Post to Instagram from your computer with this simple trick

Post to Instagram from your computer with this simple trick

Instagram still doesn’t offer an official method to post photos to the social network from your computer. That’s alright, though, because it’s still possible! Once you master the process, you’ll be glad you did. Editing photos on your computer and then having to sync them to your phone is an unnecessary and time-consuming step that just isn’t needed. 

Whether you took a photo on a fancy camera or happened to find an old photo on a hard drive, the workaround makes it possible to quickly post to Instagram.

Upload from a desktop browser 

Most browsers have a way of letting you change the “user agent” — the thing that tells a website what kind of device you’re on. So even when you’re on a laptop or desktop, you can trick a website like Instagram into showing you the mobile site. That’s what we’re going to do.

Safari instagram without cellphone

Find the option to enable Develop options in Preferences under the Advanced tab.  Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

On Safari, it’s easy. Go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced. Check the box at the very bottom that says, Show Develop menu in menu bar. Now open a new Safari window or tab and click on Develop > User Agent > Safari — iOS 12.1.3 — iPhone in the menu bar. 

With Safari tricked, you can post from your desktop.  Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

Next, go to and sign into your account. At the bottom of the screen will be a + icon — tap it and select a photo from your computer to upload. After the photo is uploaded, you can still apply filters and edit the photo as you would in the Instagram app. 

When you’re done, make sure you change your user agent back to the Default setting to avoid viewing all websites in their mobile state. 



Uploading photos to Instagram from Chrome only takes a few clicks of the mouse.  Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET

In Chrome, go to and sign in. Now right-click anywhere on the page then select Inspect from the list of optionsPart of the site will be covered up with the Inspector tool, but we only really care about the small icon of a tablet and phone. It’s in the top-left corner of the Inspector window — click it. The page will refresh with a mobile view, and the + icon to create a post should show up at the bottom of the window. If it doesn’t, refresh the page.

When you’re done, click on the tablet/phone icon again. Close the Inspector tool and refresh the website to go back to the desktop version.

Originally published May 8, 2017.
Update, April 9, 2019: Updated with new screenshots and new information.

Make Your Meetings a Safe Space for Honest Conversation

Make Your Meetings a Safe Space for Honest Conversation

I recently met with a group of managers to discuss ways to improve meetings. Our goal was to figure out how to create a space that people actually look forward to being in. We each began by describing a meeting we remembered as especially powerful.

One story stood out.

My colleague told us about a time when he was a young engineer working on several project teams in a manufacturing facility. He said, “Josh, my manager, would take everyone out for pizza when he came to the factory, and we’d have a ‘no secrets’ meeting.

Josh asked us about whatever he wanted to know and we did the same in return. It was a meeting where everyone had permission to say or ask anything. It was amazing.”

Josh used these meetings to discover how his team was doing, how their projects were progressing, and what they needed in terms of support and resources. He asked broad questions to initiate open conversation:

  • What do you think I need to know?
  • Where are you struggling?
  • What are you proud of?

There was no pressure to have a perfect answer. The only requirement was to be honest and sincere. Of course, it helped that Josh was a thoughtful, authentic, and caring manager — qualities needed to create the psychological safety such a conversation requires.

The quest for better meetings ultimately lies in leading with mutual respectful, inclusivity, and establishing a space that is safe enough for people to speak their minds. You may not need to do exactly what Josh did, but you can increase the freedom, candor, and quality of conversation in your own meetings by focusing on two key areas: giving permission and creating safety.

Here’s how.

Let’s start with permission. Permission to say or ask anything is priceless. It allows us to fully express ourselves: to seek what we want, to give feedback, to speak up about issues when we find the need. By announcing that he would like to have a “no secrets” meeting, Josh was giving his team permission to display a level of candor that isn’t reached in most settings. He asked those who spoke not to hold back or edit their thoughts. He asked those who listened to give their peers a chance to be fully heard, which is what we all want — to say exactly what we are thinking and be respected for saying it.

In your own meetings, talk about permission up front — it’s best to address it directly rather than assume it’s already there. What permission would you like from the group so that you can lead effectively? What permission does the group need from you to successfully participate?

As a leader, ask your team permission to:

  • keep the conversation on track when it diverges or gets repetitive
  • call on people who have not yet spoken
  • hold people back if they are dominating the conversation
  • ask clarifying questions when you need someone to elaborate

Empower your team by reminding them that they have permission to:

  • ask questions at any time
  • invite colleagues into the conversation if they have not spoken
  • ask to spend extra time on a topic
  • ask other people to say more about where they stand on an issue
  • express concerns that haven’t been fully addressed

Finally, encourage your team (and yourself) to ask permission before making a comment. It will help ensure that your comments are non-threatening and received thoughtfully. Before speaking out, say:

  • May I ask you something?
  • May I tell you something?
  • May I give you some coaching?
  • May I push back a bit on what you are saying?

