Mediavine Represents the Largest Percentage of DEI-owned Websites, Per Data from Jounce Media

Company Furthers Commitment to Corporate Responsibility by Launching Social Impact Team and Programmatic Buying Solution for Diverse Publishers

BOCA RATON, Fla., Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Mediavine, the largest, independent full-service ad management firm in the U.S., has announced that it is the exclusive programmatic advertising provider of 77% of over 6,000 diverse-owned sites, per a recent audit conducted by Jounce Media.

Jounce Media‘s September RTB Supply Path Benchmarking report highlights the work Mediavine has done in recent years to make meaningful change for diversity, equity and inclusion in the programmatic advertising space for both media buyers and publisher partners.

“Achieving DE&I spend targets requires marketers and their agency partners to curate thousands of diverse-owned websites,” said Chris Kane, founder of Jounce Media. “Our research indicates Mediavine has taken on this challenge and offers marketers scaled access to high-quality websites operated by under-represented groups.”

Furthering its commitment to these and other corporate social responsibility efforts, Mediavine has created an entirely new business unit, launching its Social Impact team to focus on business objectives related to DE&I, Sustainability and Community Outreach. The Social Impact team is led by Mediavine Co-Founder and Chief Brand & Social Impact Officer, Amber Bracegirdle.

In response to the work that still needs to be done, the company is introducing Uplift by Mediavine, a concentration of its external DE&I efforts, under the company’s newly formed Social Impact division. A key element of Uplift is the programmatic marketplace, a targeting solution that connects the company’s network of AAPI-, Black-, Disabled-, Hispanic-, LGBTQIA+-, and Women-owned independent publishers with brand marketers seeking to spend their budgets committed to diversity and equity at scale.

“We are pleased by Mediavine’s presence in Jounce Media’s September report but more pleased that the report was undertaken in the first place. Industry benchmarking is a necessary step in the direction of our mission with Uplift and Social Impact,” said Amber Bracegirdle, Mediavine Co-Founder and Chief Brand & Social Impact Officer. “We are committed to ensuring more media dollars flow to historically underrepresented publishers and the data shows that we have the scale that buyers need.”

Representing more than 10,000 sites, Mediavine is dedicated to being a catalyst for change in the lives of independent publishers and in the ad tech industry. In the past year, Mediavine has served 163 Billion ad impressions for self-identified, diverse publisher voices and represents 31% of programmatic ad spend on diverse-owned media. To learn more about Uplift by Mediavine and targeting ad spend with diverse publishers, contact [email protected]

About Mediavine

Mediavine is the largest independent full-service ad management company in the United States, exclusively representing and monetizing 10,000 publisher partner websites with 1.6 billion monthly pageviews in addition to its owned and operated properties. Mediavine proudly ranks as a Comscore top two lifestyle property with 150+ million unique monthly visitors and 17 billion monthly ad impressions. Mediavine is a Google Certified Publishing Partner – Premier, Great Place to Work®, Inc. 2022 Best Workplace, Fortune 2022 Best Medium Workplace, Ad Age 2022 Best Place to Work, and 2023 Inc. 5000.

To learn more about Mediavine, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Kate Ritchie
Sr. Media Relations Specialist
[email protected]
(954)-800-5205 ext. 013

SOURCE Mediavine

„Saúdská cesta do světa”: Společnost Huawei Cloud spouští služby v Saúdské Arábii

USA – English

USA – English

Israel – English

India – English

„Saúdská cesta do světa”: Společnost Huawei Cloud spouští služby v Saúdské Arábii USA – English USA – English Israel – English India – English

RIJÁD, Saúdská Arábie, 5. září 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Společnost Huawei Cloud dnes na konferenci Huawei Cloud Summit Saudi Arabia 2023 oznámila otevření datového centra Huawei Cloud Riyadh Region v Rijádu. Nové regionální centrum pomůže podpořit hospodářský růst země na bázi digitálních technologií.

Spuštěním služeb Huawei Cloud Riyadh Region společnost Huawei Cloud dokazuje, že právě region Saúdské Arábie bude středem jejího zájmu při pokrývání Blízkého východu, střední Asie a Afriky svými inovativními, spolehlivými, bezpečnými a udržitelnými cloudovými službami. Tento počin podtrhuje stálou podporu, kterou společnost Huawei Cloud věnuje saúdskému programu Vision 2030, zaměřenému na ambiciózní plány technologického rozvoje, řízení a inovací v zemi.

