Pacific countries on the frontline of climate change to get support to unlock climate financing for the future of the region

BOULDER, Colo., Sept. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Vulnerable island nations in the Pacific are in urgent need of resources to respond to the worsening climate crisis. Building on the success of mobilizing USD $67 million in climate finance its first year of operation, the Climate Finance Access Network (CFAN) is partnering with the Pacific Community (SPC) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) to expand capabilities in financing where they are most needed.

CFAN provides localized technical support to developing nations to respond to a clear gap in meeting country-identified needs around climate finance access. The result is a network offering technical support to unlock and accelerate climate finance at scale through deploying embedded climate finance advisors at national and regional levels.

Launched in 2021 with the support of the Canadian Government, CFAN placed advisors in Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu who unlocked USD $67million in climate financing to support resilience, with an additional USD $348million investment pipeline.

A generous philanthropic donor has joined CFAN and allowed the network to further extend its reach in the Pacific by deploying three additional advisors in French Polynesia, the Cook Islands and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) along with embedding an advisor in the Pacific Community (SPC).

Advisors will begin their training in November, immediately following their placement in-country. SPC, the region’s largest scientific and technical organization delivering development solutions in the region, owned and governed by 27 country and territory members, is well-positioned to serve its members through the dedicated support of CFAN’s services.

Existing CFAN advisors will also be extended in their respective countries for an additional three years due to funding support by the Australian Government. The Global Green Growth Institute, CFAN’s regional implementing partner for Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu, will continue to host and support these advisors.

More information on the work being done by CFAN advisors in the Pacific can be found at

Read the full release here:

Media contact: Denali Hussin, [email protected] or Lisa Kingsberry, Pacific Community (SPC) [email protected] +6799252849 (whatsapp)

SOURCE Climate Finance Access Network

Liberty All-Star® Growth Fund, Inc. August 2023 Monthly Update

BOSTON, Sept. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Below is the August 2023 Monthly Update for the Liberty All-Star Growth Fund, Inc. (NYSE: ASG)

Liberty All-Star Growth Fund, Inc.
Ticker: ASG
Monthly Update, August, 2023         

Investment Approach:
Fund Style: All-Cap Growth
Fund Strategy: Combines three growth style investment managers, each with a distinct capitalization focus (small-, mid- and large-cap) selected and continuously monitored by the Fund’s Investment Advisor.

Investment Managers:                     

Weatherbie Capital, LLC
Small-Cap Growth
Congress Asset Management Company, LLP
Mid-Cap Growth
Sustainable Growth Advisers, LP
Large-Cap Growth

Top 20 Holdings at Month-End

(32.8% of equity portfolio)                            


SPS Commerce, Inc.                                       

2.5 %


Microsoft Corp.                                              

2.2 %

3, Inc.                                          

2.1 %


Visa, Inc.                                                        

1.9 %


Flywire Corp.                                                  

1.8 %


FirstService Corp.                                          

1.8 %


Glaukos Corp.                                                

1.7 %


Progyny, Inc.                                                

1.7 %


SiteOne Landscape Supply, Inc.                  

1.6 %


Workday, Inc.                                                

1.6 %


Casella Waste Systems, Inc.                          

1.5 %


S&P Global, Inc.                                            

1.5 %


Aon PLC                                                        

1.4 %


Deckers Outdoor Corp.                                  

1.4 %


Alphabet, Inc.                                                

1.4 %


Danaher Corp.                                                

1.4 %


Vertex, Inc.                                                    

1.4 %


MSCI, Inc.                                                    

1.3 %


 Intuit, Inc.                                                      

1.3 %


Ecolab, Inc.                                                  

1.3 %

Holdings are subject to change.

Monthly Performance                                 



Market Price      


Beginning of month value                              



-3.9 %

End of month value                                        



-4.9 %

Performance for month                                  

-2.28 %

-3.29 %

Performance year-to-date                              

13.24 %

14.30 %

Net Assets at Month-End ($millions)





Percent Invested         

98.8 %

Sector Breakdown (% of equity portfolio)*                      

Information Technology                    

22.3 %

Health Care                                        

20.5 %


14.6 %


14.0 %

Consumer Discretionary                    

13.0 %


4.0 %

Real Estate                                          

3.7 %

Communication Services                    

3.4 %

Consumer Staples                              

2.5 %


2.0 %

Total Market Value                            

100.0 %

*Based on Standard & Poor’s and MSCI Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).

