BUENA PARK, Calif., May 2, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Pavan Agarwal, CEO of Sun West Mortgage Company and Celligence, Inc, was invited last week by esteemed professor, Doctor Arin Brahma, to give an inspiring educational coaching session during his graduate level machine learning course at Loyola Marymount University. Pavan has always had passion for engineering and, after a lifetime of work and investment, he released the first artificial intelligence platform for the financial services industry, called MORGAN. Agarwal’s main goal was to inspire innovation. Agarwal has seen success and failure, witnessed crisis and growth, and has a unique perspective to share with the students as a fellow engineer himself. His advice to these students- “be confident, understand yourself, and don’t be afraid to approach your CEO.”

Agarwal started off his speech with an eye opening exercise in confidence and asked for a volunteer to come to the front and dance. The room fell silent, nervous glances were shared and no one raised a hand. After a minute, one brave soul obliged. As he stood in front of the class, his hesitance turned to disbelief as Agarwal unveiled a crisp fifty dollar bill and his first piece of advice: always be confident. “You can’t be timid in life. You have to take some chances and you have to stand out.” Agarwal explained.

Pavan firmly told the class “Do Not believe in yourself, because within the word belief is the world lie.” So what must they do? Know themselves and understand themselves because belief is a matter of faith and understanding is a matter of facts.  You must have a thorough understanding of who you are first to fully project who you are to the world, explained Agarwal. These students must ask themselves, “Do I want to be a leader, do I want to innovate and create the next Morgan, or am I happier being a team member under another’s leadership?” Agarwal himself acknowledges that this is easier said than done.

Pavan wanted the students to understand that it is okay to ask questions and that it’s even better to ask the right people the right questions. Many engineers do not ask questions in fear of looking foolish, but Agarwal encouraged them to always ask questions. Additionally, many employees are too nervous to approach the C-suite members (CEO, COO, CTO, etc) and have a conversation, but as a CEO himself, Agarwal encourages anyone to come up and speak to them. Pavan explained that at Celligence, he loves when the engineers come to speak to him and bring up issues as it gives him an idea of what’s going on within the different teams in the company. With this in mind Pavan did give one piece of advice- “if you go speak to the C-suite make sure you fully know and understand all the projects you are working on; this is not the place where you can fast talk your way out. Go in confident, know who you are, and know your materials and they will remember you.”

Pavan provided invaluable advice and even gave the students his personal contact in case they had questions. It made quite the impression, as one student explained: “Some important lessons I learned from Pavan Agarwal’s motivational speech are to never stop learning, to network with C-suite executives to advance in one’s career, and to ‘just do it’ when it comes to making connections and seizing opportunities. I am also thankful that he provided us with valuable resources to boost our skillset and offered to connect with us via email and LinkedIn.”

As a first generation immigrant he grew up working and was able to show fellow first generation college students what can be made possible by pressing forward with a positive attitude and a growth mindset.


About Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. (NMLS ID 3277)

At Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. we dedicate ourselves to offering an amazing experience to our customers. To accomplish this, we empower our loan officers so that they can find great rates and provide the most fitting loan options for each customer – at amazing speed. Our focus on technology has given us an edge in the mortgage industry to offer exceptional turn times so the customers can get into the home of their dreams sooner!

We are committed to our core values of people, experience, technology, and product. Sun West was founded in 1980 with the perspective of “customers first” and the desire to make the mortgage process easy and stress- free for prospective homeowners. Since then, Sun West has been servicing a multi-billion-dollar loan portfolio and is licensed in 48 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. Our 42 years of experience has been passed down to everyone here at Sun West through excellent leadership and capabilities.

For licensing information, go to: www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. Visit http://www.swmc.com/swmc/disclaimer.php for the full list of license information. Please refer to https://www.swmc.com/TXdis.php to view Texas Complaint Notice and Servicing Disclosure.

About Celligence™

Celligence is an affiliate of Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc. (Sun West), one of the largest independent, privately owned financial services companies. As one of the fastest growing fin-tech companies, Celligence provide exceptional service, technology, and product innovation.

At Celligence, a team of brilliant engineers are continuously filing new patents and expanding the boundaries of the financial services industry through innovations in mobile applications, customer acquisition and retention algorithms, and AI based process automation.

Dr. Ana Mangal, Co-director- MSBA Program, College of Business, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

The class you presented at was “Machine Learning” (BSAN 6070) – MSBA Curriculum

Photo: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/2068042/Pavan_Agarwal.jpg

SOURCE Sun West Mortgage Company