Jeho Excelence Ing. Haitham bin Abdul Rahman Al-Ohali, náměstek Ministerstva komunikací a informačních technologií (MCIT) Saúdské Arábie, k tomuto mimořádnému úspěchu uvedl: „Společnost Huawei je hrdým partnerem technologického pokroku naší země, který spolupracuje s ministerstvem, poskytovateli služeb, podniky a univerzitami na řadě společných kroků směřujících k digitální transformaci. Těšíme se na transformativní vliv, kterým centrum Huawei Cloud Riyadh Region zapůsobí na náš digitální ekosystém a otevře tak nové cesty pro inovace a růst.

Rijádské regionální centrum přináší zákazníkům řadu výhod. V první řadě přenáší globální odborné znalosti společnosti Huawei v oblasti digitální transformace do průmyslové excelence, čímž usnadňuje a urychluje další inovace. Datové centrum Huawei Cloud Saudi Region se nachází v Rijádu a díky architektuře 3AZ (availability zones, zón dostupnosti) bude nabízet vysoce dostupné a bezpečné cloudové funkce a zajistí stabilní provoz různých služeb. Dokáže také zajistit komplexní cloudové služby, včetně infrastruktury, databází, kontejnerů, velkých dat a nástrojů umělé inteligence podle potřeb různých průmyslových odvětví.

Díky vysoce spolehlivé architektuře 3AZ zaručuje datové centrum v Rijádu nízkou latenci a pokrývá všechny stávající sítě operátorů STC, Zain a Mobily. Ukládání dat v lokálním datovém centru bude probíhat na místě v souladu s platnými místními předpisy. Společnost také spustí 68 cloudových služeb ve třech kategoriích – data, umělá inteligence a nativní cloud.

Steven Yi, senior viceprezident společnosti Huawei a prezident společnosti Huawei pro region Blízkého východu a střední Asie, uvedl: „V této výjimečné zemi jsem prožil mnoho nezapomenutelných okamžiků. Právě včera ve mně procházka nově zrekonstruovanou čtvrtí Diriyah vyvolala hluboké emoce. Připomnělo mi to staré čínské přísloví: ‚Postav správné hnízdo, a fénix přiletí’. Jeho poselství je jasné – chcete-li přilákat ty nejlepší, vybudujte přívětivé prostředí. To nepopiratelně platí pro Saúdskou Arábii, zemi, která trvale přitahuje špičkové investory.”

Společnost prozradila, že Huawei Cloud bude nasadí pro rozvoj inteligentních služeb v Saúdské Arábii řadu nejmodernějších technologií, včetně modelů Pangu Models 3.0, které řeší problémy spojené s přijetím umělé inteligence a využívají poznatky z průmyslu ke zvýšení schopností umělé inteligence v odvětvích, jako je finančnictví, státní správa, výroba a další. Pangu Models 3.0 v království zahájí novou éru inovací a zároveň urychlí ekonomickou diverzifikaci.

Na konferenci Huawei Cloud Summit Saudi Arabia 2023 společnost také zveřejnila program „Saudi Arabia – Go Cloud, Go Global” (Saúdská Arábie – cloudem ke globalizaci), který má propojit čínské a saúdské podniky a podpořit tak růst a inovace. Společnost využije své bohaté zkušenosti z působení ve více než 170 zemích a regionech, práci v různých odvětvích a rozvoji pokročilých technologií a řešení, aby pomohla čínským podnikům vstoupit do Saúdské Arábie a posílila partnerství s místními aktéry.

Prezidentka globálních marketingových a prodejních služeb Huawei Cloud Jacqueline Shi uvedla: „Huawei Cloud míří vysoko, míří do celého světa a nyní míří sem, do Saúdské Arábie. Region Saúdské Arábie bude těžištěm našeho působení na Blízkém východě, ve střední Asii a Africe, kde budeme poskytovat inovativní, spolehlivé, bezpečné a udržitelné cloudové služby. Naším cílem je vytvořit lepší možnosti pro rozvoj inteligence. Tento cloud všem přináší více příležitostí, jak být stále inovativní, inkluzivní a otevření.  Tento cloud vám pomůže uspět v digitální a inteligentní éře. Tento cloud je tu pro každého.”

Na akci společnost dále oznámila, že Huawei Cloud v příštích pěti letech vyškolí v Saúdské Arábii 200 000 vývojářů. Vytvoří také společná řešení s 1 000 místními partnery a spustí program Huawei Cloud Startup Program, který pomůže v rozvoji 2 000 začínajícím firmám.