New Holdings

Holdings Liquidated
Intuitive Surgical, Inc.

The net asset value (NAV) of a closed-end fund is the market value of the underlying investments (i.e., stocks and bonds) in the Fund’s portfolio, minus liabilities, divided by the total number of Fund shares outstanding. However, the Fund also has a market price; the value at which it trades on an exchange. If the market price is above the NAV the Fund is trading at a premium. If the market price is below the NAV the Fund is trading at a discount.

Performance returns for the Fund are total returns, which includes dividends, and are net of management fees and other Fund expenses. Returns are calculated assuming that a shareholder reinvested all distributions. Past performance cannot predict future investment results.

Performance will fluctuate with changes in market conditions. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data shown. Performance information shown does not reflect the deduction of taxes that shareholders would pay on Fund distributions or the sale of Fund shares. Shareholders must be willing to tolerate significant fluctuations in the value of their investment. An investment in the Fund involves risk, including loss of principal.

Sources of distributions to shareholders may include ordinary dividends, long-term capital gains and return of capital.  The final determination of the source of all distributions in 2023 for tax reporting purposes will be made after year end.  The actual amounts and sources of the amounts for tax reporting purposes will depend upon the Fund’s investment experience during its fiscal year and may be subject to changes based on tax regulations. Based on current estimates a portion of the distributions consist of a return of capital. These estimates may not match the final tax characterization (for the full year’s distributions) contained in shareholder 1099-DIV forms after the end of the year.                    

All data is as of August, 2023 unless otherwise noted.                                             

Liberty All-Star® Growth Fund, Inc.

SOURCE Liberty All-Star Growth Fund, Inc.

Erie Insurance achieves coveted Great Place To Work® certification

86% of employees say Erie Insurance is a great place to work compared to 57% of employees at a typical U.S.-based company

ERIE, Pa., Sept. 15, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Erie Insurance (ERIE) has been Certified™ by Great Place To Work® for its positive employee experience and standing out as a top employer. This prestigious award is based entirely on employee feedback reported through the Great Place To Work survey about their work environment and how consistently they experience a culture of trust and transparency.

Survey results revealed that more than four out of five, or 86% of employees said Erie Insurance is a great place to work – outperforming the average U.S. company by 29 points.  

The Great Place To Work Certification™ is based on results of the Trust Index™ survey administered by the Great Place To Work Institute, which assesses employee satisfaction in key areas such as credibility, fairness, respect, pride and a sense of belonging.

Founded in 1925, Erie Insurance’s mission is to be Above All in Service. According to Sean Dugan, executive vice president for Human Resources & Corporate Services, that culture of care and service extends to the workforce, too, and is why ERIE offers benefits that are among the best in any industry. Erie Insurance is one of only 13 Fortune 500 companies to offer both a traditional pension plan and a 401(k) savings plan. At ERIE, people matter, and the company provides robust resources to help employees feel secure in their future and well-being.

“We’re proud to be a Certified Great Place To Work, and most importantly that our employees view ERIE’s benefits, learning and development opportunities, culture and stability as some of our greatest assets,” said Dugan.

“Two-way communication is also a critical part of our culture at ERIE,” added Dugan. “The Great Place to Work survey is part of a broader continuous listening approach helping us shape and improve our employee experience.”

Great Place To Work Certification is recognized worldwide by employees and employers alike and is the global benchmark for identifying and recognizing outstanding employee experience. Every year, more than 10,000 companies across 60 countries apply to become Great Place To Work-Certified.

“Great Place To Work Certification is a highly coveted achievement that requires consistent and intentional dedication to the overall employee experience,” said Sarah Lewis-Kulin, vice president of global recognition at Great Place To Work. “By successfully earning this recognition, it is evident that Erie Insurance stands out as one of the top companies to work for, providing a great workplace environment for its employees.”