If that feels like too much to remember, the main takeaway is: You and your team have a right to ask for whatever you need to be effective in a meeting — to lead for results, to fully express yourselves, and to add value to the discussion.

Now, let’s focus on safety. The degree to which a person feels safe in a meeting setting is largely based on their previous experiences. Many of us have — at one point or another — experienced feeling as if we were not heard or appreciated when we spoke up. But when people feel their comments will be listened to and treated with respect, they are more likely to be vulnerable and say exactly what they are thinking. Conversations become broader and deeper when everyone is involved and feels safe enough to speak their minds. To create psychological safety during a meeting:

  • ask the group to devote their full attention to each person who speaks (do this at the start of the meeting)
  • allow each person to take their time and complete their thoughts
  • ask follow-up questions for clarity if necessary
  • share what is valuable about someone’s question or comment
  • use people’s names and refer back to earlier comments they’ve made
  • invite people into the conversation who have not spoken
  • answer any and all questions truthfully
  • summarize what you learned as the meeting comes to an end
  • explain what actions you will take to put those insights to use and ask your team for their suggestions as well
  • acknowledge the quality of the conversation and thank the group for it

After the meeting, follow up by:

  • completing the action items by the deadlines you set
  • not sharing the conversation with others without permission
  • sending written thank you notes to participants (when appropriate)
  • following up with people to ensure their comments were addressed to their satisfaction

People don’t just want to belong, they want to contribute. You can give your team the opportunity to do so by applying the above principles. In the process of having more candid, mutually respectful conversations, your team will become more cohesive and able to work together more powerfully. They may even begin to look forward to your meetings because of the remarkable conversations that permission and safety create. And better still, you may even start to look forward to leading those meetings.

Paul Axtell is an author, speaker, and corporate trainer. He is the author of two award-winning books: Meetings Matter and the recently released second edition of Ten Powerful Things to Say to Your Kids. He has developed a training series, Being Remarkable, which is designed to be led by managers or HR

Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain

Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain

The first 3 hours of your day can dictate how your life turns out. And this often begins with the very first thing that you decide to put in your brain. You can either start you day with junk food for the brain (the internet, distracting apps, etc) or you can start the day with healthy food for the brain (reading, meditation, journaling, exercising, etc). When you start the day with junk food for the brain, you put yourself at a self imposed handicap that inhibits your ability to get into flow and prevents you from doing deep work. When you start the day with health food for your brain, the exact opposite happens.

Anytime I start my day with junk food for the brain, the quality of the day goes down. I’m less happy, focused, and productive. I spend a ton of time on the internet and don’t get any real work done. But if I start my day with health food for the brain, I find that my mood is better, I’m happier, more focused and productive.

Why Junk Food for the Brain is Toxic

If you woke up in the morning, smoked a cigarette, ate 2 donuts, and washed it down with 2 cups of coffee, it wouldn’t be surprising that your physical performance is subpar. You’re probably not going to go out and run 2 miles or win a prize fight after that kind of breakfast.

maybe draw a puzzle.

But when it comes to our brain, we’re not nearly as mindful about the idea that we should treat the information we consume like the food we eat.

“When you wake up you’re in this theta alpha state and you’re highly suggestible. Every like, comment, share, you get this dopamine fix and it’s literally rewiring your brain. What you’re smart device is doing especially if that’s the first thing you grab when you wake up and you’re in this alpha theta state, is rewiring your brain to be distracted.” — @Jim Kwik

If we start our days by checking email, instagram, or the internet, we keep reinforcing the behavior of distraction until it becomes our new habit. Some of the smartest behavioral scientist and designers in the world have worked really hard to make sure that their products are addictive, habit forming, and only provide you with a temporary sense of fulfillment so the you are always jonesing for your next fix.

As Mark Manson so brilliantly said, cell phones are the new cigarettes.

And a significant amount of what’s on the internet is nothing more than junk food for the brain.

Why Healthy Food for the Brain is So Powerful

If you woke up in the morning and had a really healthy breakfast, that revitalized and energized you, you’d likely hit the gym or a morning run expecting to be at your peak. The same goes for our brains.

When we start the day with health food for the brain, instead of a self imposed handicap, we give ourselves a massive competitive advantage. On the days when I religiously follow through on the 8-step daily routine that allowed me to write multiple books and 100’s of articles, my productivity goes through the roof, flow happens effortlessly, and I end up doing a lot of deep work. The idea for this article was actually the result of giving my brain some health food to start the day.

  • I did 20 minutes of meditation
  • I did almost an hour of reading
  • I wrote in my journal for 30 minutes
  • When I turned on my computer, I blocked distractions and started writing.

