is a new blog that is focused on developers. A dev is a person who is a developer of solutions to problems. They are mostly focused on CODE however there’s thought leadership in just about every niche here.

  1. Use
  2. Start account
  3. Design your header image
  4. Design footer images and links/text
  5. write first blog
  6. repeat

#1 is free

Use figma, it’s free, and amazing for this kind of development. All things are now in cloud app, you can lose the files on computer and not screw yourself over.

Figma allows for digital sharing, multiplayer usage, and worth your time. It helped me avoid needing photoshop for this kind of basic work.

#2 account is required

Create a account… is a blogging website, blog on that website, and use hashtag #ninja and I’ll like your blogs! You have +1 fan woot.

#3 Design your header image

Find someone you want to mimic.

design in figma about header images in

Example of header being built based on someone else’s cool design i was inspired by on

Be willing to make edits if it embeds poorly…

Testing what the embed looks like is a best practice.

#4 design footer so it looks legit, like you care

Okay maybe you don’t care, let us not show this in our content, and that means let us get organized, yea?

Copy paste it over and over, and because is all code, you’re pasting code. Terrific.

#5 Write a blog

Say hello.

#6 repeat

Be a consistent blogging person.