Health and Safety Council Announces CEO Succession Plan

Current President and COO, Russell Klinegardner, appointed to succeed Luis Aguilar as President and CEO, Effective January 1, 2024.

HOUSTON, Sept. 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The Health and Safety Council (HASC), a prominent provider of training, occupational health services, and cutting-edge industry technology solutions, is delighted to introduce a strategic leadership transition as part of its ongoing dedication to sustainable expansion and innovation. Commencing on January 1, 2024, Russell Klinegardner will step into the role of President and Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Luis Aguilar. Klinegardner, currently the President and Chief Operating Officer, will also join the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors at that time.

Nick Anagnostou, Vice President HSSE at KBR and the present Chairman of the Board of Directors for HASC, remarks, “This transition signifies a natural progression for HASC. With Russell’s exceptional leadership and extensive industry experience, the Board is fully confident that he will adeptly steer this organization as the new President and CEO. He is a skilled executive characterized by unwavering integrity and an unmatched commitment to excellence. Russell possesses a proven track record of driving success, and under his guidance, HASC will undoubtedly have a promising future marked by innovation.”

Prior to joining HASC, Klinegardner played a pivotal role as a volunteer on the HASC Board of Directors, took on an elected position within the Executive Committee, and notably filled the inaugural two-year role as Chairman of the Board. His career initiation was with Dow Environmental, followed by his tenure at the Brock Group, where he dedicated 20 years to occupying various leadership roles encompassing a wide spectrum of operational and functional capacities, culminating as the Senior Vice President of HSE.

Klinegardner earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Management and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Tulane University. His professional achievements also include being designated as a Board Certified Safety Professional (CSP).

Since joining the company in 2016, Klinegardner has been an integral part of shaping the vision and growth of HASC. Reflecting on this, Klinegardner asserts, “It is a privilege to be designated as the forthcoming President and CEO of HASC. From my tenure on the Board of Directors to my current role within the Health and Safety Council, I am steadfastly committed to propelling innovation and sustainable expansion for HASC. I am honored to contribute to this purposeful and strategic transition into my new role as President and CEO. Together with the capable and talented HASC team, we will persist in our mission to serve and uplift industries both nationally and internationally.”

Aguilar expresses confidence in Klinegardner’s capacity to lead the organization in realizing its vision for growth and innovation at HASC. Aguilar remarks, “Serving as President and CEO of HASC since 2000 has been a privilege. I have collaborated closely with Russell in various capacities for over two decades, and I wholeheartedly endorse him as HASC’s incoming President and CEO. It’s great to see a succession plan come to fruition and I anticipate a seamless transition over the forthcoming months.”

About HASC

The Health and Safety Council (HASC) is a leading training, occupational health and technology association delivering innovative solutions to the industrial sector globally. HASC’s services and expertise enable industry to have access to efficient and effective safety training and quality occupational health everywhere.

Headquartered outside of Houston, Texas, HASC provides over 1.5 million services each year. HASC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit association with a mission of building safe workplaces since 1990. For more information, visit and follow the Health and Safety Council on LinkedIn.

SOURCE Health and Safety Council

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