Directed by Ghost Hunter’s Steve Gonsalves and Kendall Whelpton
CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 20, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Part 1 follows Alice Jackson’s terrifying paranormal experience at her dream home in Mississippi. The sequel is focused on helping Alice move back into her home as she is empowered to face her fears.
Steve Gonsalves, regarded as a paranormal pioneer and Kendall Whelpton, filmmaker, director, entrepreneur, and owner of Robot Ninja Media, have teamed up to bring the sequel to life. Speaking on occasion, Steve Gonsalves said, “I want to take it step by step. If we can get Alice Jackson to the point that she feels comfortable staying in the home for one night, maybe that night will turn into a few nights, and those few nights will eventually turn into permanently living in the home. We can make real progress here.”
Whether the phenomenon is explainable or paranormal in nature, Steve is committed to help Alice search for the truth.
The incredible success of part 1 demanded that the story continued with a sequel. “Part 1 and 2 are the most extensive paranormal investigations ever documented. The film brings together the paranormal, real science and the human experience into one. The audience fell in love with Alice’s story and everyone wants her to re-gain possession of her home. No one should ever loose their home because of fear” said Kendall Whelpton, Co-Director.
The media has called The House In Between part 2 documentary a must-watch, genuine, insightful, and terrifying thrill ride, a must watch for this time of the year, and the sequel surpasses the original. Part 1 was released on May 5th, 2020 and quickly became the #1 documentary worldwide on iTunes for two weeks. Part 2 was released on June 21st, 2022 and it became the #2 documentary worldwide on iTunes.
The House In Between: Part 1 and Part 2 are both available this Halloween season on all major video streaming platforms.
A former police officer, Steve is popularly known as a Paranormal pioneer. He has been an educator on the paranormal phenomenon for almost two decades. He was also the leading cast member of a popular TV show, “Ghost Hunters,” and more recently, “Ghost Nation.” He is commonly featured on television shows such as “The View,” “The Drew Barrymore Show,” “Fox and Friends,” “Steve Harvey,” “Larry King Live,” and “Katie” featuring Katie Couric.
Kendall owns Robot Ninja Media and is a well-known director, filmmaker, paranormal enthusiast, and entrepreneur. He is known for his creativity and boasts three documentary films ranked #1 on iTunes worldwide. He has worked on several successful TV shows like Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters Academy, Ghost Brothers, Wicked Tuna, and Battlefish.
Watch the trailer, please click here.
Name: Kendall Whelpton
Address: 132 Helton Lane Fort Mill SC 29708
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (714) 618-1729
City: Charlotte
State: North Carolina
Country: USA
SOURCE Robot Ninja Media