WASHINGTON, Aug. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The team at The Driscoll Firm is proud to announce that they have secured a $299 million judgment against the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of families of U.S. service members wounded or killed in terrorist attacks in Iraq. The Driscoll Firm is committed to fighting for the rights of servicemembers and military families in all branches of the armed forces. We are proud to help them seek the answers, compensation, and justice they deserve. This judgment is a historic victory for these families, and we are honored to represent them.

From 2005 to 2008, 17 members of the U.S. military were injured or killed in fifteen separate terrorist attacks in Iraq. The Driscoll Firm brought the federal civil lawsuit, Pennington v. Islamic Republic of Iran, on behalf of servicemembers who were injured and the estates and families of those killed.

The plaintiffs successfully sought damages for economic and psychological injuries under the terrorism exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA). The defendant, as expected, did not appear in court, leading The Driscoll Firm to move for a default judgment on behalf of the plaintiffs, which was granted by U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg.

The lawsuit claimed that EFPs (explosively formed penetrators) were used in the attacks. Commonly referred to as “roadside bombs,” these weapons are capable of causing severe or fatal injuries. In 2015, then Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey testified that hundreds of Americans had been killed by these devices. The terrorist attacks in question occurred in Iraq, but the court determined that the Islamic Republic of Iran provided material support or resources to those responsible for the attacks.

The families and estates of those injured or killed individuals first took legal action against Iran in March of 2019. Now, after more than three years, they have finally obtained the justice they deserve.

Attorney John J. Driscoll says of the judgment:

We’re very proud of the large judgment that we have obtained for our clients. Each one of them is a hero. Our clients and the family members that support them have given so much for our country. We are pleased that we could do something to help and honor them.”

About The Driscoll Firm

The Driscoll Firm is a nationally recognized civil litigation firm with a strong track record of providing top-notch representation to military servicemembers, veterans, and their families. For more information about our firm, visit CampLeJeune.com or call us at (888) 209-0003.

SOURCE The Driscoll Firm