Have you ever noticed how some individuals who are human prefer hitting “share” or “like” VS typing their opinion. Just clicking like, or reshare, like a bot. No thoughts. Boom and done. Easy mode.
We can all assume why they don’t want to add their opinion but is “too busy” cutting time or cutting their brand?
The reshare button is available and easy. Click. Done. Next.
The like button is available and easy. Click.
But your opinion is better, sticky, and personal.
What is your opinion on this blog? Don’t reshare my blog, rather reshare your opinion about my blog. Otherwise everyone knows NOT TO READ MY BLOG.
PLEASE. Be a good representative of my blog.
Great, now you’re up leveling low quality content. Who told you to do this? lol.
The content has such little value to you that you did not comment or “too busy to comment.” Resharing is a sticky topic, if you reshare i strongly advise you always add your opinion to the reshare. A like is nice, but a reshare with no opinion is questionable and maybe a little lazy. Mostly I feel it damages your brand. I’ve done resharing in the past without comments or opinions but now I realize how little value this adds unless I’m pushing the content again to hit new audience who are online at that moment instead.
Too busy.. sure. Yet you made it to social media? How do you think people feel if they are waiting on you to reply and you’re posting this junk?
This is low quality content because you’re adding your impression to something that has such little value you could not add an emoticon or 5 words? Not even one emoticon? Not even :)…
Five words, five beautiful words.
At the bare minimum, get a good best practice for promoting good vibes towards other humans. Stop being a robot and think of five beautiful words you’d love to be thrown at you. Get in their shoes.
- five
- words
- five
- beautiful
- words
And it’s okay if I repeated the word five. That is because I’m emphasizing a point.
If you could not type 5 words, then the content is not going to get a click because everyone thinks similarly about content online because we have been trained by people like yourself OR by robots.
People like my college professor are the reason most content being shared gains zero traction, and it’s even more of a reason to be diligent in your responses about content.
Robots do most of the sharing. They can’t “think” outside of the box unless you teach them and I’ll keep it short, people don’t make smart bots.
Most of the bots are not smart.
Let me get real with you, most bots are not smart, the best bots are stupid because less to break. But stupid bots are easy to catch. I’ve tested stupid bots on “greedy” mode which means as simple as not giving the “pause” a random second value to choose. Also, because it will always land on an average of the between values, the pause is extremely easy to spot if an engineer cared.
But engineers aren’t supposed to care about ways to remove profits? Right? I’ll save this for later down the article…
Clicking reshare but adding zero opinion tells the world this content is junk and I’m just trying to growth hack it or show my appreciation.
My college prof was trying to “pump” her departments, and that’s cool but what value does this add to anyone who sees the content. I never connected with her to see her growth hack and watch people hopelessly like this reshare to add more flavor to this junk.
Sorry prof, I don’t think your content is junk, I think your reshare without an opinion makes the content appear to be junky.
My opinion, it tells me this is content, that you’re not really that interested in, was so unimportant your opinion didn’t have time to form and be expressed. What a shame, there’s the ability to type inside of the reshare but you didn’t do that. Default classic, zero characters, gosh.
Imagine being the person who created the content, and seeing the head of the department reshare your content but didn’t say anything. Cold. Same as your conversion. Likely 1 click out of 20 likes. Maybe worse.
Robots aren’t as smart, robots predict what you want to read, and if human always does a weird input, the robots will start throwing more of this kind of content into your feed because they notice you use their application when you see this content.
If you like garbage, you get garbage because algorithms are as smart as your inputs.
You’re training the algorithm to give you X, Y, and Z.
If your friends treat you like garbage, you probably feel like garbage. Algorithms are doing their best to do what humans do because humans teach the algorithms to be smart or the algorithm teaches itself to be smarter which is always a fun problem/solution.
The truth is hard to digest at times and I don’t think anyone wants to repost garbage, I’m sure it’s not anyone’s intention, and if your too busy to give an opinion, why be online? Why share, why do this? You can google and find thousands writing about the importance of adding comments to reshares. Or maybe I’m the only one who researched conversion, tried different ways to convert for years, and split tested with my following until I gained clients.
Your news feed is “what we think you need based on your judgement calls” or rather, your usage of our application. What’s worse is a lot of your face can give away what you feel or think and thus apps are now looking at your face and giving you content based on where you’re looking, your pulse, etc.
As you use applications, they learn about you. If you like low quality content then they give you low quality content.
I don’t mean to say what my college professors are sharing is low quality, but what I want to say is I miss their words and if they put 5minutes into 5 words, who knows what I’d learn from them today. That’s why we are following each other… This isn’t facebook. This is linkedin, right?
