STAMFORD, Conn., Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — MEI Rigging & Crating, LLC (“MEI”), a leading national provider of rigging, machinery moving, millwrighting, mechanical installation, industrial storage, crating, and export packing services, announced that it has acquired ProPack International Inc. (“ProPack”) based in Atlanta, GA.
Founded by Mike and Nancy Dooley in 1997, ProPack has more than 25 years of experience delivering specialty freight packaging solutions for moving locally, nationally, or internationally by land, ocean or air. ProPack provides a full range of commercial and industrial export packaging solutions to a diverse customer base. Following the closing, ProPack will be integrated with MEI’s existing operations in Atlanta.
The announcement was made by Dan Cappello, CEO of MEI: “We are thrilled to add this new service line to our already rapidly growing Atlanta rigging business. With this acquisition, MEI is now one of the premier full-service rigging and crating providers in the region.”
About MEI Rigging & Crating, LLC
MEI Rigging & Crating, a portfolio company of Olympus Partners, is a leading provider of rigging, machinery moving, millwrighting, mechanical installation, industrial storage, crating, and export packing services across the nation. MEI has a growing team of over 1,000 employees in seventeen operating locations across 13 states — Arizona, California, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. With MEI’s comprehensive footprint and expansive portfolio, MEI serves customers across the country. For more information, visit MEI’s website at
About Olympus Partners
Olympus Partners is a private equity firm focused on providing equity capital for middle market management buyouts and for growing companies. Olympus manages in excess of $8.5 billion mainly on behalf of corporate pension funds, endowment funds and state-sponsored retirement programs. Founded in 1988, Olympus is an active, long-term investor across a broad range of industries including business services, food services, consumer products, healthcare services, financial services, industrial services and manufacturing.
Mees Takes First & Second at Springfield Mile Doubleheader, Secures Seventh-Consecutive American Flat Track SuperTwins Championship for Indian Motorcycle Racing & the Indian FTR750
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Before the 2023 Progressive American Flat Track season began, the prospect of tying Scottie Parker’s all-time career championship record loomed large. Despite fierce competition against the ultra-consistent, young talent of Dallas Daniels, Jared Mees reminded everyone that he’s still at the top of his game. With each checkered flag, Mees and his Indian FTR750 inched closer and closer to his career goal of tying Scottie Parker’s historic all-time championship record.
Through more than three-quarters of the season, Mees trailed Daniels, as back-to-back wins to start the season and a podium streak of 13 races kept Daniels at the top of the leaderboard. Mees had a strong run for himself, winning six of eight races between the Senoia Short Track and the Orange County Half-Mile and securing a 14-race podium streak starting at the Dallas Half-Mile until the season’s finale at Springfield Mile II. Mees finished the season with nine wins. In addition to 2023 marking Mees’ ninth-career championship, it also was a historic seven-consecutive AFT SuperTwins championships for Indian Motorcycle Racing and the FTR750.
“It’s what you wake up for every day. It’s what you train for,” said Mees, “Hats off to Scottie Parker – that’s the guy that keeps me going. He kept me going year after year, race after race. He’s still the best in my book, and it’s an honor to match something that he did.”
This year’s championship marked Mees’ fifth aboard the FTR750 – winning titles in 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022 and 2023. Briar Bauman owns the FTR750’s other titles, winning in 2019 and 2020 as a member of the Indian Wrecking Crew.
“Since our return to professional flat track racing in 2017, there has been no greater pairing in the sport than Jared Mees and the Indian FTR750,” said Gary Gray, Vice President – Racing, Service and Technology for Indian Motorcycle. “There’s no questioning Jared’s drive and dedication, as he’s truly one of the hardest working athletes in the paddock but jumping on an FTR750 proved to be a major unlock in his career, as he’s captured five of his nine career titles aboard that bike.”
ABOUT INDIAN MOTORCYCLE® Indian Motorcycle Company is America’s First Motorcycle Company®. Founded in 1901, Indian Motorcycle has won the hearts of motorcyclists around the world and earned distinction as one of America’s most legendary and iconic brands through unrivaled racing dominance, engineering prowess and countless innovations and industry firsts. Today that heritage and passion is reignited under new brand stewardship. To learn more, please visit
INDIAN and INDIAN MOTORCYCLE are registered trademarks of Indian Motorcycle International, LLC. Always wear a helmet, protective clothing and eyewear and insist your passenger does the same. Ride within the limits of the law and your own abilities. Read, understand and follow your owner’s manual. Never ride under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
SÃO PAULO, 5 de setembro de 2023 /PRNewswire/ — A Antaisolar, fornecedora líder de toda a cadeia do setor em sistemas PV mounting(montagem fotovoltaica), apresentou suas soluções solares inovadoras, incluindo os avançados sistemas de rastreamento 1P TAI-simple, produtos de montagem distribuída e sistema de montagem em solo na Intersolar South America 2023. Com seu estande de design excepcional, soluções eficientes de sistema e serviços profissionais, a Antaisolar atraiu vários desenvolvedores, atacadistas, EPCs e outros colegas do setor.