When you start the day with health food for your brain, you don’t end up depleting your willpower, and as a result you get more done in far less time.

So how exactly do you start the day with health food for your brain? To wean ourselves off of junk food for the brain, we have to actually replace it with something else.

Don’t use your devices in the morning

Smartphones distract us whether they are on, off, in our pockets, or on a table, and they command our attention even when they are not our own. The best solution for preventing smartphone distraction is to remove it from the picture altogether — Steve Magness

If your refrigerator or pantry is filled with junk food, you’re going to be much more likely to eat it. Same goes for your devices. If you turn them on first thing in the morning, you’re going to be much more likely to give into the sources of distraction that they make accessible. The only thing that I use my phone for in the morning is a 20 minute meditation with the Calm app. After that, I take it out of the room I’m working in.

Set aside 20 minutes to meditate

Reality as we know it occurs in the space between stimulus and response. An event happens and we make it mean something. But this happens so fast that we don’t question the validity of the meaning we’ve assigned to an event, situation or circumstance. The way to take control of the meaning is to slow that process down, and the way to slow that process down is with meditation.

I have a natural tendency to overreact or make situations more stressful than they really are. But as my meditation practice has deepened, I’ve noticed a profound energetic shift. Many of the things that would have previously rattled me don’t. On the mornings that I follow through with my 20 minutes of meditation, I’m able to focus more easily, and I don’t crave sources of distraction nearly as much

The most successful people I’ve interviewed on Unmistakable Creative, all of the peak performance books I’ve read, spiritual teachings, and many billionaires all reference the role that a daily meditation habit is played in their life. That was convincing enough evidence for me to make it a daily habit.

Read books, not the internet

When we read on the internet, we tend to scan more than we read. How often do you sit around at a dinner party discussing the amazing article you read on the internet? Almost all of my ideas for what I want to write about have come from books. Almost none of them have come from reading articles on the internet. I’ve even found in my cases that when I read a physical book that I previously read on Kindle, I tend to get far more value out of it.

Years ago when I interviewed Julien Smith, he said “I don’t read blogs. I read books.” And he had one of the most popular blogs on the internet. I stopped reading blogs, started reading books, and as a result became a more prolific writer. After watching the prolific career that Ryan Holiday has built, and observing his reading habits, I decided to follow his lead. Believe me the irony that you’re reading this on the internet is not lost on me.

Do 1 hour of Deep Work

One hour of deep work is a form of self care. It’s incredibly fulfilling. It’s an affirmation to yourself and to the universe that you value yourself and your time. You can accomplish extraordinary things in just one focused hour a day of uninterrupted creation time. With deep work, you get disproportionate results from your efforts. It’s the 80–20 rule at work. 80% of your output will come from 20 percent of your effort.

Just some food for thought. When I started writing this article I set my distraction blocker for 45 minutes. As I wrote this sentence I decided to do a check on my word count and realized I’d written over 1200 words in about 35 minutes. That’s what happens when you combine flow and deep work together

One last thing to consider. What are you really getting out of checking Facebook, Instagram, or anything on your phone when you wake up in the morning? Is it making you happier or more successful in any way at all? If you added up all the time you possibly waste over the course of a year on this behavior, it’s likely you could write a book, build a business, or learn an instrument, all of which are going to do far more for the quality of your life than the temporary dopamine fix your phone provides.

Shared December 24, 2018

Starting Your Day on the Internet is Damaging Your Brain…

Do you disagree?

List Comprehensions – Learning Python List Comprehensions w/ a non-developer

List Comprehensions – Learning Python List Comprehensions w/ a non-developer

Building a list is a very specific building block in learning code, being a data analyst, or whatever data driven role you find yourself sitting in.

Python List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. Common applications are to make new lists where each element is the result of some operations applied to each member of another sequence or iterable, or to create a subsequence of those elements that satisfy a certain condition. (from python)

What is list comprehensions? i for i

List comprehensions is the name of a way to create lists. A more technical rationale would be that list comprehensions provide a more concise way to create lists.

Before we begin, let’s discuss two simple methods to printing our list comprehensions.

print [i for i in range(3)]

Or we can use a letter, word, or letters+words. We will only use this method below.

x = [i for i in range(3)]
print x

Below, I will explain how to use list comprehensions, what list comprehensions is all about, and various ways to use list comprehensions when utilizing Python! Woohoo, getting excited, I can tell. (I can’t, I’m weird)

What is the goal with list comprehensions?

It is proposed to allow conditional construction of list literals using for and if clauses. It’s like you haven’t heard of either of these today, if so, go check out python’s website on list comprehensions. If this does make sense, you may also be interested to know the proposed solution not only lets you generate conditional lists with for and if, they would nest the same way for loops and if statements nest now.