To learn more about career opportunities with ERIE, visit

About Erie Insurance
According to A.M. Best Company, Erie Insurance Group, based in Erie, Pennsylvania, is the 12th largest homeowners insurer, 12th largest automobile insurer and 13th largest commercial lines insurer in the United States based on direct premiums written. Founded in 1925, Erie Insurance is a Fortune 500 company and the 19th largest property/casualty insurer in the United States based on total lines net premium written. Rated A+ (Superior) by A.M. Best, ERIE has more than 6 million policies in force and operates in 12 states and the District of Columbia. News releases and more information are available on ERIE’s website at

SOURCE Erie Indemnity Company

Společnost LyondellBasell zařazena do seznamu nejlepších zaměstnavatelů pro období 2023-2024 podle U.S. News & World Report

USA – čeština

USA – English

USA – English

Brazil – Português

Latin America – español

USA – slovenčina

Společnost LyondellBasell zařazena do seznamu nejlepších zaměstnavatelů pro období 2023-2024 podle U.S. News & World Report USA – čeština USA – English USA – English Brazil – Português Latin America – español USA – slovenčina

HOUSTON a LONDÝN, 8. září 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Společnost LyondellBasell dnes oznámila své umístění v žebříčku nejlepších zaměstnavatelů podle portálu U.S. News & World Report pro období 2023-2024. V tomto žebříčku byla společnost LyondellBasell společně s 200 dalšími firmami hodnocena podle toho, nakolik splňuje důležitá kritéria, kterými se řídí zájemci o zaměstnání při hledání vhodné pozice.

„Věříme, že zaměstnanci využívající svůj potenciál jsou významnou součástí našeho úspěchu, která nám pomáhá vyniknout. Hodnocení U.S. News and World Report dokazuje, jak se nám daří vytvářet prostředí, v němž prosperuje každý,” uvedla výkonná viceprezidentka společnosti LyondellBasell pro lidské zdroje a firemní kulturu Trisha Conleyová. „Tento úspěch zároveň potvrzuje, že investovat do našich lidí je nejen správné, ale i strategicky výhodné. Zařazení mezi nejlepší zaměstnavatele si velmi vážíme. I nadále pak hodláme klást důraz na růst a spokojenost našich zaměstnanců a zajišťovat inovativní, vstřícná a špičková pracoviště.”

Žebříček zaměstnavatelů hodnotí od počátku firmy podle jejich schopnosti naplnit očekávání zaměstnanců, a to v oblastech, jako je úroveň mezd a benefitů, rovnováha mezi pracovním a soukromým životem a flexibilita, stabilita zaměstnání a společnosti, fyzické a psychické pohodlí, sounáležitost a úcta a kariérní příležitosti a profesní rozvoj.

„Výběr budoucího zaměstnavatele je významné rozhodnutí, před nímž by měl každý uchazeč zvážit řadu faktorů,” uvedl šéfredaktor sekce informací pro spotřebitele v U.S. News Antonio Barbera. „Žebříček pro období 2023-2024 uvádí společnosti, které dosáhly nejvyšších výsledků v různých ukazatelích, jež přispívají k pozitivnímu pracovnímu prostředí a každodenním zkušenostem zaměstnanců.”

Při sestavování žebříčku nejlepších zaměstnavatelů „U.S. News Best Companies to Work for” bral server U.S. News v potaz pouze společnosti, které byly k červnu 2022 součástí indexu Russell 1000 a v roce 2022 měly na portálu Glassdoor více než 75 recenzí. Metodika vypracovaná za přispění šestičlenného panelu odborníků zohledňuje také údaje (včetně postoje zaměstnanců) získané od partnerů U.S. News, společností Revelio Labs a ESG Book.

O společnosti LyondellBasell 

Jsme LyondellBasell (NYSE: LYB) – lídr v globálním chemickém průmyslu, který vytváří řešení pro každodenní udržitelný život. Prostřednictvím pokročilých technologií a cílených investic pomáháme budovat oběhové a nízkouhlíkové hospodářství. Ve všem, co děláme, usilujeme o vytváření hodnot pro naše zákazníky, investory a společnost. Jako jeden z největších světových výrobců polymerů a lídr v oblasti polyolefinových technologií vyvíjíme, vyrábíme a prodáváme vysoce kvalitní a inovativní produkty pro řadu oborů – od udržitelné dopravy a bezpečnosti potravin až po čistou vodu a kvalitní zdravotní péči. Pro více informací navštivte nebo sledujte @LyondellBasell na LinkedIn. 

O společnosti U.S. News & World Report 

U.S. News & World Report je předním světovým vydavatelem žebříčků kvality, které umožňují spotřebitelům, podnikatelům a politickým činitelům přijímat lepší a informovanější rozhodnutí o důležitých otázkách ovlivňujících jejich životy a komunity. Jakožto všestranná digitální mediální společnost provozující platformy s tématy vzdělávání, zdraví, financí, cestování, automobilů, zpráv, nemovitostí, kariéry a komplexního hodnocení produktů (tzv. 360 Reviews) přináší U.S. News žebříčky kvality, nezávislé zpravodajství, datovou žurnalistiku, poradenství pro spotřebitele či diskusní a vzdělávací akce U.S. News Live. Na stránkách hledá každý měsíc informace a rady více než 40 milionů lidí. Společnost U.S. News byla založena v roce 1933 a sídlí ve Washingtonu, D.C.