TAI-Simple, the groundbreaking 1P tracking system of Antaisolar (PRNewsfoto/Antaisolar)
1P Tracker TAI-Simple: Correndo Atrás da Luz na América do Sul.
Localizado em uma área de baixa latitude, o Brasil é rico em recursos diurnos, que têm boas condições naturais e grande potencial para desenvolver energia solar, especialmente em projetos fotovoltaicos em larga escala. TAI-Simple, o inovador sistema de rastreamento 1P da Antaisolar, combina as vantagens de estabilidade, segurança e alta eficiência. Em aplicações práticas, ela pode atender aos requisitos de projetos fotovoltaicos em larga escala na América do Sul, com um design avançado de acionamento de ponto único que suporta velocidades de vento extremas e se adapta a todos os tipos de situações intensas. Também combina módulos de grande porte ou bifaciais, alcançando uma gama mais ampla de rastreamento, o que pode aumentar os benefícios de geração e reduzir o custo de operação.
Solução Distribuída Para Todos os Cenários: Tornando os Telhados mais Poderosos
Com o benefício do apoio das políticas, a energia fotovoltaica distribuída no Brasil está se desenvolvendo rapidamente. Para atender às enormes demandas do mercado, a Antaisolar trouxe soluções mais adaptáveis, que atendem às necessidades de todos os cenários, como telhados planos, de azulejos, de metal, etc. Esses produtos passaram por vários testes e certificações internacionais, garantindo sua estabilidade, acessibilidade e sustentabilidade. Eles podem ajudar o cliente a simplificar a instalação, reduzir os custos de mão de obra, melhorar a estética e aumentar a eficiência da geração de energia.
A Antaisolar coloca ênfase significativa no mercado sul-americano, dedicando esforços para desenvolver sistemas de serviços localizados. Em 2018, um escritório local foi estabelecido no Brasil para garantir respostas rápidas e entrega eficiente. Recentemente, um projeto significativo de 187MW foi garantido, marcando a expansão contínua em toda a América Latina. Mantendo a missão de “criar um mundo verde”, a Antaisolar é impulsionada pela inovação, profissionalismo e um compromisso constante de atender às necessidades dos clientes. Ela contribui ativamente para o desenvolvimento da energia renovável na América do Sul e trabalha incansavelmente para promover a causa da construção de uma sociedade de baixo carbono.
CHANGSHA, China, 5 de septiembre de 2023 /PRNewswire/ — El fabricante líder a nivel mundial de maquinaria pesada SANY Heavy Industry (“SANY”) informó sus resultados financieros del primer semestre de 2023 el 30 de agosto. Sus ingresos operativos se redujeron en un 0,38 % a 39.496 millones de yuanes (USD 5.440 millones), mientras que las utilidades netas atribuibles a los accionistas de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa aumentaron un 29,07 % a 3.400 millones de yuanes (USD 468,3 millones). El flujo neto de efectivo de las actividades comerciales fue de 402 millones de yuanes (USD 55,37 millones).
La mitad del año 2023 en números (PRNewsfoto/SANY Group)
Los ingresos operativos del segundo trimestre de 2023 de SANY fueron de 21.709 millones de yuanes (USD 2.990 millones), un aumento interanual del 10,93 %; las utilidades netas atribuibles a los accionistas de las empresas que cotizan en bolsa alcanzaron los 1.888 millones de yuanes (USD 260 millones), un aumento interanual del 80,81 %.
Crecimiento sustancial en los mercados extranjeros con ventajas competitivas fortalecidas
SANY ha mejorado su competitividad internacional y ha logrado un salto histórico en el crecimiento del desempeño; los ingresos por ventas internacionales en el primer semestre de 2023 ascendieron a 22.466 millones de yuanes (USD 3.090 millones), un fuerte aumento interanual del 35,87 %, lo que representa el 56,88 % del total de ingresos operativos.