About the tutorials below.
If you’re not entirely sure what any of the above text means, woohoo. You’re on the right track, you’re on the right blog, and if you do know the techie words above, but not entirely sure what it means in code, or in python… Check it out…

Tutorial 1, making a simple list of data in python using List Comprehensions

There are two different ways to make a list of numbers in python.

Take a look at List Comprehension and another more complicated method.

Assuming you have a basic python install and you’re able to do the 2+2 to get 4 in python.

Easy method to make a simple list in python.

x = [i for i in range(10)]
print x

## >>>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Complex method to make a simple list in python.

x2 = []
for x3 in range(10):
print x2

## >>>[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Both X and X2 generate the same output!

We will focus on the Easy method known as “List comprehension”

Notice we are using a different letter in the list comprehension code below.
When learning python, a lot of example code has “words” which can be changed to letters. Like below, I’m using a “y”… Later in this tutorial or lesson… I’m going to keep changing the “y”, which is the results of the list comprehension in python below!

y = [i for i in range(11)]
print y

You may be thinking, okay, we are increasing the numbers each time, and changing the letter in the beginning. That’s true, it’s a nice little pyramid if you run every bit of code together, which is pretty cool to know… You might be copy pasting different pieces of the code, and in this particular chunk of code, you can run the entire set of code, and not need to worry about anything! It will give you a results of our list comprehension code, which is clearly marked as “print” “firstletter”… easy enough to keep up with.. here’s a curve ball, I changed i to meow, and that works too.

z = [meow for meow in range(12)]
print z

This list comprehension code below has more than a letter, similar to the complex list generation code above, we used x2 (example 2), and similarly, we are not using a letter to describe the results of the list comprehension. For the new programmers -> Light bulb moment? You can name the “X”, “Y”, “Z” anything you damn please… If you’re following here, you should now see a pattern, and easy pattern to generate simple lists with a range of #’s. Also, you might be seeing a little bit of math. How exciting! You’re doing math, in python!

tyler = [i for i in range(14-1)]
print tyler

In the list comprehension below, I’m simply demonstrating addition… On the range() portion of the code.

tyler2 = [DOG for DOG in range(12+2)]
print tyler2

More math, yes division, multiplication, subtraction and addition work in python, pretty well too..

I tested, it’s accurate.

tyler3 = [i for i in range(14/2+7+1)]
print tyler3

#All results should look like:

#[0, 1, 2]
#[0, 1, 2]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]

The next few tutorials on list comprehensions will be right up your alley, if you understand the techie mumbo jumbo this will be a good refresh and a hilarious chunk of code you can likely help optimize, and I will gladly add anyone in the tutorial blog posts – and link to whatever website, github profile, etc, and help you rank better. As a novice at all things python, I’m excited to get to know you more as you take the journey I once took. I’m excited to get to know people who think this is total trash too. I need that kind of feedback. I’m learning every day, coding is hard, and I only know what I know, and that means if someone could show me all the ways the code works, I will master the code, otherwise I’m MR. Trial and error. so longest story short, you’re here to learn, me too, so let’s get started by learning everything there is to know about list comprehensions.

python list comprehensions is as necessary as eating this shaved ice desert

Python list comprehensions is as necessary as eating this shaved ice desert.

List comprehensions are powerful but poorly explained by the current top two ranking websites. That’s because they are…

  1. the company website – very smart stuff
  2. some random blog with affiliate links and viruses, popup ads..

I’m excited to show you a proper list comprehensions tutorial, without a single pop up, google ad, or affiliate link.

Pythonforbeginners sold their blog off for marginal return. Popup ads in 2018…

Making Lists in Python – List Comprehensions

Some may call this an “i for i” + “python” on google!

Why is Tyler Garrett rebuilding the wiki on List comprehensions?

The current content when googling i for i python or list comprehensions, is currently plundered with garbage water.

Automate generating a list of values using python 2.X
List comprehensions 101…

If you are new, eager to learn quickly, want to learn without having to code, need lots of examples… Looking for a lot of sample code, that tests a lot of different variations of list comprehensions, or maybe… You looked online, didn’t find anything decent, a little upset trying to learn python, need a better guide… Maybe it’s just me.

Cool, that’s why I write, to replace the TRASH WATER blogs online. No monetizing, no click ads, just solutions.

The URL Shortening Wiki – Using Short URLs for SEO

The URL Shortening Wiki – Using Short URLs for SEO

Short URLs can and will be used for increasing domain ranking and it’s not just an SEO trick to use Short URLs.

Using Short links is a best practice.

by tyler garrett

Some url shortening services are simply important to know about as you learn more about web development Or digital marketing. Have fun!


