While writing one blog per day, I did notice a growth in traffic across all domains, and we gained one solid potential client. I also noticed I don’t have as much to share as I originally thought. I had no strategy going into this outside of not blowing my steam on LinkedIn because I’m frustrated about how someone is being rude or lacking any human fucken decency.

Truthfully it’s difficult to just stay on topic in blogs after you do 15 or so blogs and also have a decent amount of time to do other shit. Like below this I’m just rambling about practically nothing.

I get pretty tired of doing stuff on the computer. I’m always having to study things and optimize my websites, my linkedin, everything is a landing page….

I’m looking at someones linkedin profile that shows they have 20 years of experience, now a CTO… and I’m just blown away that anyone has this much experience, looks younger than me, and then I start thinking about my experience and getting lost in this thought for a week or two…

Great. Blogging each day, or bullshitting about stupid shit on linkedin?

Watching Marc R videos for too long, thinking he’s going to make music with me, oh wait now he’s tired of the stream, so I guess that’s not happening, anyways lets just get back to making beats and writing blogs in silence! lol.

I will admit I’ve made over 100 new beats in the past 10 days, studying the greatest loopers and simply a strong desire to NOT be stuck writing code my entire life, also improv on music is a great escape, I was gaming a lot to escape but now wearing some underwear in front of my iphone and text my wife crazy beats I make acting stupid will suffice..

Hey whatever it takes to get excited about blogging, I’m just trying to figure it all out myself. Am I musician? No, probably not. I guess I’ll keep writing SQL code and practicing. Yee.

It’s really intense to be flying through music this fast. Loopers are nice, really it’s a musicians ego death and it’s a great teacher. Confidence builder.

Those are all good things, blowing steam. Right? Well maybe not when you’re the brand… Damn it. Making loops like crazy is a good thing. Cool. I wrote some blogs. Cool. Couldn’t even tell you two of the blog titles right now. It’s just a blur and utterly un-strategic.

So, mostly good things happened, however writing once per day isn’t exactly easy to accomplish. Some days I rather chill with my wife and not have a computer on my lap.

Other days I’m focused on helping a consultant with work or my sons eager to hangout and I spend the day with him, whatever the case I’m getting busy with other things and not able to complete my goal.

Completing goals like “one per day” is a good way to burn out of whatever you’re trying. I can’t tell you how many #100daysofcode failures I’ve witnessed. It’s really tragic because it not only burns you out but also gives you a big fucken edge on your shoulder that you’re completely maxing yourself out to cram this shit in and trying to act like you’re not burned out online is the net new.

If you get through 20 days of coding without taking a long break you’re basically frying your brain. I don’t know any software engineer who doesn’t take a lot of time doing other things outside of sprints.

Time off is essential. Most of your day should not be coding, I’ve made this stupid mistake. It should be thinking about code, reading code, talking about code, and walking around thinking about other stuff too.

I strongly believe there needs to be disconnection from code. Don’t power through courses. I think university is epic bad ideas compared to bootcamps available. I used to feel differently, however now I see how impossible it is to JUST CRAM IT IN… You’re not learning shit. You’re not keeping up with shit.

I will admit I’m getting more family time in since i’ve been blogging more, I’m not lost in some stupid tech dive and now i can walk away and be around them while i write. This helps me feed the fucken flame. Whatever it takes fam.

Gaming, running, exercise, sleeping, and add whatever you can in here because ultimately you will die.

Like a hobby. A friendship. More gaming. Tan? Yeah get a tan. I think blogging each day is fucken stupid. Unless it’s your job. That’s not my job. It’s just how I beat my competition in backlinks I guess. The instagram shotgun idea I gave away in this twitter automation blog may be a better bet than writing all this bullshit.

Whatever you can do to re-energize and automate this stuff…. Ugh im so tired of writing already…

As an introvert I re-energize doing something alone or in a tiny group. I think I re-energize writing, however at day 26. I’m just looking back on this and thinking, “meh…” Simply meh. No next steps.

Alright, more later.