Waiting to get started on your idea is the death of the best ideas.

Nothing will be perfect.

The website will never be done.

There’s no such thing as completed in web technology. There is always going to be updates. You didn’t think that web dev put all that javascript, hTML, and CSS together so that it would work forever? Well yes they did intentionally do that but we devs have a tendency of finding new problems and like I said, your website will never be done.

When I was little, I sat around dreaming of things I want to do and who I wanted to be, and most of all I dream of ways it would be very simple and handed to me. That was the culture in america, we watch movies that have things simply happen and the grind is completely skipped.

Like watching Enders Game the movie, vs reading the book. In the movie they skip all of the grinding and jump past virtually the entire good part of the story. In the book they have many chapters on the space games, it was most of the book, yet ripped out of the movie.

People like peanut butter and jelly, maybe the space games would have cost too much to build? Ah yes, the logical Tyler figures out the problem. Ugh.

However life isn’t easy and nothing is handed to you with ease. You’re not rewarded something great because you looked at someone a certain way or did a thing in front of them. There’s a longer sell cycle.

The same with your ideas. You can’t stop in the beginning because it’s hard, someone thinks it’s not smart, or people don’t believe in you. People won’t believe in you and you need to prove them wrong.

Act on your greatest ideas. Then write down the good ideas on paper for the future. I’m still using notes from 4-5 years ago to invent products, training, and content I envisioned many years ago.

If you have an idea, act on your idea now.

Billions of humans living are going to have ideas and often we have the same idea at the same time.

The first human to act on the idea is often the winner. However this is not always the case.

My end goal with this blog is to explain it’s important to get started on your best ideas.

Your best ideas are the ones that keep you awake late at night and get you out of bed really early without a complaint.

The best ideas will be the ideas that cause you to lose track of time while you pursue.

Focus on the ideas that allow you to be you’re true self, the time when you’re most at peace and time goes flying by.

It’s in these moments you’re doing what you should be doing in life.

In these moments we are always left drift between loving ourselves for who we are or wishing we could be something better than we are today. I’m often left awake at night grinding towards a goal, gaming the system we call life, practicing streaming, making music, or learning code. Whatever it takes to pursue a life of tech, music, and inner peace.

There’s a reason to grind, and all that I ask is that you write about it once a week.

Blog about your idea.

If your idea is art, blog about the art.

If your idea is the blog, blog about the blog. (What?) (Yea like im doing rn) (Oh okay.)

Silver and Black Imac's

Or blog about anything, and link to your art.

No one will steal your idea if your blog about the idea and make it open source. Rather you will form a community. Also, chances are most people aren’t interested in the competition. Me on the other hand, I rebuilt a windows task scheduler in what we consider better frameworks, we call it canopys task scheduler.

Once you get past to once a week, start doing it once a day. Then start crossing the days off as you continue to progress down the path of mastery.

Write down what you desire in 5 years, start today. Blog about it. I’ll read it. DM me on twitter.