End goal with writing about URL shortening is to key in on people who want to generate an online footprint. It’s free and easy to build a following. You need to start early, and this is one of many ways to do it.

Tweet me if you need help.

Pretend you’re the little kid from Pokemon, ash. Ash is competitive and likes collecting more Pokemon balls than other people, he would have enjoyed MySpace, friend request any Pokemon he wanted.

Well, now you’re a grown up City ash.

You’re this little box, little box 📦 ash.

A little red website who sells “red colorings of red boxes.”

You’re a practical red box lobster.

“Raaaah,” you say on Google+.

Red boxes are great i #love #red #boxes.

Then you post that on 4 different box loving google+ groups.

Four green little pokemon balls, you own them, they point back at your red-box-sales website. Following me so far?

(Oh hey, links pointing at your website, blog, cat blog, red box store, pokemon backpack nightlight, etc… you can see 4 green circles and know those represent green links, you pasted in your google+ account. It’s just an app on your smartphone, laptop, or desktop. Google+ is free and builds organic traffic by increasing your ranking.)

Shortlinking for counting clicks.. *big yawn*

A shortlink counting service would tell you which of these 4 links is being clicked the most, what country, etc… giving you a quick view into your incoming traffic.

Wow, biggest yawn ever. This is boring. But, you need to know basics and that’s what this URL shortening wiki is all about. Teaching you the moves.

Mostly because…

The current mind set is to paste the same link over and over, wait a day or several days to get an update, aka google analytics & google webmaster tools. (Maybe you’ve never heard of either of these tools? They are essential to getting ranked on google and understanding user behavior on your website.)

It’s easy to add shortlinks to your typical social media output and boost your footprint quickly. I recommend adding a variety of shortlinks pointing at every web page you have ever generated, and share those on blogs, websites, comments, and with your mates on facebookinstagrammediumbloggerwordpresspinterest, etc.

Adding a shortlink to a social media post online

Adding a shortlink to your home page, as you add something hilarious on Facebook, is a bonus. Someone might click it. But google isn’t scraping private Facebook pages, or much of Facebook what so ever.

So, post again on google+ for example, like below:

It’s important to rank a website and get traffic on your website. Your website. Not someone else’s website.
Shortlinks, will help you rank.

With that said, let’s discuss URL shortening.

Google is good at counting shortened links

It counts how many quality links point at your website. So like the whiteboard above:

We can pretend — “5 links” a google robot counted.

🤖”five links”

If you’re a website with..

🤖”no links”

You aren’t selling boxes 📦.

Url shortening

Everyone says URL shortening is all about counting clicks, customizing your links, making links more actionable, etc.

What most people don’t tell you is that “shortlinks rank websites better.”

Ifyou want to know why people use URL shortening services, how I learned about URL shortening,…etc.

I wrote a little “url shortening wiki,” and hope to bridge an entrepreneurial gap with you today.

So, scroll beyond the list of link shortener services and read through the url shortening wik at the bottom of the blog. It helped me rank on google for complex terms and generates free leads.

Here’s the list of url shortening services – I’m going to explain below, show you what it looks like, and get you started.

#1) Google URL Shortener —

Google URL Shortener is the ultimate of all short links services.

It’s currently one of the first “big names” to retire their service completely and progress it to a thing called “deep linking” — which essentially says, some people want to link you to their application, and not just a web page. I’m using as the first example because it’s a good point to make, sometimes shortlink services stop! Google will continue the links, but some will not and it’s important to treat shortlink generation like a video game, otherwise it’s very boring and a bad investment of time.

Just because shortlink generating service is dead, does not mean you can not get shortlinks generated to help you diversify your SEO portfolio. It’s not the best solution, but find a friend or someone with access, and ask them for a couple of links. Do it before March 13, 2019.

You can contact me, will be happy to build you a couple! Contact me at or

What’s cool about this inactive service is that you will find out more about newer versions of the technology google is looking to implement in place of this service.

#2) Hootsuite’s —

Hootsuite acquired, I think, I don’t know. is easy, signup, they don’t spam you, go to your dashboard, the link builder is easy enough to click around and figure out — also you can schedule posts to social media here. has been around for a bit and Hootsuite’s founder has a good story to go along with his success, which makes it cool to support the company by generating links.

Hootsuite is a social media management platform, created by Ryan Holmes in 2008.[6]The system’s user interface takes the form of a dashboard, and supports social network integrations for TwitterFacebookInstagramLinkedInGoogle+ and YouTube. is a short version of a link, that isn’t all that short, but what’s nice is it’s easy enough to generate a few links quickly, and that’s helpful.

