Have you ever worked more than one full-time job? A few years ago I was lucky enough to manage the process because we lost all of our money. Let me explain.

I was hardly sleeping, that’s how you work more than 1 FTE, you sleep a lot less.

You’re not exactly tired during this process, rather you’re on FIRE when you need the money. I was working from 4am until midnight each day. Midnight was if I was lucky. However after awhile, things start to fall apart. The human body can only do so much…

I’m not a robot. I make robots. Right..

I made friends with the coffee shop owner, he let me come in early and start working before 1 of the 2 company opened their doors. I shared SEO/data advice, he gave me free coffee/food.

Truth; I was working in two toxic environments, but I needed the money.. Similar to a lot of my history. I stay in toxic environments when I need money. I’m going to hustle. It’s all I know.

This was after I created tableauhelp (they rebranded) for word of mouth equity with a bunch of “sales” people who live off their parents. They stole all my clients, and the money I earned. I don’t add this to my linkedin because they are not a legit consultancy. Period.

This stuff happens! I’m a grizzled warrior now. When it happens, be sure to talk to your family/friends. Tell them what happened. Write about it. It will get better.

I learned the hard lesson when taking big risks, while my wife was giving birth to our first child, and telling me to STOP dealing with them…

I tried doing word of mouth equity with people who don’t write SQL, but they spent a lot of time bullshitting clients about their skills.

They learned SQL on the job, and billed for every hour.. Not exactly strategic consulting. The CEO ended up firing someone I trained in SQL for months, multiple people, that’s when I started Dev3lop. Clearly he’s just cheating everyone.

At the time it was “To keep the lights on.” Now it’s better. Our retention rate since this time is 100%.

Truthfully, I ignored my wife, my number one supporter, when she said “i don’t like this guy, i dont trust him.”

She is right. I am wrong.

Resulting; I worked two full-time contracts at the same time to get out of the hole. It was horrible. I ended up cracking, got walked out of one of the gigs because I slipped.

After a 3hr sleep night, I told one of the best analysts I wasn’t hired to deal with their drama.

I was lucky to escape with my home, my family, and a little bit of sanity. I sleep better now, I don’t do crazy hours unless a project requires things to get done & I’m all about this life because the clients I’ve worked with for the past few years have been amazing.

I will never be able to word the feelings I have for our clients for supporting our business during covid19, similar to how I’m speechless to see 19k+ people following me on linkedin, 6.4k on twitter, and growing!

Thank you.
Tyler Garrett