Eric Yang, generální ředitel Huawei Saudi Arabia, dodává: „Dnes s hrdostí zahajujeme služby centra Huawei Cloud Riyadh Region. Za posledních 20 let jsme v Saúdské Arábii prošli úžasným vývojem. Společnost Huawei je tvůrcem inteligentní společnosti, podpůrnou silou prosperující ekonomiky a pěstitelem kvetoucího ekosystému talentů. Ve výhledu do roku 2030 se hodláme i nadále věnovat nepřetržitému zajišťování univerzální konektivity, zelené energie, všudypřítomného cloud computingu a schopností umělé inteligence pro Saúdskou Arábii s cílem zpřístupnit neomezené příležitosti nové digitální éry.”

Společnost Huawei Saudi Arabia byla založena v roce 2002 a hrála klíčovou roli v digitální transformaci Saúdské Arábie. Po 19 let své existence spolupracovala společnost Huawei v Saúdské Arábii s regionálními poskytovateli komunikačních služeb (communication service providers, CSP) na zajištění spolehlivé sítě pro pouť hadždž bez incidentů. Společnost v království také podpořila zavádění sítě 5G, díky čemuž se země stala jedním z průkopnických světových trhů 5G. Společnost Huawei pomohla připojit 3,5 milionu lidí ve venkovských oblastech, vytvořila 20 000 místních pracovních míst a vyškolila pro Saúdskou Arábii 10 000 talentů v oblasti informačních a komunikačních technologií.

V rámci své strategie „Everything as a Service” (Vše jako služba) se společnost Huawei Cloud zaměřuje na to, aby se stala cloudovým základem a hybnou silou digitalizace průmyslu. Své služby poskytuje zákazníkům ve více než 170 zemích a regionech po celém světě.


Purina Dog Chow Teams Up with Actor Anthony Ramos to Honor Outstanding PTSD Service Dogs

Voting for Visible Impact Award now open as part of Dog Chow’s Service Dog Salute 

ST. LOUIS, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In honor of Service Dog Awareness Month, Purina Dog Chow is joining forces with actor and singer Anthony Ramos to celebrate the finalists of this year’s Dog Chow Visible Impact Award, which recognizes the remarkable impact service dogs have on the lives of military veterans experiencing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Ongoing research shows most veterans with trained service dogs show lower symptoms of PTSD and reduced depression compared to more traditional clinical care for PTSD alone.

From now through October 13, 2023, dog lovers are invited to help select the 2023 Visible Impact Award winner by voting on the selected finalists at For every vote, Dog Chow will donate $5 to the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans (ASDPMV), up to $75,000, to help train more PTSD service dogs. The winning service dog’s veteran will receive a $10,000 cash prize and $25,000 for the organization that trained the service dog.

“Partnering with Dog Chow for this year’s Service Dog Salute program is a privilege beyond words. The unwavering loyalty and support that service dogs provide to our military veterans is nothing short of remarkable,” said Ramos. “I am honored to help shine a light on the powerful impact service dogs have on the lives of those who served our country.”

Visible Impact Award Finalists
This year’s Visible Impact Award Finalists include:

  • Huey/Operation Freedom Paws – helps U.S. Army veteran Ramon by detecting migraines and dizzy spells before they happen
  • Eagle/K9s for Warriors – helps U.S. Navy veteran Joe by providing standing pressure therapy “hugs” to reduce anxiety and create a sense of security
  • Phelan/Tails of Valor, Paws of Honor – helps stop U.S. Army veteran Harold’s night terrors and can detect and de-escalate when Harold begins to feel anxious or angry
  • Maverick/K9 Partners for Patriots – helps U.S. Air Force veteran Wendy by jumping on her lap when she starts to get anxious and helps prevent panic episodes
  • Bobby/Pawsitive Teams – helps U.S. Navy veteran Sondra mitigate her anxiety and hypervigilance by walking lightly in front of her and scanning the environment to ease Sondra’s mind

A PTSD Service Dog’s Impact
Roughly 3.5 million military veterans suffer from PTSD, and while service dogs have been demonstrated to reduce the severity of PTSD, only 1% of those in need who seek a service dog receive one each year. Dog Chow has been on a mission to help, donating more than $1MM to service dog organizations since the start of the Service Dog Salute in 2018. These donations help support the care and training of more service dogs for veterans with PTSD at no cost to the veterans.