A medida que SANY sigue desarrollando su composición comercial global, la empresa está ampliando el alcance de su estrategia de globalización. SANY ahora opera en más de 180 países y regiones, y Europa y Norteamérica muestran el crecimiento más rápido. Los siguientes productos alcanzaron los mayores aumentos de ventas en el extranjero en el primer semestre de 2023:
Maquinaria de excavación: 9.957 millones de yuanes (USD 1.370 millones), un aumento del 31,79 %.
Maquinaria para concreto: 4.508 millones de yuanes (USD 620,91 millones), un aumento del 13,74 %
Maquinaria de elevación: 3.763 millones de yuanes (USD 518,3 millones), un aumento del 57,68 %
Maquinaria vial y más: 4.238 millones de yuanes (USD 583,72 millones), un aumento del 61,21 %
Las fábricas de producción inteligente de SANY en Indonesia, India y Estados Unidos están impulsando aún más las capacidades de producción en el extranjero con las aplicaciones de más de 100 tecnologías de producción avanzadas, así como la gestión de producción en línea lograda a través de sistemas digitalizados.
Hoja de ruta estratégica hacia los objetivos de “doble carbono” y desarrollo sostenible
SANY invirtió 2.875 millones de yuanes (USD 395,86 millones) en I+D en el primer semestre de 2023, enfocándose en las estrategias de globalización,digitalización y descarbonización. La empresa avanza en el desarrollo de la electrificación para ofrecer productos eléctricos de alta calidad y bajo consumo, liderando las tendencias de bajas emisiones de carbono de la industria.
Además de abordar más de 20 tecnologías clave de electrificación en el primer semestre de 2023, SANY lanzó más de 130 productos nuevos, entre ellos la primera plataforma eléctrica de perforación giratoria del mundo, la bomba de concreto 710S de última generación, la primera grúa sobre orugas telescópica del mundo SCE800TB-EV, la grúa de camión de 200 toneladas de mayor tonelaje y el primer camión mezclador de hidrógeno con sistema de celdas de combustible de desarrollo propio.
“SANY confía en el crecimiento de los mercados extranjeros y seguirá avanzando en nuestro plan estratégico, especialmente ampliando la inversión en I+D con compromisos sólidos con los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible para llevar a la industria hacia el desarrollo inteligente y de alta calidad”, afirmó Xiang Wenbo, presidente rotativo de SANY Group y presidente de SANY Heavy Industry.
TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Zenith American Solutions, Inc. (“Zenith”), the leader in third-party administration services for Taft-Hartley trust funds, is pleased to announce that Michele Rivas and Keagan Kerr have joined Zenith’s Executive Leadership Team.
Michele Rivas, previously Zenith’s Vice President, Deputy General Counsel, has been promoted to Chief Legal Officer. Rivas has over 20 years of employment, labor, ERISA and corporate law experience. For the past 6 years, she has led the expansive regulatory changes required by the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019 (including the No Surprises Act) and the Transparency in Coverage Rule; spearheaded due diligence; and successfully partnered with outside counsel in obtaining acquisition targets. Rivas will lead the Company’s internal legal and compliance teams.
Prior to joining Zenith, Rivas was in-house counsel and a center of excellence for employee benefit-related matters for a regional broker and counsel at firms including Jaffe, Sullivan Ward and Eggersen & Associates, providing legal services to Fortune 500 companies and large benefit plans (including acting as fund counsel to Taft-Hartley funds).
She is a Michigan Super Lawyer Rising Star, a fellow of the American Bar Association and a past President of the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan. Rivas said, “I am honored to join Zenith’s Executive Leadership Team. I am committed to managing risk, adding value, and supporting key business initiatives that provide enhanced services to our clients and their members.”
Zenith is proud to announce that Keagan J. Kerr has joined the Executive Leadership team as Chief Human Resources Officer. In this role, Kerr is responsible for all aspects of human capital strategy; partnering with leadership to strengthen the capability and performance of Zenith.
Kerr held various roles in human resources and organizational development for Barrick Gold, Coeur Mining, Vestas and Engie. He earned a B.A. from Florida Southern College and a M.A. from Gonzaga University. Kerr said, “I’m honored to join Zenith and continue to evolve our services and member-centric approach alongside our talented team. One of the challenges that drew me to Zenith is the desire to plan for the future; to partner with our union members and employees to ensure the continued delivery of the benefits and development they have earned.”
