DENVER, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Evan Zucker has been named Chair of the National Jewish Health Board of Directors. He succeeds Steven D. Kris, who has been board chair since January 2020, and will continue to serve as a member of the board and executive committee.
Evan Zucker named Chair of the National Jewish Health Board of Directors.
Zucker is a Principal of Academy Partners Group, a private investment firm based in Denver with a variety of real estate and property technology-related business interests in the United States and Mexico. Prior to his current position, Zucker was Partner at Ares Management Corp and Chair of the Ares Industrial Real Estate Group. He served as Principal at Black Creek Group, a real estate private equity and investment management firm that he co-founded in 1993. Ares Management Corp acquired Black Creek Group’s U.S. real estate business in July 2021. He joined the National Jewish Health Board in 1993 and has served in a variety of roles, including serving as the Chair of the Finance Committee for 14 years. Zucker has been involved with a variety of philanthropic and charitable causes over the years, serving on the boards of several nonprofit organizations, including on the Board of the Denver Zoo and also as a member of Colorado Concern. He holds a B.A. in Economics from Stanford University.
“Evan’s decades of experience and knowledge of National Jewish Health will be invaluable as he assumes leadership of our Board of Directors. We are thrilled to have his guidance and insights as we move forward into the future,” said Michael Salem, MD, President and CEO of National Jewish Health. “We also sincerely thank Steve Kris for his extraordinary service as Chair over the past several years, including during the pandemic and the building and opening of our Center for Outpatient Health.”
National Jewish Health is the leading respiratory hospital in the nation. Founded 124 years ago as a nonprofit hospital, National Jewish Health today is the only facility in the world dedicated exclusively to groundbreaking medical research and treatment of children and adults with respiratory, cardiac, immune and related disorders. Patients and families come to National Jewish Health from around the world to receive cutting-edge, comprehensive, coordinated care. To learn more, visit or the media resources page.
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Agilisium Consulting, the pioneering leader in data analytics, cloud, and life science solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Amar Drawid as its new Senior Vice President – Chief AI & Business Consulting Officer. He will lead Agilisium’s efforts in Business Consulting, Innovation Labs, and Solutions, with a focus on the Commercial and R&D domains of Life Sciences.
With over 23 years of experience in data science leadership, Dr. Drawid has excelled in Bioinformatics Research, Translational Medicine in Clinical Development, Global Commercial strategies, Medical Affairs, Finance and Business Consulting. His impressive tenure at leading companies such as Novartis, Sanofi, Celgene, and ZS Associates speaks of his leadership skills. His amazing achievements include creating the world’s 1st model for predicting overall survival in blood cancer multiple myeloma, designing Novartis‘s first Global commercial data hub, 1st WW data orgs/governance, establishing Celgene US Oncology’s 1st data hub, and developing Sanofi‘s 1st gene expression analytics portal.
An accomplished individual, Dr. Drawid has been recognized as one of the “Top 100 Innovators in Data & Analytics” by Corinium Global Intelligence and included in the distinguished “CDO Magazine’s 2021 Global Pharmaceutical Executives List.” He has served as a keynote speaker in events like “AI Demystified” at the APEX Chief Data Analytics Officers conference, and “Data Science Careers in Pharma” at The Erdos Institute, among others.
Dr. Drawid, a Yale alum, holds a combined BS and MS in bioinformatics, covering biochemistry, AI/ML, and computer science. He earned a Ph.D. in AI from Rutgers University while working full-time, making key contributions with two ground-breaking machine learning algorithms in oncology and immunology.
“We’re excited for Dr. Drawid to join our stellar Agilisium team,” Raj Babu, founder and CEO commented. “Putting customers first and being ahead of the market in many aspects continues to drive growth for our customers and our business. As he becomes our catalyst leader, we are ready to explore new frontiers in the Life Sciences sector.”
