The internet is funny, the world is built on algorithms, these algorithms learn you and feed you content. Have you ever built content, after spending a long time on this content, and gain no response or impressions?

Chances are that content isn’t optimized to rank or against competitors who are willing to beat you in ranking for traffic.

That’s the sad world. A lot of people are getting the attention you desire because they are willing to learn SEO more than you. Also, people are willing to cheat.

Cheating rules the web. Social media. Thought leadership. A lot of it is hacked, faked, and not existent.

Look at instagram, check out technology related keywords, and tell me how much high fashion you see. How much is related to the keyword?

Often, during peak hours, it’s heavily populated with non-tech content. It’s sad because they are targeting men in most cases because sex sells and they push sexually explicit content into these funnels too.

That’s the issue, there’s really no transparency into their bot accounts, bot networks, or paid ‘likes’ and paid ‘follows’…

You can hide all of these things, it’s not something they will ban because it consumes advertising spend, each bot consumes their client advertising revenue, and bingo the internet is born.

So if you need impressions, ask someone directly to like the content, chances are most people will miss the content, and you’re in need of more visibility. If you chat with people about your posts, the algorithm will also show them your posts.

If you’re not blogging yet, check out medium, blogger, and weebly for free websites to blog on and be sure to blog about your content on these mainstream websites. The more you blog the more traffic your entire website will gain.

Any questions? DM me on twitter or linkedin!

Where I post stuff like…