#3)’s — is a nice little link counter with a great interface for users who want to drive the needle. The other two click counters above are also helpful, powerful, but I think takes the overall cheese from a usability perspective.

If you’re in the market to spend a little money, I would start here, the free version works plenty and it’s the best option for customizing links currently.

Bitly is a URL shortening service and a link management platform. The company Bitly, Inc.was established in 2008. It is privately held and based in New York City. Bitly shortens 600 million links per month,[3] for use in social networking, SMS, and email. Bitly makes money by charging for access to aggregate data created as a result of many people using the shortened URLs.

Check out that link! > 43 clicks!

I posted it directly to a twitter post, aiming at increasing the conversion.


I posted it on LinkedIn too. Here’s the data captures.

This post went viral on twitter.

Without, I would not be able to understand what links are being clicked.

Check out the data coming from Twitter. counted 1 less than twitter.

Impressions on twitter and link counts.

1705 impressions, 14 engagements, 15 or 14 total clicks going to the blog post about Sentiment Analysis.

The math offers conversion rate based on my output. I can start catering my content to be more like this post, as it worked more than other posts, which I was able to quickly identify and check with

#4) Tinyurl’s —

Tinyurl offers a shortlink service similar to others but with less of a sexy gui wrap. They offer a python version which enables you to auto generate shortlinks. isn’t pretty but it gets the job done.

Follow along and learn how to automate making shortlinks with python using tinyurl’s code library.

#4) WordPress’s — “Get Shortlink”

WordPress has an option to generate a shortlink when you’re in the editing mode on your post. If you don’t have a couple WordPress blogs, you may want to know that it’s free and a cool place to learn about blogging.


WordPress allows you to generate a free website within their “” domain! It’s called a subdomain but let’s not get into that today.

Here’s a blog at, just below the TITLE you see the Permalink? To the far right of that link is a “Get Shortlink” button.

Blog post for finding and replacing text or numbers in a csv using python.

If you open the “Get Shortlink” ->

A shortlink from wordpress!!!

Highlight that text and copy paste it as your next link to this blog!

Shortlink from wordpress!!

How to make a backlink.

If you’re looking to learn how to generate a backlink, above should help you understand that the base install of wordpress will have that button available. Also, the free version of wordpress @ allows you to do a similar workflow!

You can find it while you’re generating your first post! It’s easy to start, and don’t pay for anything at the start!

  1. Post settings
  2. Expand Sharing
  3. Copy link:
Finding shortlink in the free wordpress subdomain.

If you don’t have a wordpress blog, get one! You can reblog your content there, use the tags efficiently, and people will be able to find your content on the other medium/social-platform.

#5)’s — application is a simple text input that makes webpages + links.

You can use it to keep track of your links and it’s free!

I’m throwing it in here because you can use it to be a sort of “landing page” of your signature links. offers a place to save your shortlinks!


Also, sort of looks like a shortlink.

#6) Tiny’s — URL shortener is not the most attractive URL shortening service and it works.

I like this service because it offers a free custom link builder.

You don’t need to customize like this…


You can also use their “native” link.

I enjoy the size of this link, must be relatively new!

Check out the size of the link:

More from, and how they recommend using tiny urls.

One of their pitches:

“Measure the conversions for links and understand your traffic with Tiny’s statistics. We can help grow your audience and increase traffic. Shorten a link for your ad campaign and track it. Hide a link. Have an address that you don’t want to reveal… such as an affiliate link? Cloak and redirect it — the recipient will only see a short address containing the domain. Make a link to your online survey or invitation. And Tiny has more advanced tools such as a traffic filter that is perfect for marketing, surveys or research projects.”

#7)’s — a URL Shortener. Mmmm, tasty URLs! offers a free URL Shortener and it’s nothing crazy, until you see the stats! is a simple URL “compression” lol

Shortening 1,298,339,529 URLs
That have been accessed 63,903,074,539 times

Crazy numbers, 63 billion accesses. A little math will explain to you how heavily used appears to be!


Also, you can add custom keywords in your link. To generate link, with a keyword.

Custom links with “your shortened url”


#8)’s — It’s more than just a URL shortener service.

It’s a short link service. I like their webpage title though!

Nothing pretty and it works!

Shortening links at is quick and easy, not sexy!

It offers a custom suffix and allows you to edit on top of that custom coded suffix.


Soo meow. appears to let you generate custom links, which is another plus if you’re looking to pad your keywords into your shortlink.

#9)’s — shortlink service, Create your QR code with statistics

If you need a funny looking square code thing, this offers that functionality.

If you want to walk through a process of generating an account to generate a link, it is a next step to build a link.


Shortlinks available once you signup. It took me <1min to signup and copy the shortlink and test that it works! is a QR code service by QR GmbH. The QR GmbH was founded in 2011 and is specialized in QR codes.