Dr. Drawid said “I’m very excited to join Agilisium and its great leadership team that continues to drive growth and commercial expansion by delivering innovative solutions to its valued clients.“
About Agilisium Agilisium accelerates ‘Data-first Modernization’ journey for Life Sciences business growth through advanced Data Analytics services & Generative AI solutions. Learn more at
NEW YORK, 5. September 2023/PRNewswire/ — BrandGuard, die revolutionäre KI-gestützte Plattform, die Unternehmen bei der Sicherstellung der Markenkonsistenz und der Optimierung ihrer Marketingaktivitäten unterstützt, freut sich, die Ernennung von Neil Stanley zum SVP und Leiter Europas bekanntzugeben. In dieser Funktion wird Neil für die Leitung unseres europäischen Geschäfts verantwortlich sein.
Neil bringt eine Fülle von Erfahrungen mit, die er in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten in den Bereichen Unternehmertum und Angel-Investitionen im Technologiesektor gesammelt hat. Zuvor arbeitete er im Bereich Kapitalmärkte bei Goldman Sachs. Neil hat einen MBA von der London Business School und Hochschulabschlüsse in Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften.
„Wir freuen uns, dass Neil unser europäisches Geschäft leiten wird”, so Rob May, Geschäftsführer von BrandGuard. „Wir haben in Europa bereits viele Kunden gewonnen. Neils Fachwissen wird daher von unschätzbarem Wert sein, wenn wir diese Kunden binden und weltweit weiter expandieren.”
BrandGuard hat bereits erste Impulse von europäischen Marken erhalten, die nach einer umfassenden Lösung suchen, um Marken-Assets in Maschinengeschwindigkeit zu überwachen und zu validieren, Genehmigungen zu beschleunigen, Konsistenz über alle Kundenkontaktpunkte hinweg zu gewährleisten und gleichzeitig Marketinginhalte auf Markenkonsistenz zu bewerten.
„In einer Welt, in der generative KI die Art und Weise des Marketings neu gestaltet, werden Unternehmen KI-Modelle benötigen, die ihre Marken repräsentieren. Nur so können sie effizient skalieren und die Markenkonsistenz auf den Dutzenden von generativen Plattformen sicherstellen, die sie nutzen werden. Die Lösung von BrandGuard ist die fortschrittlichste, die ich je gesehen habe, und ich freue mich darauf, dem Team beizutreten und den europäischen Bereich zu leiten.”
„Unsere Expansion nach Europa ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein für uns”, so May weiter. „Wir freuen uns darauf, unsere hochmodernen Technologielösungen weiteren Unternehmen auf der ganzen Welt anbieten zu können.”
Für weitere Informationen über oder darüber, wie wir Ihrem Unternehmen helfen können, seine Marke zu schützen und gleichzeitig Ihre Marketingaktivitäten zu optimieren, besuchen Sie bitte
The global bake stable pastry fillings market is poised for substantial growth, projected to achieve a significant valuation of $1.8 billion by 2030, up from $1.1 billion in 2022, reflecting a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.4%.
Essential Ingredient for Delectable Bakery Delights
Bake stable pastry fillings are a vital component in a range of bakery products, including cakes and cookies. These fillings are meticulously crafted by blending hot and cold ingredients with the dough, yielding a delightful and flavorful experience. Available in an array of flavors such as chocolate, fruit, and even vegetable, these pastry fillings offer endless culinary possibilities.
Market Dynamics
The global bake stable pastry fillings market is witnessing rapid expansion, driven by the increasing consumer preference for these products. Bake stable pastry fillings have garnered attention as a healthier alternative to traditional pastry and dessert recipes. Additionally, the market is benefiting from the surge in individuals embracing vegan lifestyles. The confluence of rising disposable incomes and growing populations in various regions further fuels opportunities for bake-stable pastry filling manufacturers.
However, the market growth might face challenges from health-conscious consumers seeking healthier options.
Key Highlights:
Unveils potential revenue prospects across diverse segments and presents compelling investment propositions.
Provides key insights into market drivers, restraints, opportunities, trends, and competitive strategies.
Profiles key players in the global bake stable pastry fillings market, shedding light on company highlights, product portfolios, financial performance, and strategies.
Featured Companies:
Andros North America
Fabrica de Mermeladas SA de CV
Puratos Group
Herbstreith & Fox GmbH & Co. KG
Dawn Foods
Dr. Oetker GmbH
Barker Fruit Processors Ltd.
Insightful Benefits:
Empowers marketers and management to make informed decisions regarding product launches, upgrades, market expansion, and marketing tactics.