Logo –

Foto –

SOURCE LyondellBasell


VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ – Augusta Gold Corp. (TSX: G) (OTCQB: AUGG) (FSE: 11B) (“Augusta Gold” or the “Company“) announces that all matters presented for approval at Augusta Gold’s annual shareholder meeting held today, as more particularly set out in the Company’s management information circular and proxy statement for the Meeting (the “Proxy Statement“), have been approved. These matters included:

  • Electing each of the Company’s six nominees as directors of the Company;
  • Re-appointing Davidson & Company LLP as auditors of the Company for the ensuing year and authorizing the directors to fix their remuneration;
  • Approving on an advisory, non-binding basis the resolutions regarding the compensation of the Company’s named executive officers as described in the Proxy Statement; and
  • Approving the Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Merger Agreement“) set forth as Appendix B to the Proxy Statement and the reincorporation of the Company in the State of Nevada pursuant to a merger with and into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as set forth in the Merger Agreement and as more particularly set out in the Proxy Statement.

A summary of the results for the election of the Company’s directors is provided below:

Name of Nominee 

Votes For

Votes Withheld





Richard Warke


99.94 %


0.06 %

Donald Taylor


99.94 %


0.06 %

Lenard Boggio


99.90 %


0.10 %

John Boehner


99.79 %


0.21 %

Daniel Earle


99.91 %


0.09 %

Poonam Puri


99.88 %


0.12 %

About Augusta Gold
Augusta Gold is an exploration and development company focused on building a long-term business that delivers stakeholder value through developing the Reward and Bullfrog gold projects and pursing accretive M&A opportunities. The Reward and Bullfrog gold projects are located in the prolific Bullfrog mining district approximately 120 miles north-west of Las Vegas, Nevada and just outside of Beatty, Nevada. The Company is led by a management team and board of directors with a proven track record of success in financing and developing mining assets and delivering shareholder value. For more information, please visit

SOURCE Augusta Gold Corp.

The B.R. Companies welcomes Merrill Eisenhower Atwater as Chief Strategy Officer

GLENDORA, Calif., Sept. 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The B.R. Companies announces the appointment of Merrill Eisenhower Atwater as Chief Strategy Officer (CSO). In this pivotal role, Merrill will spearhead key growth initiatives for both The B.R. Companies (BR) and The Legacy Group, a sister company.

Merrill, a lifelong business executive, has experience in national sales, marketing, operations, international business, diplomacy, and healthcare. His operational expertise and business growth initiative experience have been tested in numerous markets across various business sectors nationwide. Merrill joins BR with a remarkable track record and a wealth of experience in strategic growth and business development.  His addition to the team marks a strategic step forward in the development of BRs overall strategy.

In his capacity as CSO, Merrill will play a central role in driving growth strategies that are integral to the vision of BR. With his deep-rooted passion for community development, he will be a driving force in realizing the shared goals of BR and Legacy. Merrill’s commitment will assist the company in furthering the growth in the Midwest region. His efforts have already yielded substantial progress, and his ongoing involvement promises to bring even greater achievements. 

As the great-grandson of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Merrill is regularly called upon to be the guest of governmental and cultural international leadership. His international business accomplishments and accolades have seen him named the Honorary Ambassador of and received several international awards.He sits on the International Board of Directors for People to People International, the Menaul School, and the United States Congressional Award Foundation. He serves as the Honorary Ambassador to Chuncheon City, South Korea and sat on the National Association of State Aviation Officials. His awards include the Federal Aviation Administrations prestigious Impact Award and Ingrams 40 Under 40 in Kansas City. He sits on the Kansas City Chamber of Commerce Leadership Circle and was selected by Whos Who for his work as a businessman.

The B.R. Companies is a real estate, development, construction, and finance company with six locations throughout the United States and three in Mexico.

The Legacy Group is focused on developing rural America, with a primary focus on solving healthcare challenges in these communities through Legacy Health Foundation 501(c)3. The company currently operates in the Midwest and has plans to expand its programs throughout the United States in collaboration with local community leaders and businesses.

SOURCE The BR Companies