To vote for the Visible Impact Award winner and for more information about Dog Chow’s support of our nation’s veterans, visit

About Nestlé Purina PetCare
Nestlé Purina PetCare creates richer lives for pets and the people who love them. Founded in 1894, Purina has helped dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives by offering scientifically based nutritional innovations. Purina manufactures some of the world’s most trusted and popular pet care products, including Dog Chow, Purina ONE, Pro Plan, Fancy Feast and Tidy Cats. Our more than 10,000 U.S. associates take pride in our trusted pet food, treat and litter brands that feed 46 million dogs and 68 million cats every year. More than 500 Purina scientists, veterinarians, and pet care experts ensure our commitment to unsurpassed quality and nutrition. Purina promotes responsible pet care through our scientific research, our products and our support for pet-related organizations. Over the past five years, Purina has contributed more than $150 million towards organizations that bring, and keep, people and pets together, as well as those that help our communities and environment thrive. Purina is part of Nestlé, a global leader in Nutrition, Health and Wellness. For more information, visit or subscribe here to get the latest Purina news.

About the Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans
The Association of Service Dog Providers for Military Veterans (ASDPMV) is a coalition of non-profit service dog providers for military veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress, traumatic brain injury and military sexual trauma working to prevent suicide and improve military veterans’ mental health. The goal of ASDPMV is to ensure that best practices are utilized by qualified organizations to ensure that veterans are paired with the most beneficial service dogs; increase awareness and understanding of the medical evidence that supports the use of service dogs; and advocate for the expanded use of qualified service dogs.

SOURCE Purina Dog Chow

Highly Anticipated Debut of New BetMGM Campaign Featuring Jamie Foxx Set for 2023 Professional Football Season

Academy and GRAMMY Award Winner Takes Sports Betting Industry’s Center Stage in Latest BetMGM Promotional Series

JERSEY CITY, N.J., Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — BetMGM, a leading sports betting and iGaming operator, will premiere its new campaign series starring Jamie Foxx this week in conjunction with the kickoff of the professional football season. The series was filmed in Las Vegas and directed by the accomplished Wayne McClammy. The two spots will air on multiple platforms and make their national television debut during the first weekend of action.

“Love and respect to my BetMGM family,” said Foxx. “It means a lot to be rocking with such a great brand year after year. And you know we had a good time filming in Vegas!”

Click here to download and view campaign videos/photos (credit: BetMGM)

The campaign opens with the “Doing it Live” spot in which Foxx plays the piano at the stunning NoMad Library within Park MGM while athletes from various sports make appearances touting BetMGM’s live betting and entertainment experience.

Scheduled to air later this month, the second segment, “The Game,” captures Foxx walking through Park MGM while checking out the wide array of available wagers on the BetMGM app. As he descends a staircase from the Dolby Live Theater at Park MGM, Foxx is engulfed by a cascading waterfall of sports images. He makes his way to a BetMGM-branded race car waiting for him at ARIA’s valet as a nod to November’s race along the Las Vegas Strip. Fellow BetMGM ambassador Wayne Gretzky makes a special cameo prior to Foxx driving off into the night.

Matt Prevost, BetMGM’s Chief Revenue Officer, said, “Jamie Foxx is an integral part of the BetMGM story, putting us on the global stage of sports and entertainment. As we enter this dynamic partnership’s fourth year, Jamie and the creative talents at 72andSunny took it to a new level showcasing our unique product and connectivity to MGM Resorts’ iconic Las Vegas destinations.”

Geno Burmester, Creative Director at 72andSunny, added, “We wanted to kick things off with a bang this year and give our ads the same feel of action and adrenaline you get from using the BetMGM app. We were fortunate to get the opportunity to work with Jamie who brought it in a way only Jamie Foxx can. And a big thanks to our director, Wayne McClammy, who elevated everything to feel larger than life with the quintessential Vegas heritage of MGM Resorts.”

The spots conclude by highlighting this season’s BetMGM enhanced offer – the opportunity for new customers to wager up to $1,500 on their first bet and receive a payback in bonus bets for a losing wager. BetMGM’s campaign will appear across broadcast, OOH, CRM, digital, social and owned channels. BetMGM ambassadors will use their personal channels to promote the content incorporating their unique voices into the sports betting conversation in real time.

BetMGM is available in 26 markets across North America with more states coming online in the near future. As BetMGM continues to expand to new markets, responsible gambling education remains a key focus. BetMGM is proud to provide resources to help customers play responsibly including GameSense, an industry leading program, developed and licensed to MGM Resorts by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation. Through the integration within BetMGM’s mobile and desktop platforms, customers can receive the same GameSense experience they have grown to count on at MGM Resorts properties nationwide. This complements BetMGM’s already existing responsible gambling tools which serve to provide customers with an entertaining and safe digital experience.

For more information on BetMGM, follow @BetMGM on Twitter.