Finding the right candidates to add to the Executive Leadership team has been a top priority of mine, said Fiori. Keagan and Michele’s clear track records as a solutions-oriented partner to business leaders is consistent. Their extensive experience makes them both ideal candidates to deliver results to our employees, customers, and members.
These two accomplished officers, Michele Rivas as Chief Legal Officer, and Keagan J. Kerr as Chief Human Resources Officer, bring a wealth of legal and human capital expertise to our organization. Their appointments represent a strategic enhancement of our leadership team, further solidifying our commitment to delivering unparalleled value to our clients. Their combined talents will play a pivotal role in advancing our mission and reinforcing our position as a leading provider of exceptional service and support.
About Harbour Benefit Holdings, Inc. Harbour Benefit Holdings, Inc. (“Harbour”), formerly known as Zenith American Holding, Inc. is a third-party administrative holding entity. The Harbour family of companies includes Zenith American Solutions, Inc., the leading provider of third-party administration in the Taft-Hartley/multiemployer benefit fund market, Pacific Federal, LLC, a full-service administrator of employee benefits via single-source direct services, Benefits Administration, LLC, a provider of third-party administration in the Taft-Hartley/multiemployer benefit fund market, and Associated Administrators, LLC, a third-party administrator also specializing in Taft-Hartley benefit funds. For more information visit
Media Contact: Tom Sciuto Chief Marketing, Strategy & Community Labor Officer Zenith American Solutions, Inc. 203-383-0801
NEW YORK, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Pomerantz LLP is investigating claims on behalf of investors of Eos Energy Enterprises, Inc. (“Eos” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: EOSE). Such investors are advised to contact Robert S. Willoughby at [email protected] or 888-476-6529, ext. 7980.
The investigation concerns whether Eos and certain of its officers and/or directors have engaged in securities fraud or other unlawful business practices.
On July 27, 2023, Iceberg Research (“Iceberg”) published a report entitled “62% Of $Eose’s Backlog Is With Financially Distressed Bridgelink Whose Renewable Energy Assets Were Foreclosed And Auctioned Off In May.” Therein, Iceberg alleged that, while the fate of Eos “rests on its touted 2.2 GWh energy storage system backlog, which EOS valued at $535 million at the end of March 2023,” the backlog “is fake.” Iceberg elaborated that “Bridgelink Commodities, accounts for half of EOS’s backlog by MWh or ~62% ($331 million) of its total dollar value” but that Iceberg “decided to dig into this customer’s background and uncovered a group whose assets were recently seized by a creditor and sold in an auction.” Iceberg added that “[w]e wonder how EOS can still present Bridgelink as a major client” and that “EOS continues to include Bridgelink in its backlog, and is likely to have made the same representations when applying for the Department of Energy loan.” Iceberg concluded that its findings “completely undermine the authenticity of EOS Energy’s promoted backlog.”
On this news, Eos’s stock price fell $0.83 per share, or 23.85%, to close at $2.65 per share on July 27, 2023.
Then, on July 27, 2023, after the market closed Eos issued a press release entitled “Eos Energy Enterprises Provides Preliminary Results & Issues Statement Regarding Its Customer Commitments and Backlog.” Therein, the Company attempted to address the issues that Iceberg identified. Eos stated that “[t]he Company believes that its customer, Bridgelink Commodities, LLC, is a separate legal entity which is not implicated in the legal matters highlighted in today’s statements” and that “[t]his customer, representing 45% of the Company’s backlog, reconfirmed today that it continues to build pipeline and is actively seeking financing for energy storage projects covered by Eos’s multi-year Master Supply Agreement.” Eos also stated that “[t]he Company continues to progress through the Department of Energy (DOE) Loan Programs Office’s (LPO) process for its Title XVII loan and is awaiting a conditional approval decision which may be taking longer due to changes from the recent Interim Final Rule announced in May.”
On this news, Eos’s stock price fell $0.39 per share, or 14.7%, to close at $2.26 per share on July 28, 2023.
Pomerantz LLP, with offices in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Paris, and Tel Aviv, is acknowledged as one of the premier firms in the areas of corporate, securities, and antitrust class litigation. Founded by the late Abraham L. Pomerantz, known as the dean of the class action bar, Pomerantz pioneered the field of securities class actions. Today, more than 85 years later, Pomerantz continues in the tradition he established, fighting for the rights of the victims of securities fraud, breaches of fiduciary duty, and corporate misconduct. The Firm has recovered billions of dollars in damages awards on behalf of class members. See
CONTACT: Robert S. Willoughby Pomerantz LLP [email protected] 888-476-6529 ext. 7980