The main focus lies on the surplus value for our users. Here you create a dynamic QR code unlike many simple solutions. We offer many advantages: For example you can change the target URL of your QR codes later and view detailed statistics about the QR code calls. Our QR codes are optimized so that they can easily be printed and captured.


#10)’s — URL Shortener — URL Shortening Service is the fastest and easy way to share (so they say on their website), save, track your links. You can use via our website or you can download browser extentions. You can create also custom short url if You wanna get easy to remember url. uses powerful webservers so all Your links works extremly fast.

Nothing pretty and it works!


If you need to diversify, give a try!

So, here’s the wiki on url shortening. Scroll down to learn more.

In my url shortening wiki you will learn about:

  1. The basics of shortening links
  2. Why you should shorten links

I learned about link shortening… while frustrated.

Here’s my durp face.

Entrepreneur, loaded on coffee, competitive, and good with data — I took to Search Engine Optimization like a fish in water.

I learned about shortlinks and all the different short link services, and the ranking power associated to these shortlinks, while beating several major companies in google ranking.

Was eager to start a family, needed to learn how to drive traffic, and I noticed google keeps track of links from shortlink websites.

Learning about URL shortening was primarily for SEO purposes because it was important to beat others in ranking to build, and

Before you get started, I recommend you try to treat building short links, tiny urls, and short link services.. like a game!

Gotta catch em all.

You need to get all the short links, all of them, gotta catch em all, and hope your pokemon ball doesn’t break.

Sometimes pokemon balls break, the link breaks, which means you need to choose what pokemon ball store you buy from.

If a shortlink service decides to stop providing the service, you might lose your links pointing at your domain. Let’s discuss everything in more granularity below.

Okay, last thing about pokemon and shortlinks.

The game requires you to run around, and capture pokemon, as a collection.

If you collect a lot of shortlinks, pointing at your blog, website, service page, or content online that you want to RANK higher. You will rank higher. Shortlinks carry a lot of SEO power and help you boost your ranking on searches such as GoogleBingYahoo, etc…

Drake is catching a lot of links making rad music.

Why do I even shortlink?

  1. Shortlinks make big links less ugly.
  2. If you send someone a long link, they will think you are crazy.
  3. A shortened version of a URL can generate data.
  4. Shotened URLs offer customization, increasing click chances!
  5. Because you want to rank a URL higher on a search engine. (most of you)

The basics of shortlinks and why people shortlink.

You will send someone that big link…

“Hey John, here’s that link-

You might not know this but John hates you right now.

It’s not your fault, you may have never seen a shortlink service or even know how people generated tiny links. Luckily, you’re wise and eager to learn how to keep John’s happy.

Oh, and next time, just send John the damn picture.

Aww cute picture, deserves a cute link. I won’t link to this page because it’s garbage with click bait and viruses. Who doesn’t love the internet.

Okay, if you made it this far, you’re probably interested in understanding the basics and “why would someone use a shortlink?”

Cute dog pictures aside. Let’s get started.

Did this catch your attention? At least read the following if you’re trying to learn about link shortening, and why people even…

Use shortlinks, tinyurls, link shortening, etc. if you want people to…

You will use shortlinks if you want people to…

be your friend.

to click your link.

buy you a birthday gift.

read your ‘coaching’ blog.

listen to your damn remix.

funnel to your email scheme.

Or come to your band’s show.

Or download a PDF about getting rich quickly.

Now, you’re a complete link shortening genius and writing down all the great reasons to use a little link, tiny url, whatever!!!

Quiz: is this link below short?

This link is long and ugly: AND UGLY.

Answer: this link is not short.

The next link is short…

This link is shortened:

Short links are better.

Short links are better when you need to show off the link.

Shortlinks are better because they are inviting, explains what you get, and doesn’t look like spam.

Also, if there’s a service to capture the amount of clicks, we could identify the same link two times on 1 website, email, etc… To understand what people click the most.

A story: I applied to hundreds of jobs and had a link to my portfolio. It wasn’t until I started learning about shortlinks, where I was able to understand if people speaking to me, read my resume, and if they did read my resume, what links did they click in my resume. Without knowing your audience and their habits, how are you expected to convert the user to a customer, check if your employee clicked on a link you sent them, or question people reading your resume because they clearly didn’t click to see your portfolio… Hmmm…

Let’s start building short links!

Free shortlink generators or URL shorteners are free, free of course because why would I pay for a redirect!?

You can build your own version of small URLS on your domain rather easily with most web developer tools/plugins.

But you can also use one or several shortlink tools available online. It typically takes 2 to 5’clicks and boom you have a shortlink!

You can make our own short links on your domain. But this stuff works too.

