Okay, I’m open and writing again. Hey, it’s me Tyler Garrett and I own this little website. I’m eager to write more and often I write a lot about algorithms, and how they make me feel. Well in todays blog, here’s some info on twitter. Don’t fret this chatter is only 587 words.

For many years I felt social media was a good sounding board

Social media is a good sound board, however as it grows and expands past 100, and you follow back more than a few Pokemon…

It’s impossible to keep track on a good day.

It’s a good sounding board, from time to time it’s really helpful. But algorithms change, companies change their monetizing plan, and this offers a layer of solutions that are opinionated.

Social media is a good sounding board, but you know me cup half full while writing, Sure it’s a good sound board, HOWEVER the more I study algorithms and see them changed continually, I’m starting to doubt the need for this layer of validation all together.

Algorithm, Algorithms, al·go·rithm

Oxford Dictonary defines algorithm as a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

plural nounalgorithms

Wikie defines algorithm like, in mathematics and computer science, an algorithm (/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ (About this soundlisten)) is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation.[1] Algorithms are used as specifications for performing calculationsdata processingautomated reasoningautomated decision-making and other tasks. In contrast, a heuristic is an approach to problem solving that may not be fully specified or may not guarantee correct or optimal results, especially in problem domains where there is no well-defined correct or optimal result.[2]

Algorithms on twitter are complicated

Algorithms on twitter are rather complicated if you’re not pumping the bot action and hyper engaging with a lot of humans. You have to do a bit of studying to learn what people are after on twitter.

(After a bit of research) The algorithms expect “short and to the point” content, QUOTES work best, and videos are not that great on Twitter. So I tested it. Based on my research quotes win. All I did was google how to get more traffic on twitter or some variation of the phrase. They say text is best, images help, images with links are good too. However what really stood out was “quotes” are the best. Then I thought, “this is something I’d like, and it’s not saying I’m liking what that person said”… It was a stealthy way of gaining impressions, and if impressions are what you’re after then it’s important to know how to increase these things if you’re after this from a digital marketing perspective.

Quotes… it was interesting because I always made assumptions about how this all works. But as Adelle says, I really sat in my feelings for awhile about how I was feeling about this feel. Then I tested that quote stuff.

Notice this post compared to my other twitter posts.

For me, getting a lot of impressions with someone else’s words isn’t exactly me adding any value to social media…

Social media validation in my mind is a good testing ground for ideas.

  • However what if you don’t consider the algorithm of placing your content in front of people?
  • What if you only post content and never engage on other peoples content?

The algorithm starts to consider your content not quality because you’re not engaging others.

Algorithms consider your content bad if you don’t keep people online and using their app.

Sure, we can tell you what to post, the stats, etc, but what about the other stuff?

Sometimes you may notice your post may POP off. And you may wonder wtf why!?

That’s often due to “the things that work” are not working for you and the algorithms placing it for you doesn’t give a shit.

EXAMPLE on twitter, you don’t want to share a meal you just ate, however you may share that this is the first time you’ve ever done this and burned your hand like a jackass. That’s funny, funny stuff pops off.

People who like your stuff, they don’t want to be known for liking shitty shit or things that could be considered shitty shit. Your shit may not be shitty shit, however the algorithms think you may not be worth the hassle to place you in front of people if you never reply to others, never talk to others, or never chat with your mates on DM.

Chatting with people on DM sends a flare, so does liking peoples shit on twitter. I used to bot this, however it felt greedy, my posts would go mad crazy, and all my good mates on twitter started talking shit about my account.

Unrecognizable man in winter outerwear standing in ice surface of cave

I thought it was interesting, but they didn’t understand how I could say something, and it pops off, and they say something similar and more right, and nothing happens.

This is something to be considered when writing about shit on the internet. The algorithm is aiming to keep you online, and if I’m engaging with your shit, then I’m likely someone you want to see more often too. This is an interesting thing that you can do with pip keyboard python, I’ll share that script in the future here.

Anyways, I was hoping to type more however this isn’t about always making a kick ass long 3k word blog like yesterday. The blog yesterday was about LinkedIn swapping headers and how this could be a negative when people are trying to find comfort in covid. Which really is an interesting thing because a few years before that I was also talking about measles. I should really stop typing about vaccines and get back to the algorithm bs.
