robosoft Technologies