For example, I used to rank on Tableau Consulting in 140 countries, in the top 5 on google. I learned about shortlinks while trying to catch up to all the cheating happening in these searches.

Using shortlinks is a strategic way to beat cheaters, Each link is a +1, and google keeps track of what people are clicking on in your article — but without a different link, to count, how can I tell you clicked on this link, or this link to our tableau consulting squeeze page?

It’s important to diversify the links,..

Because google counts these as direct links pointing at your domain, every link is a +1. Your competitor only cares about links, not where it’s coming from, so the outlier is, don’t cheat like them!

The google algorithm is programmed by measuring the amount of links out there. Every link takes them to a new source of data, a new page of html. The shortlink service or URL shortener offers you the ability to generate a link that takes you wherever you program the traffic to go.

Generally, 🤖these shortlinks last forever. If the webmaster or creator of the service decides to kill it, all of the links die. It’s a risk — so play with caution and excitement.

Finding a shortlink service that works, is like running into a digital kind of pokemon, and you gotta catch’em all. Some will escape, buy better poke balls.

Did you enjoy the comprehensive list of shortlink generator services?

Hopefully you enjoyed the list, if you’re looking to learn more about things I blog about, check out

6 things Successful People Do Unsuccessfully.

6 things Successful People Do Unsuccessfully.

Hello, Tyler here. In today’s blog, I want to discuss 6 things I see successful people do unsuccessfully.

Mostly, I see people trying to make dogs work as a brand.

Just kill that dead already, dogs are great but don’t jam them into every part of your life. Never know how good it could have tasted if you had gone with a regular brand or logo.

I’ve seen entire companies crumble under the weight of a bad branding idea, like this dog food non-dog food.

Branding so bad, you make a sign to say it’s for people.

Check out this tasty snack, lol, felt like I was eating dog food. Terrible branding idea. The snack was good, but the branding was bad enough to discuss.

About my unsuccessful successful life.

I started working around 14 years old because I wanted to buy things.

I want people to know who you are, so let me tell you what I see others doing poorly. So you can learn from their mistakes.

In the last 4 months I’ve analyzed over 500 businesses and spoke to roughly 200+ CEO, VP, or some executive title.

Companies that range from 20million to 1billion in annual revenue.

And I’ve been consulting for nearly a decade, in the enterprise business intelligence, automation, and predictive analytics space.

Websites cost <$30. 😂So, if you don’t own website yet, you’re getting behind daily.

Buy your domain today. I use Google Domains.

If you’re stuck on facebook, instagram, etc… It’s time to move on. You don’t own the domain names, and at any point you could be banned.

People are usually only able to scale their success, if they can control their own personal ego. Ego isn’t a bad thing when it comes to building a new thing or being an entrepenur.

People need an ego to get where you are, confidence, and you need to lose it to get further. I speak from experience.

Here are 6 things you need to consider to become successful.

  1. Successful people are not always right, that works enough to get you to this juncture
  2. Rarely do I see anyone doing really well… who also understands how to monetize it, so don’t stress that problem today.
  3. They do not understand the value of investing money back into the business, you’re not an investor, delegate to people who understand.
  4. Their fear of failure keeps you from progressing.
  5. The fear of unknown keeps you from changing.
  6. The fear of success.. is one I’m still learning to overcome. I’m learning you can’t force success and finding a ‘network of people’ who support your crazy ideas, is key. Because most people only want to see you FAIL.

Last tip, they don’t know when or how to ask for help.

You know what you know.

Until someone shows you another way.

How to be more successful with your failures

Learning how to be more successful is a wash if you’re focused on fans or success. Failure is what helps me drive success. I’ve failed millions of times and now I’ve learned to fail trillions of times, in a split second.

Not magic, just tools. Went to college. Grinded.

Now I wear dumb shirts under my business meetings. 😂

(My first time in Toronto.)

If you want to start an idea, try WordPressWeeblyInstagram, YouTube, and be fucken consistent.

  • WordPress is free, easy, personal blog, whatever you want.
  • Weebly is free, easy, whatever you want, Blog.
  • Instagram is free and mostly bots.
  • Better to blog, Facebook ain’t shit.
  • Tell your friends about this, it maybe what they need.

Something every day, share it on every platform. Ask people for feedback. People who will give you a hammer. Not a pillow. And improve.

No deadlines, this ain’t school, you click edit, and it doesn’t suck as much when you edit… thousands of edits… it’s okay. 👌

Download medium, it’s free. What’s the hold up, you don’t need to put your social security to get an account. Tell your stories and watch yourself talk in video.

You only need 5 mins a day, get behind a camera, and do what ever you want.Just be real.

Don’t quit your full time job when starting your second grind.


Tyler Garrett

Dad, husband, nerd, tableau consultant