I realize by saying your content is low quality you may stress and think I need to stop listening to this guy. That’s understandable but realize I think your content is quality, I think it’s difficult to make content, I think it’s impossible to escape my head for a few seconds let alone release content with my voice singing, yikes…
Your content isn’t low quality, but your representative resharing the content with no words is making it appear low quality. So, add some words. Why is this important, why should I read it, what will I gain from reading this content,…
I know it’s low quality content because you have nothing to say about the content. The content is quality, remember… But the fact that someone shared it or liked it and said nothing in return doesn’t express quality. This is training people around the world to “like stuff” they really don’t like and algorithms are left to guess what’s what.
By not having a real opinion, you’re generating more content that’s low quality online, which creates more digital confusion, a system of “sure, i guess,” and establishes an understanding of users learning how to game the system and algorithms get dumber.
By clicking LIKE or SHARE and never typing anything into the platform, you create a boolean “on off” flag says to an algorithm “this human enjoys this content, lets give them more of that content”…
You increase the ad revenue spend for their clients, just like robots.
By not having an opinion you’re sucking the dollars out of people spending money. I make robots to test if systems are in place to catch robots because I think it’s important to have gap analysis over how companies profit. A company that has robots increasing ad revenue spend for their clients and doesn’t catching the robots or ban the robots is a company allowing robots to fraudulently take money from their clients.
A software engineer tasked to catch robots may keep robots to improve revenue down the pipeline and an executive officer would know about this system because a software engineer would bring up the finding because robots are easy to catch!
Lets side step this rabbit hole of companies stealing money. Let me get back to the plot.
By not leaving a comment you defeat you.
You’re defeating yourself, you look like a robot, people miss your comments.
I’ve studied, tested, and researched extensively the ocean of robots! I blogged about it on linkedin and other websites but that content is stored “in the past” and thus it is as if I never wrote that content what-so-ever.
How I used linkedin; I’m not willing to game this platform to tell you about that content until it becomes my brand. I share it once, maybe twice, and then that’s it. I expect people to find that content without needing to shove it in their faces. When I share that content, I try to be verbose but often times being short helps too.
If you’re not a robot, you more than likely have the ability to interact with a keyboard on an on screen keyboard, chances are if you’re clicking reshare, you’re more than likely capable of typing too.
Today, I noticed one of my college professors re-sharing content however they did not say anything. It reminded me of how easy it is to think that clicking buttons on a platform is all you need to do to thrive on the platform.
A quick tip on Linkedin usage. If you’re a human and you like to share content on linkedin but not sure if you should write your opinion in the content you’re sharing, let me help you by saying the following…
When you reshare something and saying nothing, it’s the least valuable piece of content online. I say this because I study how many bots are on various social media platforms with bots.
Mostly my time goes towards studying Twitter and WordPress, I study how their bots interact with content by creating real content, fake content, really super lame fake content, really super good content, etc…
Over time I realize these bots are often low quality engineering at their best and utilized for various reasons on the website, but notice how I’m only talking about robots?
If you’re not a robot and you have the ability to hit the keyboard, dont just hit the keyboard or mouse and reshare, rather say things because life is short and your perspective is very important.
We did not connect with you so that you could “game” linkedins algorithm by clicking SHARE or LIKE only. Rather we connected with you because we care about your opinion and if you’re not giving your opinion or expressing your views about what you’re resharing… i suggest you don’t share anything.
Stop resharing content without meaning or purpose. You look like a robot, yet you’re not a robot. There should be no excuse for generating low quality content on the internet and making yourself appear like a robot.
Ever tried checking out what’s trending on instagram, twitter, linkedin, and other websites with hashtags? You’ll always find someone pitching you their thought leadership, their brand, their company, their pdf download, their purchase point, and their funnel. These areas are covered with fake accounts adding real impressions to real accounts. This is a form of “bot nets” and if you know how to control a net of bots without generating a bot net then you are a smart person who knows how to game a system that contains bots.
Bot net tech and the usage of bot nets isn’t the topic but because I don’t want you talking or acting like a bot, I’m going to correlate.
Hashtags covered with bot interacts become a place to “growth hack,” bots can be used for good, and this is also a trend on LinkedIn today. People post and reshare content like bots, they like content like bots, and that’s because they are aiming to do something.
There’s a reason, algorithms do their best to guess your reasoning. But that’s not always accurate or helpful.
I noticed it first on Twitter when low quality training became a “massive trend” yet the content is low quality and no one is coming from these funnels with a good job, money, or anything outside of paying the funnel money for more content.
The thought leader isn’t doing anything but up lifting his brand, he openly suggest growth hacking as a ‘usage of twitter’ but we all know he is just growth hacking himself, and being sneaky about the usage of hashtags is not exactly great thought leadership, rather it’s scam like, manipulation. An interesting usage of hashtags though, time to study…
Can we manipulate the algorithm and generate revenue? After years of testing, yes. I used twitter to build my brand. Twitter helped me grow my tableau consultancies locally and build a task scheduler.