Addresses the needs of stakeholders in the industry, including investors, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, new entrants, and financial analysts.
Equips stakeholders with strategic matrices for informed decision-making in analyzing the global bake stable pastry fillings market.
About is the world’s leading source for international market research reports and market data. We provide you with the latest data on international and regional markets, key industries, the top companies, new products and the latest trends.
PITTSBURGH, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — “I wanted to create a modified paint roller frame that can be used where a standard one cannot due to their short throat stem and wider roller holder and cover,” said an inventor, from Centraila, Mo., “so I invented the MINI ROLLER. My design would allow for consistency of paint rolling in tight spaces.”
The patent-pending invention provides an improved design for a paint roller frame. In doing so, it allows paint rolling procedures to be performed in tight spaces. As a result, it increases consistency, comfort and convenience and it saves time and effort. The invention features a simple design that is easy to use so it is ideal for painting contractors and do-it-yourselfers.
The original design was submitted to the National sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 21-TPL-235, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp’s Invention Submission Services at
Enfatizar los avances tecnológicos y la expansión internacional para atender diversas necesidades.
BERLÍN, 5 de septiembre de 2023 /PRNewswire/ — CHiQ celebró un evento de lanzamiento de nuevos productos en IFA en Berlín el 1 de septiembre de 2023, con televisores, monitores, refrigeradores y lavadoras haciendo un debut sorprendente, destacando el nuevo impulso de la marca.
Nueva línea OLED con actualizaciones tanto de software como de hardware
En el evento, CHiQ presentó su gama completa de productos OLED para el mercado extranjero, incluidos televisores OLED de 77 y 65 pulgadas con un cuerpo ultradelgado con pantalla infinita y una variedad de diseños básicos. A través de un control preciso de la luz a nivel de píxeles, una pantalla de 1.070 millones de colores originales, una frecuencia de actualización de 120 Hz y audio mejorado, permiten a los usuarios disfrutar de una experiencia audiovisual similar a la de un cine en casa.
Además, a partir de octubre de 2023, estarán disponibles en Europa varios televisores CHiQ equipados con el último sistema operativo Roku. A través de Roku OS, los usuarios pueden ver televisión en vivo y canales como ARD, ZDF, así como plataformas de streaming como Netflix, Disney+ y Apple TV+.
La marca también lanzó un inusual monitor OLED de 44 pulgadas con una alta frecuencia de actualización de 240 HZ y una velocidad de respuesta reducida de 0,03 ms, que mejora cada momento emocionante en los deportes electrónicos.
Perfeccionando la serie Space Pro para mejorar la penetración en el mercado global
También se exhibió la serie Space Pro actualizada de refrigeradores y lavadoras de CHiQ, que conserva las ventajas de diseño de “tamaño pequeño y gran capacidad” utilizando su tecnología ultradelgada líder en el mundo. CHiQ ha mejorado la línea de refrigeradores con tecnología mejorada de conservación de alimentos, incluido Care+ Space y congelación a temperatura constante para satisfacer las diversas necesidades de los usuarios.
La lavadora de 10 kg cuenta con un espacioso tambor de 530 mm que evita que la ropa se enrede. La tecnología de secado autolimpiante de Changhong elimina la contaminación secundaria de los canales de secado bloqueados. Además, los productos han logrado una eficiencia energética de Clase A, cumpliendo con los estándares energéticos más altos que esperan los usuarios de todo el mundo.
CHiQ se está labrando rápidamente un espacio en el mercado europeo, estableciendo presencia en las principales plataformas de comercio electrónico en muchos países. “Nuestros productos han sido bien recibidos por los consumidores y constantemente encabezan la lista de ‘Best Seller’ de Amazon”, dijo Jared Yang, consejero delegado de Changhong Europe Electric S.r.o.
“Smart with Style” es la nueva propuesta de marca de CHiQ, cuyo objetivo es combinar tecnologías inteligentes con diseños elegantes para un entorno hogareño integrado. James Wu, vicepresidente de negocios internacionales de Changhong, afirmó: “Seguiremos centrándonos en la innovación tecnológica, destacando la calidad superior de nuestros productos y ampliando aún más el territorio de la marca.”