About BetMGM
BetMGM is a market-leading sports betting and gaming entertainment company, pioneering the online gaming industry. Born out of a partnership between MGM Resorts International (NYSE: MGM) and Entain Plc (LSE: ENT), BetMGM has exclusive access to all of MGM’s U.S. land-based and online sports betting, major tournament poker, and online gaming businesses. Utilizing Entain’s US-licensed, state of the art technology, BetMGM offers sports betting and online gaming via market-leading brands including BetMGM, Borgata Casino, Party Casino and Party Poker. Founded in 2018, BetMGM is headquartered in New Jersey. For more information, visit

Statements in this release that are not historical facts are “forward-looking” statements and “safe harbor statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 that involve risks and/or uncertainties, including those described in MGM Resorts’ public filings with the SEC. Forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations and assumptions and not on historical facts. Examples of these statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the future results of BetMGM. Among the important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in such forward-looking statements include effects of economic conditions and market conditions in the markets in which MGM Resorts operates and competition with other destination travel locations throughout the United States and the world, the design, timing and costs of expansion projects, risks relating to international operations, permits, licenses, financings, approvals and other contingencies in connection with growth in new or existing jurisdictions and additional risks and uncertainties described in MGM Resorts’ Form 10-K, Form 10-Q and Form 8-K reports (including all amendments to those reports). In providing forward-looking statements, MGM Resorts is not undertaking any duty or obligation to update these statements publicly as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. If MGM Resorts updates one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that it will make additional updates with respect to those other forward-looking statements.


Hon. Ruth Bogatyrow Kraft Named Chair of FRB’s Labor and Employment Practice Group

NEW YORK, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Falcon Rappaport & Berkman (“FRB”) is pleased to announce that Partner Hon. Ruth Bogatyrow Kraft has been named Chair of the firm’s Labor and Employment Practice Group. Ruth’s practice continues to enhance FRB’s capacity to advise businesses and organizations throughout the U.S.

As an accomplished attorney and former judge with the New York State Department of Labor, Ruth has extensive experience in employment and labor law. She has successfully handled multi-million-dollar employment class action suits, including prevailing wage, misclassification and unpaid overtime matters in the federal and state court systems, representing employers of all sizes and in a variety of industries.

“We are delighted to have Ruth step into the role of department head for our Labor and Employment practice,” Managing Partner Kenneth Falcon said. “Her track record of professional excellence and commitment to client service make her uniquely well suited for this role.”

Ruth studied law at Yale Law School under the preeminent luminaries of 20th-century jurisprudence, and her doctoral thesis on informed consent is in the permanent collection of the Sterling Memorial Library of Yale University.

Throughout her career, Ruth has demonstrated a relentless commitment to professional excellence, earning recognition and accolades from prestigious organizations, including the New York State Association of the Administrative Law Judiciary, the Jewish Lawyers’ Association, and the Center for Law and Justice.

“In the past 8 months, I have been privileged to participate in incredible collaborations related to employment law,” FRB Partner and Chair of Labor & Employment Ruth Kraft said. “I sincerely appreciate FRB’s culture, the members of my team, and the ability to expand what I can offer to clients.”

Ruth’s dedication to employment law matters has led her to serve as a respected member of various committees and boards, further solidifying her reputation in the legal community.

Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP is a full-service law firm proudly advising clients seeking solutions to their most complex matters. FRB differentiates itself by approaching matters with a level of depth and variety of skills unmatched by typical advisors, following through on a firm-wide commitment to excellent service, offering access to thought leaders in numerous areas of professional practice, and engaging in a partnership with clients to develop and achieve legal, business, and personal objectives.

For more information, please email FRB’s Marketing Director, Abby Winckler, at [email protected].

FRB website:

SOURCE Falcon Rappaport & Berkman LLP

InventHelp Inventor Develops Snow Removal Device for Commercial Trailers (OSK-468)

PITTSBURGH, Sept. 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — “I wanted to provide truck drivers with a safe and efficient means of removing snow from the rooftops of their large commercial trailers,” said an inventor, from Las Vegas, Nev., “so I invented the TRUCKER’S SNOWBLOWER. My design eliminates the need to directly remove snow from the trailer rooftop with a broom or shovel.”

The patent-pending invention provides an effective way to remove snow from the rooftop of a large commercial truck trailer. In doing so, it allows the trucker to remain on the ground while clearing snow from the rooftop. As a result, it enhances safety and convenience and it prevents snow from blowing off the trailer while traveling. The invention features a practical design that is easy to use so it is ideal for truck drivers and trucking companies.

The original design was submitted to the National sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, write Dept. 21-OSK-468, InventHelp, 217 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, or call (412) 288-1300 ext. 1368. Learn more about InventHelp’s Invention Submission Services at

SOURCE InventHelp