Not only does Jason Biggs not mind being known as “the pie guy,” he loves it.

If by some chance you missed 1999’s “American Pie,” and its sequels, Biggs stars as a sexually frustrated teenager who gets caught in a compromising position with a pie.

Two decades later, the actor recently spoke to CNN about the memorably awkward scene.

“You know, it’s funny, when I first read the script and I read that scene, I thought to myself, ‘Oh my God, I would love to get this part,’ and I would love to do that scene,” he laughed. “It would be so funny. How cool if I get to do this? And then I got cast, and again, I was so excited and pretty confident.”

But when the day of the pie scene arrived, Biggs said he briefly felt panicked.

“I had been confident enough to that point, everything pointed to the fact that this was going to be a pretty special film and a wonderful experience,” he recalled. “And then I just had this quick moment of doubt and uncertainty. The morning of filming that scene before we filmed it, I thought, God, what if no one sees this?”

He said he worried about his, well, technique.

“What if they do see it? And it’s like,’Oh, what the heck was he doing?’ Like, what if it goes the wrong way?” he said. “What if it’s not what I think it is? And all this? And I kind of had a freak out, you know, again, I hadn’t really done anything. I mean, I worked before that, but this was gonna be potentially a big thing for me.”

Biggs called his manager for a pep talk. “He said ‘Jason, you go in there and you hump that pie with all you got,’” he said.

“That’s fact. It’s literally what he said. And I said, ‘Okay.’ And I went in there and I did just that. And after the first take, there was a quick pause, and then the whole crew burst out laughing. Everyone, everyone was laughing and then Eugene (Levy) walks in and his reaction and the whole thing came together in such a way,” Biggs said.

The laughter put him at ease, he explained, and he remembered thinking, “This is exactly what I thought and hoped it would be, which is just insanely funny and ridiculous.”

“Again, 25 years later, people still talk about it. So that’s why when people come up to me and talk about it, I’m not annoyed. It’s not ridiculous. It’s like yeah, this is special. So I’m very proud of it,” he said.

Biggs did acknowledge, however, the recognition can sometimes go a little sideways, like when he was recently out in New York with his wife, the writer Jenny Mollen, and their son, and a fan shouted, “You’re the guy that f—ed the pie.’”

“My wife and I in that moment, we were like, shoot, this is how we’re gonna have to explain this whole thing to (our son.) We dodged a bullet. But it’s gonna happen. It’s inevitable. I don’t know when, hopefully, we’ve got a little bit of time,” Biggs said.

Biggs has a good sense of humor, so decided he team up with Edwards Desserts for a campaign about pie lovers.

“I am the pie guy. We joke it’s, I’m America’s biggest pie lover, you know, that’s what makes this partnership so fun,” he said. “We wanted to do something that was, sort of poking fun at the fact that I’ve been the pie guy for 25 years, I love being the pie guy. It’s honestly been a trip. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.”