Today, felt like a good day. A lot of back and forth plus catching up with whatever decided to stop working during the holiday break.

Black or white, rather boolean if anything and a way to describe things in life.

Things in life can be people or situations. Have you ever considered five objects VS thirty objects?

Five options is better than considering thirty. My brain aims to find similarities. Patterns help.

Even when I’m at rest my brain enjoys finding visual patterns.

Visual learners enjoy visual information and not text. We enjoy a drawing before we enjoy a lot of words describing the drawing.

For me I enjoy patterns and symmetry is important.

Of course a day can’t be boolean but choices make people unhappy. Try to keep it boolean if I can.

There’s more to life than true or false conditions. It’s the tableau guru in me who thinks too boolean about most objects. Also, the title felt like a fun title. Found a cool picture by @didsss on pexels to help with the story.

I was hoping to move faster than I was able to move today and felt really as if I was unable to stay patient. I blame the 2x caffeine coffee and incredible high kick exercises. I drank a lot of coffee today and ate correctly.

I need to focus on the foundation before rushing ahead. Similar with exercise. This is a message I need to learn to sell to clients, myself, and I know this comes with experience. Sprinting is fun.

I want to mention, I’m very lucky to have the support of my friend and mentor Dave right now.

Dave is helping me big time. Right now Dave is able to to focus for more hours than I can focus. Dave has children and so do I. Dave has children older than my children and is available to help in a way that I can not help. It’s a great fit. He is telling me about what’s important and helping me avoid making mistakes he made.

I’m really fortunate to have good mentors and friends.

Having a back up plan to solve problems as they arise is important. Like thinking Tableau public will query Google sheets without a problem and then finding there’s a problem without a good reason. You dig in only to find you’re the expert and others are talking.

Rushing is causing outages. Technical debt is generated while rushing. We specialize in evolving our development to ensure it’s working and able to scale. Since the new year I’ve been focused on ensuring products we built in 2021 are working in 2022. This often means I’m having to consider the black or white truths that live behind decisions in XML.

XML being the blood of my clicks in Tableau desktop.

Today I spent most of my day explaining technology that I’ve engineered to a better engineer. The reason is because clients deserve success with our time and materials engagements.

I find it’s easy for my brain to generate buckets to help classify or group information. Often this leads me to over generalizing and fundamentally changing the way others think about the information.

I like to boil the ocean for parent categories and bucket beneath. Black and white has meaning to data stewards and often how they work together is a pattern to think about and consider.

Transitioning a great client engagement into a new opportunity for another person is my focus the past few years.

It has been a lot of work doing it with organic traffic, however it worked and I’m scaling up my tableau consulting services funnel.

I think back to the days where I’m having to spend at least a few thousands to make google ads work…

Those are good memories, I feel a little black or white about that learning path, and I remember the pain.

Sad woman with smeared greasepaint

Pain in life is normal. How we react to the pain is important.

I’m working through pain myself. Lots of toxic work environments pile up on you.

I realize more and more each day that I’m in a lot of pain from working too much on a computer.

Over the next few months I’m going to be finding health professionals who want to talk through ergonomic injuries. It would be nice to share that with other developers.

I believe that will be good information that appears most people hide in technology. I know it’s hard to talk pain or disabilities because a lot of us have tried going into jobs or opps being honest about our pain and not seen any success.

Feeling both good and bad about your history as an entrepreneur.

Feeling both good and negative feelings about your history feels like a normal day of an entrepreneur. Having fun hobbies that help you get out of this mental space is important. Music creation in form of improv I’ve found to be most therapeutic and also meditation.

Let me just think of a time where I was uncomfortable about being an entrepreneur and didn’t feel like accepting the status quo.

Before trying google ads, I was always wondering how it worked, and after doing it you learn a lesson.

You learn you lose out on a large amount of money by marketing to get the lead in the first place.

You learn google has no incentive from keeping your competitors from clicking your click ads.

Google has no incentive to build good user experience if it means they earn more money.

A lot of things are built to generate these uncomfortable feelings. Not on purpose, but if you notice you lost money, would you return to the path that made it more difficult for most but made you more money? That’s web2.

I’ve noticed most things “algorithm” based have a way of making you feel uncomfortable.

Damn it algorithms!

Okay that’s enough for today, don’t forget to add me on twitter!